Heather Mitts

Image of Heather Mitts
You have to control what you can control, not the entire game, and try to play the best soccer possible and play clean and be smart and professional.
- Heather Mitts
Collection: Soccer
Image of Heather Mitts
Some of the players are known as scorers or assists. I guess what I am known as being is an ironwoman.
- Heather Mitts
Collection: Player
Image of Heather Mitts
Anytime you have any opportunity to be with the national team it's an honor and a challenge, and it is something I am looking forward to.
- Heather Mitts
Collection: Team
Image of Heather Mitts
I eat a huge breakfast every morning - it's what I look forward to. I'll do steel-cut oatmeal with blueberries and strawberries, an egg white scramble with mushrooms, zucchini, and onion, and a piece of cinnamon Ezekiel bread with almond butter. I could do that every single day.
- Heather Mitts
Collection: Morning
Image of Heather Mitts
Women's soccer is not heavily publicized, so when you have an opportunity to be in a big magazine that publicity can be good. It definitely helpes as far as awareness about women's soccer.
- Heather Mitts
Collection: Soccer
Image of Heather Mitts
I want to do some things before I have children, because when I have children it's not going to happen. I've done bungee jumping, I've done the running with the bulls, I guess sky diving is the last thing on my list.
- Heather Mitts
Collection: Running
Image of Heather Mitts
Running with the bulls was one of my crazier judgments in life and one of those things I decided to do spur of the moment. It was pretty hilarious.
- Heather Mitts
Collection: Running
Image of Heather Mitts
Always double-knot your sneakers. One of my teammates once lost a shoe during a game!
- Heather Mitts
Collection: Games
Image of Heather Mitts
Whether I'm flying two hours or across the country, I always make sure to have a packet of almonds with me, an apple, and a Luna bar. I carry those around on a daily basis in case I'm stuck somewhere or hungry.
- Heather Mitts
Collection: Country
Image of Heather Mitts
Hair is really where we can be creative. I have my "game hair," which is always different than how I'd wear it at practice.
- Heather Mitts
Collection: Hair