Grover Norquist

Image of Grover Norquist
Obsessions turn people off.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
Being married is kind of like being a Ken-doll; you don't get to dress yourself anymore.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
The statists want to control the economy.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
My ideal citizen is the self-employed, homeschooling, IRA-owning guy with a concealed-carry permit.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
We plan to pick up another five seats in the Senate and hold the House through redistricting through 2012. And rather than negotiate with the teachers' unions and the trial lawyers and the various leftist interest groups, we intend to break them.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
I read murder mysteries. I exercise 40 minutes a day. I watch videotapes while I exercise. I listen to audiotapes when I am in my car. And I try to stay in three different centuries.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
Wars are expensive and dangerous. They're not political winners.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
The tax issue is the most powerful issue in American politics going back to the Tea Party. People say, 'Oh, Grover Norquist has power.' No. Grover Norquist and Americans for Tax Reform focus on the tax issue. The tax issue is a powerful issue.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
If the parties would brand themselves the way Coke and Pepsi and other products do so that you knew what you were buying, it had quality control. I vote for the Republican. He or she will not raise my taxes. I'll buy one. I'll take that one home.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
We should reduce total government spending as a percentage of the economy. The left wants to focus on the deficit so they can take us away from the focus on spending as a percentage of the economy.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
As long as we're focused on spending, there are only two ways to do that: One is spend less, and Democrats have no solutions for that. Or we have pro-growth policies that make the economy grow so the dead-weight cost of government becomes a smaller percentage of the economy and therefore less expensive.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
Twenty-five years ago, I created the Taxpayer Protection Pledge at the federal level. Then I brought it to the state and local level. About 97 percent of the Republicans in the House and 85 percent in the Senate have signed on, and the number of candidates who have taken the pledge is even higher. It's become a party position.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
There are several reasons to oppose tax increases. First, every dollar of tax increase is a dollar you didn't get in spending restraint. Two, if you walk into the Democrats' Andrews-Air-Force-Base, Lucy-with-the-Football trick for the third time in a row - they don't have have a saying for being fooled three times!
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
The American taxpayers are a powerful force. They don't want their taxes raised. Obama and the Democrats have a fight with the American people, not with me.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
Well, certainly the Democrats have been arguing to raise the capital gains tax on all Americans. Obama says he wants to do that. That would slow down economic growth. It's not necessarily helpful to the economy. Every time we've cut the capital gains tax, the economy has grown. Whenever we raise the capital gains tax, it's been damaged.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
I run a taxpayer group - the most powerful guy in D.C., nonsense. OK? There are buildings with thousands of people in them, all lobbying for more spending and higher levels of spending and more government commitments. And there are a handful - a handful of groups that fight for less spending.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
Obama wants to take the individual small business tax to 44 percent, and the corporate rate - he says - down to 28 percent or whatever. But that really damages the small businesses. And it doesn't make us competitive. You got to take them both down to 20, because state and local corporate taxes are 5 percent.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
I think it's very important to always make sure that you're talking to the entire coalition and to as many Americans as possible; not to go chasing after one little group or another. The Democrats would bring new groups into their party and not notice that larger groups are going out the back door.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
Look, the center right coalition in American politics today is best understood as a coalition of groups and individuals that on the issue that brings them to politics what they want from the government is to be left alone.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
The job of the government isn't to go around and try and make people sacrifice, it's to try and make people free. The reason why we have a national defense is to protect our freedoms.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
When I was younger, I thought of myself as a Nixon Republican because he was the anti-Communist.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
This always confuses liberals, that conservatives like the military and don't like the bureaucracy. That's because the military has their guns pointed out and the bureaucracy has them pointed in.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
Democrats are people who raise your taxes and spend your money on weird stuff. They steal your guns, and they spit on your faith.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
If the Republican Party works with the Hispanic community, the immigrant community, they're natural allies. People who came to this country are more freedom-loving and more American than people who just happened to be born here.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
The question is: How do we reduce spending from 25% of GDP, which is where Obama put us? The focus is on total government spending. Can we bring it down, in a reasonable and politically acceptable way? That's what the Paul Ryan plan does. It puts us on a gradual reform path to reducing the size of government.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
Obama has been perhaps the most partisan President since Truman. He hasn't learned to be civil - note his insulting speech to Paul Ryan, who did us the courtesy of scoring a budget. The president has to talk to Republicans when it comes to the debt ceiling. He has reached the debt ceiling before anyone expected.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
Obama is a guy who claims to be unaware that there was a Tea Party, a guy that's detached from the country.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
The important thing about tax reform is you make the tax code less complicated, easier for people to understand.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
We should reduce total government spending as a percentage of the economy.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
A 20-pound weight on the back of a small horse is more damaging than a 20-pound weight on a very big horse.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
There's no reason to raise taxes. Taxes should be lower... The problem we have is that government spends too much, not that taxes are too low.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
The tax issue is the most powerful issue in American politics going back to the Tea Party.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
We cannot allow anything that's called 'national defense' to justify any and all spending. We need to be very, very careful that we don't overspend and say, 'Oh, that's defense,' when perhaps it isn't.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
We need a Federal government that does what the government needs to do and stops doing what the government ought not to be doing.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
Immigration is America's No. 1 economic asset. The rest of the world can't do that. We can have every smart person we want, every high-skilled person we want.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
The future of the Republican Party, all the different folks looking to lead the Republican Party at the national level in the future, recognize we should do immigration reform.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
People who say that there's a vote within the Republican Party that moves against immigrants is just factually not accurate.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
If you feel the government should leave you alone, you're a Republican. If you think the job of the government is to go push people around and take things for you, then you're a Democrat.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
If you're so committed to liberty that you see the Soviet Union as a threat, you're a Republican. If you're kind of indifferent to freedom and the level of the lack of freedom in the Soviet Union is just a question of extent and not really threatening to anybody, then you're a Democrat.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
Democrats are people who raise your taxes and spend your money on weird stuff. They steal your guns, and they spit on your faith. And because the Democratic Party was taken over by the aggressive secular guys, they became hostile not just to conservative Catholics and evangelical Christians, but Orthodox Jews and Muslims and Mormons.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
Conservatives should insist that defense spending be examined with the same seriousness that we demand in examining the books of those government agencies that spend taxpayer money in the name of welfare, the environment, or education.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
We laugh at liberals who declare that their favorite spending programs should be exempt because the spending is for a noble cause.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
Spending should be transparent. All spending by the Pentagon should be online. Every check. Exceptions should be made for legitimate national security issues. But military and civilian pay and retirement benefits are not state secrets. This has already been done in many state governments.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
Spending is not caring. Spending is what politicians do instead of caring. Spending more does not guarantee success. Politicians like to measure spending because it is easier than measuring actual metrics of accomplishment.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
Not continuing a tax cut is not technically a tax increase.
- Grover Norquist
Image of Grover Norquist
We don't need someone who can think. We need someone with enough digits to hold a pen.
- Grover Norquist
Collection: Thinking
Image of Grover Norquist
I don't want to abolish government. I simply want to reduce it to the size where I can drag it into the bathroom and drown it in the bathtub.
- Grover Norquist
Collection: Government
Image of Grover Norquist
All we have to do is replace Obama. ... We are not auditioning for fearless leader. We don't need a president to tell us in what direction to go. We know what direction to go. We want the Ryan budget. ... We just need a president to sign this stuff. We don't need someone to think it up or design it. The leadership now for the modern conservative movement for the next 20 years will be coming out of the House and the Senate.
- Grover Norquist
Collection: Thinking
Image of Grover Norquist
My ideal citizen is the self-employed, homeschooling, IRA-owning guy with a concealed-carry permit. Because that person doesn't need the goddamn government for anything.
- Grover Norquist
Collection: Government