Gianluca Vialli

Image of Gianluca Vialli
I wasn't particularly good at showing my emotions and I kept things inside. It's not good. Now I realize that whenever I want to cry, I cry.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I try not to cry in front of people that might get very emotional. I try to cry by myself. When I'm in a comfortable place, I don't hold anything inside. I just let it out, and I feel better afterwards.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I always felt I didn't want to fight cancer, because it would be too big and powerful an enemy.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I am a man who is on a journey and cancer has joined me on that journey... my goal is to keep walking, keep moving until he's had enough and leaves me alone.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
If I'm thinking about work, it's easier to block the irrational thoughts out of my mind.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I am not a warrior.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I'm here with all my faults and my many fears, but also with the desire to do something important.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
The truth is, Chelsea would like a manager who is more of a club man.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Conte can't wait to leave Chelsea. He can't stand that they sell or buy players without consulting him.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I never want to make the people dearest to me suffer: my parents, my brothers and my sister, my wife Cathryn, our children Olivia and Sofia.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I hope that my story can help inspire others who are at a decisive crossroads in their lives.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
One of the important things, which I wrote on yellow post-it notes and stuck on the wall during therapy, was that we are the product of our own thoughts.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
The important thing is not winning, but that we think in a winning way.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
We Italians need to feel like we're under pressure, we need to see an enemy.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Clubs have sponsors. They are just there for commercial reasons but the club calls them partners. Then you have the fans. The fans are emotionally involved, they are loyal, and the clubs call them customers. I think fans owning a share of the club would mean the owners know what 'customers' really think and feel.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Italian football has a lot of appeal, even though it must improve.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Success comes from the culture you create in your organization.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
To wear the Juventus shirt is an honor, but it's also very heavy.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
The only way you can play with three strikers - which we did at Juventus - is if the three work really hard, and become the first defenders.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I think I've got my muscles back. I've been working out every other day with my wife.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I never thought that being a footballer I was invincible, I knew I was human.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I never meditated before. I wish I'd started when I was a footballer or more importantly when I was a manager. It might have saved me from insanity.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I was in love with Cruyff growing up.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I'm lucky because my life has been very exciting.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
As a player I had the opportunity twice a week to play football in front of thousands of people and I could make them happy by just scoring a goal.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
If you want to sell a service, you have to be the first to believe that the service has value.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
It's because of football that I bought my first car, I bought my first house and I probably had sex for the first time... actually, that was definitely because of football.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
The defenders can be clever and use everything within the laws of the game to stop the strikers scoring goals and, while some pulling is allowed, you need to be clever.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
You realize just by writing down everything you own that it's just materialistic stuff. We are much more than that.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I have my family. I've got the love of my wife, my daughters and friends, people who like me, think about me and send me prayers and positive energy.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
When you meet people you don't want them to look at you and say 'poor you.' I just wanted to be treated like a normal person.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I tried to start looking at things differently; I tried to surround myself with positive energy. Meditation helped, exercising, writing, reading and learning new things.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I don't think Italian football is a particularly appealing product for anyone that wants to invest unless they are Italians that understand exactly what goes on in our country and the way things are done.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
If I was a wealthy foreigner I wouldn't want to invest in Italy because there are so many uncertainties, all the scandals related to corruption and match-fixing.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I am glad to see there are some football clubs that are trying to change the trend and move it towards a British way of running clubs, obviously with a very strong Italian identity.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Italian football lost credibility because of the match-fixing scandals - the best footballers didn't want to come.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Lifting the Champions League trophy would be something Juventus deserve.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I knew that was going to be the last chance to play in the Champions League final - I was desperate to win, I put a lot of pressure on myself. Finally I got hold of that cup - it was the defining moment of my career. I got really emotional and nearly fainted on the pitch.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I still get upset if the pasta is not cooked how I like it, but I've learned to put things into context.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I don't like thinking 'Why me, why me, why me?' when I was diagnosed with cancer because that would be hypocritical. I didn't say 'Why me?' when I was one in a thousand who made it as a professional footballer.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
It is only when you are afraid that you can be courageous. So if you don't overcome any fear, how can you find out who you really are?
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
It's the inability to handle the pressure that makes a big difference between the Italian players and the England players when it comes to the World Cup stage.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
The Italian players, they eat pressure for breakfast, so they grow up with a lot of pressure and they know how to handle it.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I think England are a very exciting side because they have got so many young, talented, creative players, playing up front.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
If other teams want to score they must know they have to get past all 11 players. It's a simple philosophy.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
As a manager, you have to sow a seed of imagination in your players.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I don't want robots. I want players who are spontaneous.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Management is about improving your relationship with the players and the journalists, about learning to read a game better so that you can make changes.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
In the Premier League you get the feeling they give you a bit longer to sort out problems. They are more understanding and, most importantly, owners of football clubs don't think they know more than managers.
- Gianluca Vialli