Gianluca Vialli

Image of Gianluca Vialli
Italian managers don't enjoy themselves at all.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
In Italy managers are judged simply by results.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
We were all in love with the club. We went to bed with Sampdoria pajamas on, while going to the Bogliasco training ground in the morning was always a joy: the blue of the sea on one side, the green of the hills on the other. Wonderful.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I'm looking forward to staying on the bench as a manager. I'm not going to push myself into the team or play for the sake of it.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I've tried to keep myself fit, but to be successful you need to think and train as a player.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I gave up at the right time, scoring a goal against Derby. I didn't hear anybody shouting, 'Please stop, you are getting too old.' That's a success. And I don't want to come back for the sake of it.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Obviously, I love playing football and I have kept fit.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
It's difficult to be both a good player and a good manager.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
The Champions League is worth more and allows you to write a page in football's history.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I really enjoyed coaching Chelsea. It was a different atmosphere with less money and a more familiar environment.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Chelsea are like a beautiful wife who married a richer man after leaving me.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
You need to be unbelievably fit for Gaelic football.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
You need pressure... I think in England players are not trained to deal with pressure.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
When you wake up in the morning and you see the same beautiful face next to you, your wife, you don't get bored do you?
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
The three European finals I won, I remember very well.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
It's an indescribable moment when you lift the cup and you scream with your supporters.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
It's very important for me to play in London. It's a wonderful city.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Finishing second and getting in the Champions' League quarter-finals or semi-finals is fine, but at the end of the day you need to take some silverware.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
In Italy, managers don't know how long they're going to be in charge for and there's always rumors about someone taking over.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Italian football is a laughing stock.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I have been thinking quite a lot about retiring... it is getting very difficult to be both a player and a manager.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I'm mentally drained even when I'm just sitting on the bench and not playing.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I'm not 25 anymore. It takes much longer to recover now from a game than before.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
As a player I thought all managers were doing something wrong.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
It's not simply a case of managing players as they used to be any more, because players now are like small companies. You have to deal with their agents and it's become extremely tough being a manager these days.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Celebrations have now become too selfish and I don't like it. When I used to score I was happy to celebrate with my team-mates. Now when players score it is all about them.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I love players but I'm afraid it has become a selfish culture.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I am happy working for Sky Italia, they pay me to go to watch football matches which is great by me.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I am absolutely satisfied with my experience in English football because despite the two dismissals it allowed me to win more than one trophy and to live in a different environment from Italy, where I feel very happy.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
For me to live in England and be part of English football is the maximum of this life.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Italy should learn from the English system regarding security and civility.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
If I played again it would be like Maradona or Platini playing again!
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
At Chelsea, even though I achieved a lot, they did not have great confidence in me.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
My pleasure comes from doing my job in the best possible way. Whether it is at Chelsea or Juventus or Watford, it does not really matter.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
You know, it's vital for me, when I take a job, to work with people I can enjoy working with.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Sometimes when Premiership referees drop down a division they think they can have an easy ride.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
When the opposition has the ball you don't want to chase. You want to stay fresh for when the opportunity comes to score.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
In England you probably have too many cups with the Champions League as it is now. You have the FA Cup and another cup; what's the point in that? Probably one cup should be more than enough.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Football is something great, but it is like making love: if you do it every minute you get bored, so you have to take your time and do it now and again.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Italian players go to bed and they think about the training session of that day and the one the day after.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
You need to be humble, play with pride but also aggression.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
A sore ankle, a swollen knee or a bruise makes you feel alive.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
It's inevitable that you find out about your true self. There was so much I realized I had to work on, to try to improve.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Cancer is an unwanted travel companion, but I can't help it.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
I played for four clubs during my career and for me it was like having four wives.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
They say the Premier League is best league in the world. Or Roy Keane says we are brainwashed into believing it. He might be right. But I can definitely say it's the most entertaining league.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Pressure is a combination of expectations, scrutiny and consequences. If the consequences are grave, then you feel more pressure and if you feel more pressure you learn how to cope with that.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
In Italy, you lose a game, you can't walk out of the stadium without having a police escort. You lose a game in England and you get out and, as long as you've done your best, you are asked to sign autographs and you see the kids and you see everybody and nothing happens.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Something I think that I'm good at is that I don't complain.
- Gianluca Vialli
Image of Gianluca Vialli
Having someone breathing on your neck can be good for you.
- Gianluca Vialli