George Jones

Image of George Jones
I miss all of my old friends who have passed away. Sometimes you just don't understand why they were taken so soon. I loved and miss Johnny Cash. I miss my old buddy Johnny Paycheck, who happens to be buried in an area of the cemetery that I bought for my family.
- George Jones
Collection: Family
Image of George Jones
Country fans need to support country music by buying albums and concert tickets for traditional artists or the music will just fade away. And that would be really sad.
- George Jones
Collection: Sad
Image of George Jones
My mama loved me more than anybody ever did.
- George Jones
Image of George Jones
I was born in Saratoga, Texas, a little town there in the Big Thicket about 60 miles north of Beaumont. Needless to say, we were very, very poor, but we always managed to have enough to keep our bellies full.
- George Jones
Image of George Jones
I loved Roy Acuff with all my heart, and I never dreamed I'd be able to meet him or see him onstage, or especially become good friends with him. For all this to happen, it's hard to explain what a dream this is when you love something as much as I love traditional country music.
- George Jones
Image of George Jones
I tried to be a house painter, but I couldn't stand all that paint all over me.
- George Jones
Image of George Jones
I just wanted to sing, in church or wherever.
- George Jones
Image of George Jones
We'd just go to church and sing. My dad would get me and my sister Doris, and we would sing together. I sung the harmony, and my sister Doris took the lead.
- George Jones
Image of George Jones
After the first couple of years recording, I did a lot of praying. I said, 'Lord, please give me a hit.' I want one so bad.
- George Jones
Image of George Jones
There's nothing prettier in the world than a melody. I can get lost in a song with a melody. A lot of times I have, and the song wasn't that good, but I would get lost in that melody, and I'd want to do the song.
- George Jones
Image of George Jones
The only music we ever listened to out in the piney woods was Roy Acuff and the Grand Ole Opry. That was the only night of the week I was allowed to lay in the middle of the bed with Mama and Daddy, just long enough to hear Roy Acuff sing; then I had to go back to bed.
- George Jones
Image of George Jones
Roy Acuff was a big hero for me, and I was so sad when he passed. It's hard as you get older to lose your friends and family.
- George Jones
Image of George Jones
When you don't act right to your family and friends, that's bad, but they also have the opportunity to experience the 'good' side as well. Disappointing the fans is an entirely different thing because the fans love your music and save up money to see you in concert.
- George Jones
Image of George Jones
There were a lot of songs during my MCA years that I thought should have been singles but were not. You can't worry about what wasn't - I was very lucky to have as many hits as I had.
- George Jones
Image of George Jones
There was no such thing as production at Starday. We'd go in with the band, we'd go over the song, I'd look over and tell the steel player to take a break or kick it off, and I'd get the fiddle to play a turnaround in the middle.
- George Jones
Image of George Jones
There are questions I'm still not wise enough to answer, just wise enough to no longer ask.
- George Jones
Collection: Inspirational
Image of George Jones
The only thing different between sinners and saints is one is forgiven and the other ain't.
- George Jones
Collection: Different
Image of George Jones
I took my $100,000 and bought a new Corvette, a lot of cocaine, and spent the rest on foolishness.
- George Jones
Collection: Cocaine
Image of George Jones
Country music to me is heartfelt music that speaks to the common man. It is about real life stories with rather simple melodies that the average person can follow. Country music should speak directly and simply about the highs and lows of life. Something that anyone can relate to.
- George Jones
Collection: Country
Image of George Jones
I've had a lot of practice and wrong's what I do best.
- George Jones
Collection: Practice
Image of George Jones
Walk through this world with me, go where I go. Share all your dreams with me, for I love you so.
- George Jones
Collection: Romantic
Image of George Jones
Maybe some folks are alcoholics and others are just voluntary drunks. Maybe some folks drink due to body chemistry and others due to their lazy characters. Maybe some have drinking problems, while others have problems enough to drink.
- George Jones
Collection: Drinking
Image of George Jones
You can't put this possum in a cage
- George Jones
Collection: Cages
Image of George Jones
You can shut out the world. But you always have to stop, and the world is always waiting when you do.
- George Jones
Collection: Waiting
Image of George Jones
There's bad in everything. I dislike people misusing something that I love so much. It goes beyond the money. It goes beyond all of that and the glory. I love what I've done and I just can't stand to see what they're doing to it. But I've learned to live with it because that's what they've done. They've come in with the modern sounds. I call it modern pop. It's not country anymore.
- George Jones
Collection: Country
Image of George Jones
Loneliness is lessened when you're lonely by choice.
- George Jones
Collection: Lonely
Image of George Jones
I just thank God I'm still here and the main thing is to try to get closer and closer to Him as much as I can so that I can treat my friends and my family the way they should be treated.
- George Jones
Collection: Trying
Image of George Jones
If drinking don't kill me, her memory will.
- George Jones
Collection: Memories
Image of George Jones
There, gleaming in the glow, was that ten-horsepower rotary engine under a seat. A key glistening in the ignition. I imagine the top speed for that old mower was five miles per hour. It might have taken an hour and a half or more for me to get to the liquor store, but get there I did.
- George Jones
Collection: Taken
Image of George Jones
There's nothing prettier in the world than a melody. I can get lost in a song with a melody.
- George Jones
Collection: Song
Image of George Jones
Different people have their ways of measuring success, maybe it's not the right way but wrong's what I do best.
- George Jones
Collection: Philosophy
Image of George Jones
Be real about what you do. Stay true to the voice inside you. Don't let the 'business' change what it is you love because the people, the fans, respond to what is heartfelt. They can always tell when a singer is faking it.
- George Jones
Collection: Real
Image of George Jones
I sing from my heart, I love country music and I love the people that respond to it. You never see yourself as others do but I've always beeen proud to be part of country music and I hope that the format is proud of me.
- George Jones
Collection: Country
Image of George Jones
I'd rather sing a sad song than eat.
- George Jones
Collection: Song
Image of George Jones
Everybody knows in the business how I feel about country music. I'm an old traditionalist. Then they just call me an old man and stuck in my old ways, but with all the fans I've got out there, I can't be all that wrong. I do love traditional country music. I love the good stuff.
- George Jones
Collection: Country
Image of George Jones
If you're gonna drive me crazy baby, drive me to drink.
- George Jones
Collection: Baby
Image of George Jones
I lay my head on the wheel and the horn begins honking, the whole neighborhood knows that I'm home drunk again.
- George Jones
Collection: Home
Image of George Jones
A new artist today has to get their teeth fixed, has to tighten their jeans up, and they have to get 'em the right kind of hat, and if anything's wrong with their nose, if it's a little crooked, it's got to be straightened up.
- George Jones
Collection: Artist
Image of George Jones
I just want to keep living on and enjoying food! Even though I'm gaining weight, I want to record if the Lord wants me to still record, and I just want to do my work on the road as long as I got those fans out there.
- George Jones
Collection: Long
Image of George Jones
No matter what song I recorded or sang, I did it my way.
- George Jones
Collection: Song
Image of George Jones
He stopped loving her today, they placed a wreath upon his door.
- George Jones
Collection: Death
Image of George Jones
It didn't make much difference what time of night it was, whenever [my father would] come in drunk, he'd say, "Get up and sing me some songs." We didn't want to sing but we sang.
- George Jones
Collection: Country
Image of George Jones
I would just like to say thank you to each one of my fans for supporting me all these years and continuing to come to the concerts and buy my music. I owe them everything.
- George Jones
Collection: Years
Image of George Jones
I hear some new artists that sound country but the record labels and country radio lean more toward a more rock feel for what gets signed to a label and played on the radio.
- George Jones
Collection: Country
Image of George Jones
I've always said that if I could have made a living someway in gospel music, I would have loved to had that break, but it never was offered to me, a job in that field, so naturally, I got lost on that other road.
- George Jones
Collection: Jobs
Image of George Jones
God bless the boys from Memphis, blue suede shoes, and Elvis.
- George Jones
Collection: Boys
Image of George Jones
Anybody who loves country music loves gospel. Even they are competing with the same type of problem that I'm competing with. We older artists are competing with the new style of country, with their new modern style of gospel, with the young people.
- George Jones
Collection: Country
Image of George Jones
If people liked your singing well enough, if you were special to them, then you never left their minds throughout all of the years.
- George Jones
Collection: Years
Image of George Jones
Today they forget you in five years. They give an artist nowadays four or five years and that's it. Some of them don't have that. They get a couple of releases. If you don't sell two million copies, you're gone, you're out of here.
- George Jones
Collection: Couple
Image of George Jones
Before then, Britain was pessimistic and the role of government was largely managing Britain in decline.
- George Jones
Collection: Government