George Eads

Image of George Eads
'CSI' was a little cutting-edge at the time because it made TV look like movies. It was shot in that Jerry Bruckheimer style with dolly shots, putting the camera on rails so stylistically, it looked aesthetically more like a film.
- George Eads
Collection: Movies
Image of George Eads
I'm interested to go other places, I've been the boy in the bubble since we've been shooting, I need to go travel a little bit, see where the action is, other than going to see family, of course.
- George Eads
Collection: Travel
Image of George Eads
I have a Lab, it's fun to hang out and hike with the dog, people come up to him, and pet him, it's fun.
- George Eads
Collection: Pet
Image of George Eads
Really, the measure of a man is when they're tired and exhausted.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I love what I do and I love the fans.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I handwrite out all my lines. I like to see my handwriting, and I like to keep my notes over time.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I think what's always been interesting to me than the science and the criminality with this job is what happens to your persona, your disposition, after day in and day out dealing with life and death.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I don't speak fluent Spanish. I took it in college.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
Any time you put a cast like this in compromising circumstances or shake it up a little bit, I think we're all pretty close so we draw on real emotion.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
Most of my stuff before CSI was kind of the jerk boyfriend, so I thought this was one of those deals, where these two have a thing going on, so we had a scene where they make out.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
One lady wrote me and told me how she wants to see me get beat up and near death and that kind of stuff.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I think my character's getting to the point where he can't even eat spaghetti with red sauce anymore, where he has horrible nightmares, he can't sleep anymore.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I work so hard for the fans who watch our show.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
No, there are some location shoots in Vegas, maybe four trips a year. It's shot in Santa Clarita, CA.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
The show has boundaries right now we're trying to widen them not break them.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I've been trying to pick up painting but it's hard.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
It looks easy, like surfing, but surfing is hard too.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
There are a lot of times that if a detail in a scene or a beat, feels unnatural, they'll allow me to explore another direction to go until we're all comfortable with what we are doing.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I think I'm a fan of people who were brave, my aunt, my grandmother, those are my heroes.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
We give each other a hard time, but no pranks.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
To be honest with you, I get a little fed up with actors who act crazy to make themselves more interesting.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I've seen a dead body, I've seen some pretty gruesome fist fights, I've been a hunter since I was a child, though I don't anymore, I've gutted wild game.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I think I'll give it up, the fantasy is over, I wanted to play Spiderman, Peter Parker.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
Another challenge? Getting up at 6:30 in the morning to go act. It's not fun acting that early in the morning or acting at 4 A.M in the middle of the night or in the morning when you're really tired. That's a challenge. What a luxurious problem to have.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I think people would be suprised at how much we curse when we screw up. I'm like somebody with Tourette's Syndrome.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
Over the years, I've gotten a little bit thick-skinned when it comes to the acting thing.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I think we take for granted police officers and detectives that walk into some pretty heinous situations, and they really have to be very brave. So I love playing a character that's very brave - someone that kind of dives in the fire to figure out what's happened.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I love action. I love stage combat.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
A lot of movie stars don't want to go to TV because of how hard you have to work. You have to be a soldier.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
Sleep is the gasoline that keeps me going.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I'm an outdoorsy guy. I've always been.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I grew up in the late '70s. We played outside all day. I think that's where I got the whole notion of being an actor, you know, stunt fighting with my friends.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
Laurence Fishburne is my mentor.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I've had a lot of sports cars.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
'CSI' is a part of who I am.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I've done some things I've been scared to see. But you can kind of feel when you've got a hit on your hands.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
It had been an odd, kind of rough year for me when 'CSI' ended.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I grew up in a pretty small town in Texas, population 8,000, and we had a lot of open spaces.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I feel like I have a lot of dedication to the acting profession.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
Whenever I didn't have a job, I studied acting, I sent out tapes, went on auditions.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
Around '93, I had to get a couple of jobs. I had a job for a while working at a gym, just so I could work out for free, because I knew if I didn't exercise, I'd go crazy. It's the key to my mental health, actually.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I thought actors were born in Hollywood. I didn't know how to go about it.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I really love Evel Knievel, what he stood for.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I think my father's skepticism fueled me to work harder.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
To get to wear the costume of Evel Knievel, are you kidding me? When I was a kid, I had Superman. I had Spiderman. I had Evel Knievel.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
I wasn't raised to be the braggart.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
If I get a free moment, I want to get outside, play golf, go fishin'.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
With every passing week, I get an opportunity to improve my acting because I get to do it day in, day out. So a lot of times, I compare it to being a professional athlete.
- George Eads
Image of George Eads
Many forms, sizes and colors, I think there are heroes in sports, in life...It would be cliché to say my dad, my granddad. I think I'm a fan of people who were brave, my aunt, my grandmother, those are my heroes.
- George Eads
Collection: Sports
Image of George Eads
I have a Lab, it’s fun to hang out and hike with the dog, people come up to him, and pet him, it’s fun.
- George Eads
Collection: Fun