Gary Bauer

Image of Gary Bauer
Obviously, marriage is not a synonym for morality. But stable marriages and families do encourage moral behavior.
- Gary Bauer
Image of Gary Bauer
America used to have a strong 'moral safety net' for its people. Today that net is badly frayed, not only because families are disintegrating but also because the church doesn't play the same role that it once did in many Americans' lives.
- Gary Bauer
Image of Gary Bauer
The stigma that was once attached to things society deemed unhealthy served the purpose of making them undesirable. With the stigma gone, many people see little reason not to do whatever feels good at the moment.
- Gary Bauer
Image of Gary Bauer
Guided by nothing but pop culture values, many children no longer learn how to think about morality and virtue, or to think of them at all. They grow up with no shared moral framework, believing that the highest values are diversity, tolerance and non-judgmentalism.
- Gary Bauer
Image of Gary Bauer
Empathy is a virtue, but it should not be a guiding judicial principle.
- Gary Bauer
Image of Gary Bauer
The Left regards the Constitution as defective and outmoded - in part because it impedes the government's ability to control institutions, like churches and families, which stand between the state and individuals.
- Gary Bauer
Image of Gary Bauer
Republican values - strong families, faith, personal responsibility and freedom, among others - are not unique to specific subsets of the electorate. They are universal values, and it is Republicans' job to remind Americans of that fact.
- Gary Bauer
Image of Gary Bauer
Twenty-six years ago the highest court in this land did an incredible thing. They issued a Supreme Court decision that really boils down to one simple and profoundly evil idea: They said that our unborn children have no rights that the rest of us are bound to respect. And when they made that decision they unleashed on America an unbelievable event that has undermined who we are and what we believe.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Children
Image of Gary Bauer
Progressives and Islamists are indeed on the same side. Their common disdain for Christianity explains why left-wing judges in America find any inkling of Christianity in the public square unconstitutional, while Islamist judges in the Middle East deem it executable. Their common view that life is expendable explains the left's embrace abortion-on-demand and why the Islamists don't hesitate to deploy their own children for homicide bombings.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Children
Image of Gary Bauer
We are engaged in a social, political, and cultural war. There's a lot of talk in America about pluralism. But the bottom line is somebody's values will prevail. And the winner gets the right to teach our children what to believe.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Children
Image of Gary Bauer
Human life has dignity at every age the taking of innocent human life is always wrong. I believe our nation at every level of government must reject any scheme to permit or promote assisted suicide and euthanasia.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Suicide
Image of Gary Bauer
The popular culture still ridicules religion and often treats it like the plague.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Christian
Image of Gary Bauer
Every once in a while, a great nation has to deal with a great issue. Millions of people understand that it's not bigotry to believe that marriage is between a man and a woman.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Believe
Image of Gary Bauer
All children should be welcomed into the world and protected by the law. As President, I would immediately repeal President Clinton's five executive orders that promote abortion. I support a human life bill that defines unborn children as persons under the 14th Amendment. I will vigorously defend the pro-life plank in the Republican platform.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Children
Image of Gary Bauer
When it comes to social issues, Republicans dont just need to be more empathetic. They also need to be more emphatic in explaining to voters what they believe, and why.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Believe
Image of Gary Bauer
I would prefer every [American] state keep the definition of marriage that's prevailed in Western civilization for a couple thousand years.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Couple
Image of Gary Bauer
The abortion industry can try to improve its messaging all it wants. But unless abortion advocates change their devotion to abortion-on-demand, the only message Americans will receive is that the abortion industry is only really interested in improving its bottom line at the expense of the most defenseless among us.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Abortion
Image of Gary Bauer
Fairness' can be an important quality for legislators to consider when they are passing public policies. But it is a subjective standard. And it has no place among judges on a court - whose duty is to dispassionately judge a law's constitutionality.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Law
Image of Gary Bauer
On the issues of religious liberty, the Supreme Court continues to scrape against the bedrock of the American spirit.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Christian
Image of Gary Bauer
In response to a question concerning China's policy of compulsory abortion after the first child, Molly Yard responded, "I consider the Chinese government's policy among the most intelligent in the world"
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Children
Image of Gary Bauer
I don't see why Christians should censor themselves out of any forum in which our perspectives can be heard. I disagree with the theology of many groups that I address; Jews, for example, who do not accept Jesus, or atheists.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Christian
Image of Gary Bauer
In the party of Lincoln and Reagan and much of the donor class, the defense of human life is what they think loses elections. They think we need to spend time on really popular ideas, like cutting your mom's Social Security check.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Mom
Image of Gary Bauer
I consider the Chinese government's policy among the most intelligent in the world.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Intelligent
Image of Gary Bauer
I don't make a Bible argument in the ad, nor have I made a bible argument in the public space. My argument is simple, which is, that for several thousand years in Western civilization, marriage has been the union of one man and one woman. Research is overwhelming that children need mothers and fathers.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Mother
Image of Gary Bauer
I would urge my fellow conservatives to avoid the temptation to crow about it or take credit.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Temptation
Image of Gary Bauer
I will appoint men and women to the Federal judiciary who share my view of unborn children as constitutionally protected and who will unhesitatingly vote to overturn Roe v. Wade. If nominated by my party, I will select my running mate from among a list of men and women fully committed to protection of the unborn.
- Gary Bauer
Collection: Running