Gail Simone

Image of Gail Simone
I have worked with a lot of great artists, including some of my heroes like Michael Golden, George Perez, and Jose Garcia Lopez, just to name a couple. I have been spoiled.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
I love any books by Kelly Sue DeConnick or Marjorie M. Liu; it's lovely to have successful, talented female writers doing great work in comics.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
I'm excited for Christy Marx taking over 'Birds of Prey'. I adore 'Rachel Rising' by the great Terry Moore. I'm also a stone cold Scott Snyder fan; the guy is a joy to read and a pleasure to work with.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
Catman - what I really like about him is he's a really grounded character in terms of - he's an excellent tracker. We're giving him a set of new skills for 'Secret Six' as it starts again anew. But he's very sexy, very dangerous, unpredictable.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
I think Tumblr tends to be - you can get more in-depth with things and more blogging, and Tumblr has been real great for me in terms of research because I have contacts with people from all walks of life all over the globe.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
We have so many fantastic creators - female creators as well as male creators that have their own followings, their own fans, and their own books that are successful.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
With 'Red Sonja', it's a single character leading a book although there's a supporting cast, whereas 'Secret Six' is basically six characters who have equal time and equal place in the book, so it's got a team dynamic that 'Red Sonja' doesn't have.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
My career path is the weirdest thing. I was a hairdresser, I worked at Marvel for a few months, and then I was signed to a DC exclusive for eight years.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
I love DC. I love the people there, and I am deeply in love with that universe, but it meant that for a long time, when other offers came up, I always had to turn them down.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
I try to make every issue new-reader friendly. I remember being frustrated many times trying to pick up new series that were overladen with baggage. The trick is to make that backstory seem like something compelling that they will want to explore rather than an obstacle course they have to crawl through to get to the story.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
The fishnets on Black Canary never bothered me: they fit her character. It's the same for me with the bikini... most people don't wear a lot of clothes in these stories, and it's a big part of what makes her instantly recognizable. Do I want her in a raincoat? Not really.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
I get very invested in characters; it's the only way I find that I can write a book and really make it work.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
I admire writers who can remain objective and distanced, but that doesn't seem to be in my toolbox somehow. I have to care, I have to have skin in the game.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
Leaving a book is hard - 'Secret Six' was a book that people cared about. Even years later, the digital sales are great; the trades and single issues are expensive and highly sought after. It was meaningful to a lot of readers, which is endlessly gratifying.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
I looked out into the audience, saw dozens of faces I knew well - LGBTQ folks, mostly - all avid comics readers and superhero fans and DC supporters, and it just hit me: Why was this so impossible? Why in the world can we not do a better job of representation of not just humanity, but also our own loyal audience?
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
It's time for a trans hero in a mainstream comic.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
When I write a team book, it's all about how they relate to each other and what they bring to the team and the book. Whether it's Black Canary and Huntress or Bane and Scandal, I look for a relationship that people can believe in, that they want to follow and learn more about.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
My favorite characters are always the unpredictable ones, and with Domino, you literally never know which way the dice are going to roll.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
When I think about Plastic Man, he was genuinely the first funny super hero.
- Gail Simone
Image of Gail Simone
When you need to stop an asteroid, you get Superman. When you need to solve a mystery, you call Batman. But when you need to end a war, you get Wonder Woman.
- Gail Simone
Collection: War
Image of Gail Simone
Keep faith, trust to love, fight with honor, but fight to win.
- Gail Simone
Collection: Fighting
Image of Gail Simone
I write about heroes all the time, and I'm struck by how much of what fills us with wonder in the man-made world was the brainchild of a monster. I mean, slaves built most of the ancient wonders, our city skylines are dominated by the product of sometimes very ruthless capitalist ideals. There's a horrifying thought that I often wonder, which is, are monsters sometimes necessary?
- Gail Simone
Collection: Hero
Image of Gail Simone
Don't let the worst people you know dictate your behavior.
- Gail Simone
Collection: People
Image of Gail Simone
Your writing is still yours, no matter what the contract or your editor might say. Trust your gut. It knows when you're screwing up. Your brain will lie to you. It loves the paycheck, it loves positive feedback. Your gut is under no obligation to make you feel good.
- Gail Simone
Collection: Lying
Image of Gail Simone
There are writers who will do whatever they are told regardless of the circumstances - these are called 'hacks.' Your job isn't to make life difficult for your editor. But once a piece of crap goes out with your name on it, it is gone forever and will haunt you.
- Gail Simone
Collection: Jobs
Image of Gail Simone
I get very invested in characters, it's the only way I find that I can write a book and really make it work.
- Gail Simone
Collection: Book
Image of Gail Simone
Some people are worried about the future of comics and some people are busy building it. That latter group are my heroes.
- Gail Simone
Collection: Book
Image of Gail Simone
I admire writers who can remain objective and distanced, but that doesn't seem to be in my toolbox, somehow.
- Gail Simone
Collection: Toolbox
Image of Gail Simone
Being a bad writer a thousand times first.
- Gail Simone
Collection: Firsts
Image of Gail Simone
I love mixing humor and terror, or humor and exhaustion, or even humor and despair. I'm dealing right now with a loved one with cancer, and she's of course sad, but also telling the most disturbingly morbid jokes and puns. I love that, there's so much humanity in being able to mock fate and hardship.
- Gail Simone
Collection: Cancer
Image of Gail Simone
I have read many, many of these first-time published efforts and often, even though some are absolutely at pro levels of production, and have very costly printing and presentation, they lack a purpose, they merely emulate successful comics that already exist... I can't stress this enough. Have something to say.
- Gail Simone
Collection: Stress
Image of Gail Simone
Here's the thing, trust changes everything. Once you know what an artist can do, and you know their commitment level, it opens up the playbook hugely. I have worked with artists I really love, but they may have some small aspect that they hate drawing, or that they don't excel at, and that effectively takes that option off the table.
- Gail Simone
Collection: Hate