G. Willow Wilson

Image of G. Willow Wilson
The great thing about Cairo is the vast majority of women wear some kind of head scarf, but they are also very fashion-conscious. They love bright colors.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
I think any time you have a super team, whether it's all men or all women or both, what you have are people with very unique strengths that aren't always totally compatible.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
I think that's a huge theme in superhero books across the board: When you have this massive power, how do you use it responsibly? When do you intervene? Those are the big questions.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
I think all these pop cultural media often reflect conversations we're having in the real world at that moment in time. I think one of the big conversations we're having as a culture is we thought we'd solved sexism and racism, and we're realizing more and more that we haven't.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
I think comics are really part of The Zeitgeist. They reflect back to us the issues that we're concerned about in the time they are written.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
So many people are of mixed heritage; everyone is from somewhere else.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
I keep setting the bar higher for myself in terms of what I'm trying to accomplish.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
Sometimes, by using the most over-the-top, ridiculous plot device you can imagine, you get some interesting little conflicts and cool things that you might not otherwise have a chance to explore.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
Some languages expand not only your ability to speak to different people but what you're able to think.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
I'm not a programmer myself, but I am a very, very picky end user of technology. I like my machines to work they way they're supposed to, all the time.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
In many countries in the Middle East - and this is changing in the wake of the Arab Spring - but for a long time, censorship of books and film was a very big deal. There were books you couldn't buy; things with political content would be censored, but there were some genres of books and film that the censors just didn't understand.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
I'm writing in English; I'm writing for a Western audience, but the people I'm surrounded by in my daily life are mostly non-white.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
Americans look at the Middle East as a source of trauma because of 9/11. At the same time, I could see the fear going on in the Middle East as well - which would be the next country to be invaded or sanctioned? Being around those tensions was traumatic for me.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
When we read fiction, we want to get outside of ourselves and are able to see from a perspective we haven't seen through before. That can be very powerful.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
The 'Ms. Marvel' mantle has passed to 'Kamala Khan,' a high school student from Jersey City who struggles to reconcile being an American teenager with the conservative customs of her Pakistani Muslim family.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
'Butterfly Mosque' came out of the emails I wrote to family and friends back home after moving to Egypt.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
When I am in Egypt, I am along for the ride - I am a privileged outsider, but an outsider nonetheless.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
I think every Muslim woman has to feel the world out for herself.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
If you love things or ideas or people that contradict each other, you have to be prepared to fight for every square inch of intellectual real estate you occupy.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
In the West, anything that must be hidden is suspect; availability and honesty are interlinked. This clashes irreconcilably with Islam, where the things that are most precious, most perfect and most holy are always hidden: the Kaaba, the faces of prophets and angels, a woman's body, Heaven.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
I don't know that Islam has ever been a subject of anything that I've written. I think Muslims have often been, but those are two very different things.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
It seems like whenever you write about Muslims, people assume that you're writing about the Quran, you are writing about the Prophet Muhammad. There's no sense that Muslims are capable of individualism, that they're capable of making mistakes that are somehow not connected to Islam.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
There's a burden of representation that comes into play when there aren't enough representatives of a certain group in popular culture.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
It's patently impossible for a Muslim character to represent 'all Muslims.'
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
I think lot of Muslims have gotten fatigued by the way Muslim characters, even 'positive' ones, are portrayed in the media.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
Because the traditional mode of dress for Muslim women is so distinct - the headcovering, which is not there for guys - women carry a greater burden of representation than Muslim men do in non-Muslim societies.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
The first comic I ever read was an 'X-Men' themed anti-smoking PSA they gave out in health class when I was about 10.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
Anytime you're writing stories about a group of people with whom you have limited experience, there's a lot of guesswork.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
What we wanted to do was tell a story that felt relatable to anyone who's been a teenager. We haven't all been a second-generation Pakistani-American girl with superpowers, but we've all been 16 and awkward.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
I've wanted to write comics ever since I figured out it was a job.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
'Lost' makes a lot of sense to me, philosophically.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
To me, writing an ongoing series feels like driving a freight train downhill. All you can do is steer and pray.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
The more you put out there, the more you have to resolve. 'Air' is the most literary comic I've written so far, and that poses problems.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
A lot of my writer friends - some of whom are brilliant - work when the Muse calls them, for lack of a better description. You know, days of nothing, then this creative burst where they write for 36 hours straight fueled by caffeine and idealism.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
My synesthesia is mostly gone - it was a much bigger factor when I was a kid. But having no depth perception is a bonus when you're trying to lay out flat images and describe them to an artist - flat is all I see.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
'Air' is very placeless - it's set in many different countries, and much of the story is about going places rather than being places. 'Air' is about travelers, and I'm a chronic traveler.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
It took me a long time to square with the fact that none of my experiences are typical - I'm not a typical American, but I'm also not a typical Muslim.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
The script for what would eventually become my first graphic novel, 'Cairo,' sort of came to me in kind of a bolt of lightning within 24 hours of having moved to that city. Just a jumble of characters and narratives and interesting things that I was seeing and experiencing for the first time.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
I don't want to compare myself to somebody like Fitzgerald or Hemingway, but I feel like, for some writers, going to a certain city, a certain place, is what kickstarts your imaginative process.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
I tend to deal with characters who are sort of at that same point of wrestling with, 'Who am I going to be as an adult? What do I believe? How am I defining myself in the context of my culture and my peer groups, my family?'
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
In Arab Islamic society, it is traditionally taboo to criticize the lifestyle or personal philosophy of any practicing Muslim.
- G. Willow Wilson
Image of G. Willow Wilson
Conscience. Conscience is the ultimate measure of a man.
- G. Willow Wilson
Collection: Men
Image of G. Willow Wilson
Love the life you have been given. And be humbled by it. It is not to be despised.
- G. Willow Wilson
Collection: Cairo
Image of G. Willow Wilson
Dear child, some stories have no morals. Sometimes darkness and madness are simply that.
- G. Willow Wilson
Collection: Children
Image of G. Willow Wilson
I have had much experience with the unclean and uncivilized in the recent past. Shall I tell you what I discovered? I am not the state of my feet. I am not the dirt on my hands or the hygiene of my private parts. If I were these things, I would not have been at liberty to pray at any time since my arrest. But I did pray, because I am not these things. In the end, I am not even myself. I am a string of bones speaking the word God.
- G. Willow Wilson
Collection: Past
Image of G. Willow Wilson
Controversy is what mediocre people start because they can't communicate anything meaningful.
- G. Willow Wilson
Collection: Meaningful
Image of G. Willow Wilson
The censors don't bother with fantasy books, especially old ones. They can't understand them. They think it's all kids' stuff. They'd die if they knew what The Chronicles of Narnia were really about.
- G. Willow Wilson
Collection: Book
Image of G. Willow Wilson
Once you discover that the world rewards reckless faith, no lesser world is worth contemplating.
- G. Willow Wilson
Collection: World
Image of G. Willow Wilson
Many of us prefer to live in places abandoned by humans. Less work for us. Detroit is very popular.
- G. Willow Wilson
Collection: Detroit