Frances Brooke

Image of Frances Brooke
Your love is from the imagination, not the heart.
- Frances Brooke
Collection: Love
Image of Frances Brooke
Don’t you love quotations? I am immensely fond of them; a certain proof of erudition.... [I]f you should happen to write an insipid poem... send it to me, and my fiat shall crown you with immortality.
- Frances Brooke
Collection: Writing
Image of Frances Brooke
We have been saying, Lucy, that 'tis the strangest thing in the world people should quarrel about religion, since we undoubtedly all mean the same thing; all good minds in every religion aim at pleasing the Supreme Being; the means we take differ according to where we are born, and the prejudices we imbibe from education; a consideration which ought to inspire us with kindness and indulgence to each other.
- Frances Brooke
Collection: Kindness