Fearne Cotton

Image of Fearne Cotton
People thought I was 16 for years when I was in my 20s.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I have a really big imagination, which is amazing - it allows me to write and be creative. But it also sends me to bad places, from where I can't get back.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I feel very guilty about the fact that I go to America a lot to work. I try to offset it.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
If I've left the TV on standby I will wake up and turn it off.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I want an exhibition one day, so I am doing portraits of rock stars. I paint from pictures in magazines.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I sort of take multi-vitamins - my Mum's always asking if I'm taking them, because I'm vegetarian - but I forget and take them every few days, rather than every day.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I do a lot of reiki and things like rebirthing.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I absolutely love chocolate in a cliched, womanly way and I love gin more than anything but apart from that I think I'm really healthy.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
If I'm really stressed I find it hard to get to sleep, but most nights my head hits the pillow and I'm out. I could probably curl up on my kitchen floor and have a kip if I needed to.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I'm lucky that I naturally really enjoy my life.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I turn my phone off every night at about half eight because otherwise I won't sleep.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
No one's making you look at Instagram. Follow people that make you feel amazing. Follow people that you feel connected to.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
Platforms have a responsibility, certainly with anti-bullying and looking at abusive language. Especially for young people at school, although that's not really my domain.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I'm not usually a fan of sharing super personal things on Instagram.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I always see my mental problems starting with the depression, but of course that's not true, because I was bulimic for 10 years before that.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
When I was doing 'Top of the Pops' in the 1990s there was a plethora of gorgeous young pop stars around, from Samantha Mumba to Steps, and they all looked like these confident, luminous beings to me, with flat stomachs and stylists and make-up artists.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I've been attacked loads, verbally, over the years.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
We live in such a fast-moving world that's often so unforgiving, and so unkind.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
Being a mum is my favourite thing ever. But it's difficult.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
My mum's got really great skin because she's always looked after it.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I rarely have facials - maybe I'm not joking once a year - but I just like to look after my own skin and I'll maybe have a face mask in the bath once a month and if I have time treat myself like that.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I absolutely love Dr Murad products.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
For me, because I'm working so much and I want to be a good mum as well as good at work, I need to be healthy to do everything. So eating well and doing yoga is really a vital part of that because it makes me feel good, and happy and sane.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
It's weird doing cover interviews because you're just chatting about yourself but you try and be as honest as you can.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I didn't want a hen-do because I think they're disgusting.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I'd always felt like a natural communicator, even before I knew how I might channel that into anything professionally.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
As a child, I never found it particularly difficult to talk to other kids or to adults, getting them to explicitly understand what I wanted or what I believed or what I wanted to have a conversation about.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
What's the point of me having a platform and a large following if I'm not talking about something that's going to have a positive impact?
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I'm kind of used to people taking what I say out of context, so you have to eye-roll and move on from it.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
Every marriage takes work. It doesn't dilute our love or make our marriage any weaker, it actually makes it stronger because we're willing to have those conversations.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I'm happy to share the good and bad bits of myself because of course I'm not living this perfect, fairytale life.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I eat a lot of fruit and veg, but I love sweets, too.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
On holiday, I sunbathe a bit, but I get fidgety and give up.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I love reflexology - it really sorts you out. And I love having my feet touched.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I don't think I'm good at anything, but I'm good at painting. It's one thing I can do better than I do my job, definitely.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I do portraits - my dad's an artist.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I don't have wealthy parents or anybody to ask for money.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
After Radio 1, I started a magazine column and began opening up about my depression for the first time.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
There used to be a secrecy and shame around depression and mental health. But saying you have it out loud reduces that and starts a conversation.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I love family life.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
Being at home with kids and husband and putting twinkly lights up: bliss.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
If you have happy parents who are wonderfully boring then you are golden.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I was brought up in a very Eighties house. It was a suburban, mock-Tudor semi-detached house, nothing special. But there was this wallpaper with silver threads and little swans in the dining room. It wasn't just a feature wall. It was the whole room.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
If you're not brave enough to wear a red lipstick, red lip-gloss is always slightly more subtle on the lips.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
If you're a boy who's a bit hopeless and doesn't know what to get their sister or girlfriend for Christmas: all girls like wearing nail varnish, so they make a good gift.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
My mum has plenty of fashion advice to offer; she'll just keep giving it out even if you reject it!
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I never buy expensive sunglasses because I break them and lose them too quickly.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I always baked. Some of my fondest childhood memories are of baking with my nan who used to make jam tarts with me in her kitchen. And that sparked a love of baking at a young age.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I just try to eat lots of vibrant fruit and veg. If I don't I have low energy and feel a bit gross and low on immunity and vitamins.
- Fearne Cotton