Fearne Cotton

Image of Fearne Cotton
Social media is both a dark and brilliant thing for mental health.
- Fearne Cotton
Collection: Health
Image of Fearne Cotton
If we want to feel good, grounded, happy and feel contentment we have to have an experience of connections with obviously other people but also nature the planet and just life itself.
- Fearne Cotton
Collection: Nature
Image of Fearne Cotton
My friendship circle is minuscule.
- Fearne Cotton
Collection: Friendship
Image of Fearne Cotton
Parenting isn't how I imagined it.
- Fearne Cotton
Collection: Parenting
Image of Fearne Cotton
You cannot fix the bad boy. He'll just break your heart and you'll resent him forever. Trust me.
- Fearne Cotton
Collection: Trust
Image of Fearne Cotton
A throat specialist put a camera down my nose, and there was a huge cyst on my vocal cords. They just weren't shutting; there was just loads of air going through this gap. I didn't feel particularly panicked or worried. I just thought, 'This is so curious, why has this ended up there?'
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
Ferns are lovely but at the end of the day it's a glorified weed.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
Cats rock. They are smart, cunning, naughty and very loving.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
If you don't want to eat wheat, or meat, or dairy then that's up to you.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I try to have reiki or a head massage every couple of months.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
A good massage is absolute heaven. I usually fall asleep on the massage table.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
My working life, I really lost confidence I literally couldn't put myself out there in the way that I used to.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I left Radio 1 and I was about to have my daughter, Honey, my second child. I had no work at all. None. Zero jobs. I had no safety net.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I've always wanted to do something within the hair world and I love Garnier as it's luxurious but affordable.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I always let my hair air-dry at home otherwise it goes really flat and straight. I like It to be rough and messy.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I love to use a hair wand; my favourite is Babyliss that is great for doing big curls that I then brush out loads for a super textured finish. I always use my fingers to add extra texture and I swear by dry shampoo.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I loved having a bob it was really fun and easy and actually I felt much more comfortable doing red carpet events in a glam dress with a cool funky hair cut.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I do like rock music and yes I have tattoos but I'm not in a band and certainly don't lead a very rock and roll lifestyle.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I would love to have a day in the year where everyone is legally obliged to be nice to everyone else.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
We're all so obsessed with being the biggest, the best, the richest or whatever, that we're happy to trample over people to get there. A day of compulsory niceness could inspire people to take more notice of one another.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I'm a trained dancer and been doing it since I was 5 so I'm pretty good at that.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
It's human nature to focus on the negative, we all know that - and if you are in a public position, you just get that magnified.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I know I'm not saying some of the stuff I want to say to people I love.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
My voice kept going; I just couldn't work out what the hell was happening. I kept trying to have voice rest, or take more vitamins. It was months and months, and it actually stopped me from working because it sounded so awful. It wasn't a nice husk, it was a horrendous, gravelly, gritty voice to listen to.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I've been thinking about anger quite a lot. It can be a default emotion for me.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
Oh, I can be ferociously angry about things.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
Depression runs on my mother's side.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I don't want to feel shame ever again.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
Try to cultivate hope in whatever way you can, and don't think that's fanciful or some sort of ridiculous notion that has no place in the modern world.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
Sometimes you want to just scream, or shout, or be ratty with your partner or your mate. Just forgive yourself, and get over it. Don't aim to be perfect in this chaos, because it's impossible.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
Recognise that there's a negative side to life and that there will be tough times and challenges. You have to embrace it.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
What you resist persists: as soon as you start going, 'I mustn't feel anxious, I don't want this panic attack to happen,' you're not giving it any space to do its thing. You're trapping it, so it never leaves, and it's horrible - it's a cycle I get myself into all the time.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I did years of work that was enjoyable, but didn't necessarily always have a point to it, and I think you get to an age or maybe you go through certain experiences in life where you think, 'There has to be more meaning to all of this.' You can climb the ladder to get to the best radio show or the TV show with the biggest audience, but then what?
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
All I want to do is help create something that breeds connection and offers people solace if they're feeling alone.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I like to see people in the day for a walk or for coffee. I don't like going out at night. I don't like dinner parties.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
What I really like is almond butter. It's great.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
Lying is not brilliant.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I don't think homophobia is brilliant.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I love plastic-looking cheese slices. I eat whole packets at a time.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
When dogs bark I always flinch.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
Each moment is sacred.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I remember calling my mum and saying: 'Mum, I've got some massive news for you! I'm taking over from Jo Whiley!' And she said: 'Oh that's nice. Well, me and Marian are just going to go to the garden centre.' My mum's more into Radio 4.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
My parents are really supportive, really proud, but in a nice way; they're not gushing.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I suppose music can be seen as quite a laddish, boys-y thing sometimes.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I'm a very optimistic, happy-go-lucky person, but I definitely know what I want and I'd do anything to get to that point.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I'm not a fighter. I used to be, when work was all-encompassing. Now I let things come as they come. If people don't want me for the job, I'm not the right person.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
My mum taught me that you don't have to do things the 'normal' way. I wanted to be an actress and a dancer, and she was all for it. My dad is the practical one. He's just a very kind, rational man.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I grew up buying my clothes at Wembley market. I was never going to become the girl who hit up Bond Street. In fact nothing gives me a panic attack like expensive clothing.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I would definitely put myself in the strong woman category.
- Fearne Cotton
Image of Fearne Cotton
I don't know about being a wholehearted feminist.
- Fearne Cotton