Faith Salie

Image of Faith Salie
Scientists have discovered that, as we age, our brains act like computers with fuller and fuller hard drives. So when we're trying to recall a fact or a word or a name, it takes us longer, because - to put it scientifically - our brains hold a lot of 'stuff.'
- Faith Salie
Collection: Computers
Image of Faith Salie
Did you know you're supposed to soap and scrub for as long as it takes to sing 'Happy Birthday' twice?
- Faith Salie
Collection: Birthday
Image of Faith Salie
Women are blessed with lots and lots of extra ways to win or lose validation. If you're a woman, you'll be judged on your beauty and your wit and how often you smile. You'll be judged on how much hair you have in some places and not in others.
- Faith Salie
Collection: Beauty
Image of Faith Salie
I once accidentally 'replied all' and sent an email complaining about my then-boyfriend to a bunch of strangers. It was meant for my friend who was a bride, but I ended up addressing her entire wedding party. Her marriage lasted; my relationship didn't.
- Faith Salie
Collection: Wedding
Image of Faith Salie
Mothers of all ages delight in their children, but I don't know that, if I were younger, I would feel as acutely, profoundly, preciously grateful for every smile, squeal, and - yes - diaper blowout.
- Faith Salie
Collection: Smile
Image of Faith Salie
I entered my egg-freezing adventure from a feeling of lack - a lack of fertility, of the right partner, of biological time. But this perceived lack actually produced abundance - of options, time, peace of mind, and microscopic chances of a child.
- Faith Salie
Collection: Peace
Image of Faith Salie
Boys have always known they could do anything; all they had to do was look around at their presidents, religious leaders, professional athletes, at the statues that stand erect in big cities and small. Girls have always known they were allowed to feel anything - except anger.
- Faith Salie
Collection: Anger
Image of Faith Salie
I remember my mom sitting at our kitchen table, paying bills with a small smile. She'd sigh and say, 'I'm so blessed to be able to pay these.' She knew it was about what you have.
- Faith Salie
Collection: Smile
Image of Faith Salie
It's beyond TMI - oversharing is not just too much information; it's incessant sharing of non-information - breaking news about your gluten-free diet complete with duck face selfies.
- Faith Salie
Collection: Diet
Image of Faith Salie
I'm a snowflake. And so are you. Your children are snowflakes. And so are mine. And those who protest the loudest about not being snowflakes? I can see your six-fold ice crystals from here! Because every person, empirically, is unique.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
No longer is a geek identifiable by a pale complexion, black-rimmed glasses, a bowling shirt that says 'Nerd World Order.' No, geeks are everywhere. And they're cool!
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
My husband is a graduate of two Ivy League universities - with a degree in Classics! - and he sounds like a David Mamet character when I hear him on a business call.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
Hours after I gave birth to my first child, my husband cradled all five pounds of our boy and said, gently, 'Hi, Sweetpea.' Not 'Buddy' or 'Little Man.' Sweetpea. The word filled me with unanticipated comfort.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
It's one thing to decry and defy political correctness in the name of efficiently achieving clarity or revealing an honest truth. But it's quite another thing entirely to support name-calling and nastiness.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
For weeks I ran through a mental inventory of my closet. Did I want to wear something new - to christen it and forever make it The Divorce Dress?
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
Wildfires can leave the land with burn scars that last for years.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
Divorce court seemed to inspire in my girlfriends 1940s-era fashion fantasies, not only for me, but for themselves.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
Adverbs, we know, are meant to modify a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. They help us understand things more clearly, more vividly, more... morely.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
They say there are no atheists in foxholes, and in the foxhole of my divorce, I found solace in walking to St. Patrick's Cathedral and lighting candles.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
A leader who cobbles together his self-esteem by attempting to silence or libel his critics and by amplifying his echo chamber is a dangerous one indeed.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
Mother's Day is a bittersweet day for many of us. We all have mothers, but some of us have lost them.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
Women all over this great land are creating spaces just for themselves, most often out of sheds in their backyards. They're fantasy cottages, bespoke bungalows, 'mama maisons,' if you will, for mothers and wives who need a sanctuary - a haven where they can do anything, or nothing.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
I've always wanted, notionally, to be a mother. And I was certain I would be, because everyone I know, gay or straight, married or single, rich or not so much, who truly wants to have a child figures out a way, some way, to have one - whether through adoption, fostering, surrogacy, fertility, accident, or persistence.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
Just as kids need to learn to respect their elders, we are a society that increasingly respects our youth.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
Nothing ages you more immediately than being called 'Mrs.'
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
When I was a kid, we called every teacher, every parent - anyone over the age of 20, it seemed - 'Mr. or Mrs. so-and-so.'
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
The option to freeze one's eggs is just about the most empowering choice a single woman who knows she wants to be a mother can make.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
I've spent my life being responsible, building a career, and waiting to find the right partner with whom to start a family.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
I think there's something very disingenuous about literally all people who say that they don't care about anyone's approval.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
Any responsible essayist or memoir writer who's writing about herself is not just saying, 'Here's what happened,' and opening up her diary. There needs to be consideration of other people's feelings.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
I'll never get complacent. I am my own toughest critic.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
There's a bit of a reluctance on my part to promote myself as any kind of hero because the things I've had to overcome in my life are not the deepest, darkest things.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
The desperate hunger our president has for approbation has led him to such lengths as claiming that God stopped the rain during his Inauguration. In fact, Mother Nature made sure it rained on Trump's hair the minute he started his speech.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
Power is not nearly enough for Trump. Power he already possessed, starting with the money his father gave him, which grew into the money he never paid in taxes because he is 'smart.' No: Power and ambition pale in comparison to Trumpbeth's rapacious grab for applause.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
Approval ratings matter for politicians, largely for good reason. A leader with plummeting approval ratings ought to take note of the needs and hopes of his people.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
Shaking hands is a pretty good way to get yourself sick, not necessarily with Ebola, but with a million other germs that can cause colds and flu.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
The custom of clasping hands is thought to date back thousands of years, as proof of not holding any weapons.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
If you grasp the bathroom door handle to exit without using a paper towel, you're right back where you started, with who-knows-whose germs on your hands.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
I'm writing a book, and there's not even space for a desk in our home. So I spent my hard-earned book money and rented the small apartment downstairs from us.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
'Man cave' seems retrograde, but 'she shed' seems progressive. Or maybe it's just a place for me to eat embarrassing amounts of chocolate in private.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
Twerking takes its place in a long line of dance moves deemed immoral, even apocalyptic. The waltz was called sinful because it demanded dangerously close contact between dance partners. In 1914, the tango earned a papal denunciation for being 'damaging to the soul.'
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
As a mother, I don't want any girl twerking near my kid at a bat mitzvah.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
In case you don't watch much TV or spend time with anyone under 40, 'Really?' is pop culture's pithiest way to deliver a withering put-down.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
I'm not actually perishing, but I do feel like I die a little every time someone uses 'literally' to mean 'really.'
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
By the time I got to college in the '90s, virtually every young woman I knew was on the pill. It was like a rite of passage, along with Doc Martens and Take Back the Night rallies.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
I'm no scientist, but I'll dare extrapolate and say that it's pretty obvious that the more you struggle to recall something, the smarter you are!
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
John Travolta is getting old, despite what his hair is trying to tell us.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
This is America; our icons are complicated.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
Wanting to be loved and appreciated connects us all.
- Faith Salie
Image of Faith Salie
Contrary to the negative stereotype that folks who swear have poor vocabularies, a fluency in taboo language correlates with overall verbal fluency. The more words you know, the more you know... and the more colorfully you can express yourself, with nuance, metaphor, and emotion.
- Faith Salie