Emma Watson

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I'm a perfectionist, so my bossiness definitely comes out.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
Acting never was about the money for me... Maybe in 10 years, I'll be able to appreciate the fact that I am financially stable and independent and I don't have to make bad choices. I can be very picky.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I am literally obsessed with Lena Dunham. She's, like, my favorite person in the world. I follow her on Twitter; I read her every day.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
To be honest, I've always had far too much freedom. I had a job when I was 10. I started living on my own when I was 17 or 18. I've earned my own money; I've traveled the world. What would I rebel against?
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
And I always keep cards people send me. I have a whole wall covered with them.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I think the actresses who are really successful are the ones who are comfortable in their own skins and still look human.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
The difficulty for me is that I'm interested in so many different things. I could never really imagine myself doing one thing, and I'm pretty sure that I'll end up doing four or five different things.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
It's quite stressful knowing that every time you walk out the door, someone is going to be giving you a very good look up and down, judging everything you wear.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
In terms of men I fancy, I think the actor James Franco is gorgeous. But I find it odd to be described as a sex symbol myself.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I really love animals and enjoy working with them.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
If I could wear any label forever it would be Burberry. It covers a huge span of stuff. You can't go wrong with a classic trench and a pair of jeans.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I just try and surround myself, for the biggest proportion of time that I can, with people who make me feel normal, because constantly feeling abnormal is quite difficult.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I have felt for the last 10 years I have had this battle; I've been fighting so hard to have an education. It's been this uphill struggle. I was Warner Bros' pain in the butt. I was their scheduling conflict. I was the one who made life difficult.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I don't know, I'd love to try some theater. That's my other thing. I'd love to do some Shakespeare.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I think when you take away all, like, the premieres and press stuff and all the special effects, then you just come down to the fact that it's all about acting, and I think that has been the best bit for me.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
If anyone else played Hermione, it would actually kill me.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
My friends are all really nice about my fame, they're just curious really, they ask lots of questions.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
Hermione is so close to who I am as a person that I've never really had to research a role. I'm literally rediscovering what it means to be an actress.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I have had no control over my life. I have lived in a complete bubble. They found me and picked me for the part. And now I'm desperately trying to find my way through it.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I thought, If people are going to write about what I'm wearing, then I would wear young British designers who need the publicity.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I want to be normal. I really want anonymity.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I could be 100 years old and in my rocker, but I'll still be very proud that I was part of the 'Harry Potter' films.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I love painting and have a need to do it.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I'm really interested in modern history, but to fulfill a History degree at Brown you have to do modern and pre-modern.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
It's amazing people get so detached from what they eat and what they wear. No one has any contact with how things are made that are put in their body and put in their mouths and I just find it alarming that no one questions it.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I was working on 'Harry Potter' while I was growing up, and the attention it brought me made me feel quite isolated.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
People don't really understand, but having people stare, and point, and take pictures, even if it is in a positive framework, is quite isolating; there's no two ways about it. You feel a little bit, you know, freakish.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
Let's be honest, I have enough money to never have to work again.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I didn't come from a background of films. I didn't even really ever watch films. The fact is, my parents weren't into that stuff, and neither was I.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I try to avoid wearing black because sometimes it's the easy option. But I'm young, so it's nice to be able to play with color and not just wear black all the time. I can save that for when I'm older.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I dance a lot and I run and do yoga and play field hockey and tennis. I like to be active. I don't always have time for that stuff, but I do always feel better afterward.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
Being an actress, I find myself people-watching and I can be quite shy.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
As an actress I take roles I find interesting.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I have collections of quirky things from places I've been to, like a set of Russian dolls.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I don't have makeup on all the time, but when I want, I have fun with my friends choosing clothes and putting nail polish on.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
As I've got older, and since I cut all my hair off, I've felt a bit more liberated about trying different things out.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
Make-up is actually something I've always really loved.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I really want to write a novel. I also want to learn to play the mandolin.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I do worry about the expectation to look a certain way.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I'm very crafty! One time I made a television set out of a cardboard box - Everybody thought it was a lark! This was the beginning of a love affair with the arts.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
My cinematic crush has been pretty much the same since I was 12: Kevin Costner.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
Yes, I will put it out there - I will work for anyone for free if they're prepared to make their clothing Fair Trade and organic. It's really hard to get people interested in it.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I would love to persuade Christopher Bailey to get even just a section of Burberry that's, like, organic or free trade. I love him, he's a very good person and an amazing designer, and I have a lot of respect and time for him.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I genuinely haven't really had a rebellious phase. I think it's just because of the way I was brought up. I think it's because I left home when I was ten years old.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I guess what really forms you as a person is what you do within your family to receive love or attention. In my family, what you had to do to receive attention was to have good conversation at the dinner table or for me to do well at school, and those were really my focuses because that was what was valued the most.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I think when I was younger I wasn't really sure if I wanted to act, so I played around with a few different ideas. I wasn't sure whether I might want to write or whether I might want to do something in fashion.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I have to really enjoy the good things because it makes the bad things OK.
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
I had a job when I was 10. I started living on my own when I was 17 or 18. I've earned my own money; I've traveled the world. What would I rebel against?
- Emma Watson
Image of Emma Watson
With 'Harry Potter,' I've been all over the world. I probably wouldn't have gone to New York so young if it weren't for the films.
- Emma Watson