Ellen Swallow Richards

Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
The only trouble here is they won't let us study enough. They are so afraid we shall break down and you know the reputation of the College is at stake, for the question is, can girls get a college degree without ruining their health?
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Health
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
If you keep your feathers well oiled the water of criticism will run off as from a duck's back.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
You cannot make women contented with cooking and cleaning and you need not try.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
Subject the material world to the higher ends by understanding it in all its relations to daily life and action.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
New England is the home of all that is good and noble with all her sternness and uncompromising opinions.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
Work is a sovereign remedy for all ills, and a man who loves to work will never be unhappy.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
If it is a relief to take your clothes off at night, be sure that something is wrong. Clothes should not be a burden. They should be a comfort and a protection.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
I prefer surveying for a week to spending a week in fashionable society even of the best class.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
We never can tell how our lives may work to the account of the general good, and we are not wise enough to know if we have fulfilled our mission or not.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
Home Economics stands for the ideal home life for today unhampered by the traditions of the past and the utilization of all the resources of modern science to improve home life.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Life
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
The quality of life depends upon the ability of society to teach it's members how to live in harmony with their environment-def ined first as family, then the community, then the world and its resources.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Community
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
The environment that people live in is the environment that they learn to live in, respond to, and perpetuate. If the environment is good, so be it. But if it is poor, so is the quality of life within it.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: People
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
The unwilling mind is not a teachable mind.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Education
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
One of the greatest faults of the women of the present time is a silly fear of things, and one object of the education of girls should be to give them knowledge of what things are really dangerous.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Girl
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
I often think that all the difficulties we encounter only give us the more strength if we keep hold of our work, and we must not now give up while in the prime of life. It is best to keep trying, and by and by the opportunity will come. If we have given up, then we shall not be ready for it when it does come.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Perseverance
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
I hope that I am winning a way which others will keep open.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Winning
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
For this knowledge of right living, we have sought a new name... . As theology is the science of religious life, and biology the science of [physical] life ... so let Oekology be henceforth the science of [our] normal lives ... the worthiest of all the applied sciences which teaches the principles on which to found... healthy... and happy life.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Religious
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
The well-educated young woman of 1950 will blend art and sciences in a way we do not dream of; the science will steady the art andthe art will give charm to the science. This young woman will marry--yes, indeed, but she will take her pick of men, who will by that time have begun to realize what sort of men it behooves them to be.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Marriage
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
I wish the women's rights folks would be more sensible. I think women have a great deal to learn, before they are fit to vote.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Thinking
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
A sense of power is the most intoxicating stimulant a mortal can enjoy.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Education
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
...all enjoyment is dependent upon the frailty of human life and human desires ... if we were to have all we want and to live forever, all enjoyment would be gone.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Forever
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
It is cruelty to children to keep five-year-olds sitting still, gazing into vacancy even for one hour at a time. We have little idea of the torture we thus inflict.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Children
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
Perhaps the fact that I am not a Radical or a believer in the all powerful ballot for women to right her wrongs and that I do notscorn womanly duties, but claim it as a privilege to clean up and sort of supervise the room and sew things, etc., is winning me stronger allies than anything else.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Powerful
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
I had been in the hurrying waters too long not to appreciate an opportunity to lie on the bank and rest, watch others, and gain strength for the coming years.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Strength
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
The world moves, but we seem to move with it. When I studied physiology beforethere were two hundred and eight bones in the body. Now there are two hundred and thirty- eight.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Moving
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
The Faculty [of Vassar] do not consider it a mere experiment any longer that girls can be educated as well as boys.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Girl
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
A political place with no power, only influence, is not to my taste.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Power
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
I am succeeding quite well in my work and the future looks well. What special mission is God preparing me for? Cutting off all earthly ties and isolating me as it were.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Success
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
If it is a relief to take your clothes off at night, be sure that something is wrong. Clothes should not be a burden. They shouldbe a comfort and a protection.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Fashion
Image of Ellen Swallow Richards
The most conventional customs cling to the table. Farmers who wouldn't drive a horse too hard expect pie three times a day.
- Ellen Swallow Richards
Collection: Horse