Elizabeth Hurley

Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I've always wanted to be a spy, and frankly I'm a little surprised that British intelligence has never approached me.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Collection: Intelligence
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I keep getting these extraordinary letteres, really weird ones from American sports stars - I've always thought you were one pretty lady and now that you're single I want to meet you for a drink.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Collection: Sports
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
Getting as much sleep as possible and following a healthy diet will stop you from feeling run-down if, like me, you're super-stressed.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Collection: Diet
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I certainly don't want a child of mine to be famous, or anyone I was very close to who isn't yet... It's the worst thing to be trapped in your house not be able to leave.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Collection: Famous
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
Spending time outdoors makes you feel great.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I'd kill myself if I was as fat as Marilyn Monroe.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
Nothing irritates me more than chronic laziness in others. Mind you, it's only mental sloth I object to. Physical sloth can be heavenly.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
A bit of lusting after someone does wonders for the skin.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I would seriously question whether anybody is really foolish enough to really say what they mean. Sometimes I think that civilization as we know it would kind of break down if we all were completely honest.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
Being English, I always laugh at anything to do with the lavatory or bottoms.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I was completely loyal and faithful to Stephen throughout this time as, indeed, he assured me he was to me.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
The only meal I have is dinner.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
In America uniformed cops eat in coffee shops, diners and restaurants and I always feel safer having them around.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
It took me six years to be comfortable modeling a swimsuit.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I'm pretty nice. I'm far from an ax murderer. I've never been mean to anyone in my life.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
What I really, really want to do is pre-packaged meals. Fabulous versions that are delicious, healthy, not too expensive and very low in fat. So, that's my big dream, because there's a massive hole in the market for that.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I think, if you were being cruel to animals, then the thought of eating them would be horrific.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I feel like a semi-single mum.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I'm not going to launch a bikini business and then give up bikinis, am I?
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
It's definitely part of my job description not to be too fat.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I'm very attracted to Indians.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I am a terrible mixture of being organized, controlling, but chaotic. My desk is monstrous.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I didn't have a cup of coffee until I was 27.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
You know, you want to be a success. You want people to know who you are.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I do like my life very much, yes.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
You know, I've virtually never been chatted up in my life, it's true.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I don't want someone to watch sports in bed. That drives me nuts.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I like people to match my energy.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I'm not that careful with cars.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
It's very hard to get the dynamics where two people can stimulate each other and be happy.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I'm manic about my schedule.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I know so many people who have battled breast cancer and they didn't all make it.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I am passionate about talking to women about their breast health.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I always wear make-up as I've never seen the point of looking less than your best.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I walk every day with my dogs and force myself to run a bit but I hate it.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I don't know much about only children. I was the middle one of three, and if ever I was alone with mum and dad, it was a rare moment.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I've always been obsessed by beef jerky.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I love moving. I love new houses. I'm always looking for somewhere else.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
When I started doing movies, every crew member was older than me.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I love pilates and yoga but don't do them regularly.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
We all need to relax more, but I don't find it easy.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I love to see other women in pink. It's good for every shade of skin and hair.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
Breast cancer is being detected at an earlier, more treatable stage these days, largely because women are taking more preventive measures, like self-exams and regular mammograms. And treatment is getting better too.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I have always been attracted to Australians and Australia.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
Divorce is, of course, difficult for a child. I didn't go through it as my parents stayed together, but I have a lot of friends who did.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
The day of the press statement has gone.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I always found when I was reading an interview with an actor that I wasn't interested in their political opinions - I just wanted to know what they'd had for breakfast.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
When bad things happen, it's the time when you get to work in the garden and sort out the pots from the weeds.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Collection: Weed
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
I have three lives: actress, model, producer. Sometimes I'm aware that there's a fourth life, which is somewhat neglected, which is living a bit.
- Elizabeth Hurley
Collection: Three
Image of Elizabeth Hurley
Why look worse when you can look better?
- Elizabeth Hurley
Collection: Looks