Eliza Doolittle

Image of Eliza Doolittle
When I first played live, I would shake with fear, and my voice would tremble. But I do it for the love of it. There's nothing I love more than playing live.
- Eliza Doolittle
Image of Eliza Doolittle
Eliza was my first name for two reasons. My dad was reading 'Uncle Tom's Cabin,' which features the maid Eliza in it, when I was born. Then there was Eliza Doolittle from 'My Fair Lady' and 'Pygmalion.' My mum always loved the name, and I got called Eliza Doolittle a lot, so it stuck, basically.
- Eliza Doolittle
Image of Eliza Doolittle
Doing gigs is great, but when you come together for a production in the theatre, that is something I have a lot of respect for.
- Eliza Doolittle
Image of Eliza Doolittle
I did try theatre out when I was little. I did roles as a child actress. My parents didn't push me into it. But I was up for it. I didn't enjoy doing eight shows a week, though. That repetitiveness didn't appeal to me. I love doing something different every day and travelling. You can't do that in the theatre.
- Eliza Doolittle
Image of Eliza Doolittle
I'm really into laces; I always accessorize with shoe laces whether I wear them as a belt, or attached to my shorts or in my hair or as a bracelet.
- Eliza Doolittle
Image of Eliza Doolittle
The rain in Spain stays mainly in the plain
- Eliza Doolittle
Collection: Rain
Image of Eliza Doolittle
I think just wear whatever makes you feel comfortable. Your feet could get sweaty without socks, if that's what you mean. I personally like to keep socks on even through the summer because it looks cute.
- Eliza Doolittle
Collection: Cute
Image of Eliza Doolittle
Music is something to live for. It is just for me, nobody else can take away from me.It makes me so happy and I can rely on it completely - it'll always be there!
- Eliza Doolittle
Collection: Music Is
Image of Eliza Doolittle
I'm inspired by whatever I see, feel, hear about, watch on the TV...anything. It can be something that I really need to get off my chest so I write or something a friend is going through which gets my thoughts going.
- Eliza Doolittle
Collection: Writing
Image of Eliza Doolittle
I definitely can't live without eyeliner but a good way to get by is to decorate your eye lashes!
- Eliza Doolittle
Collection: Eye
Image of Eliza Doolittle
I love to make music that makes people feel mood-enhancing, life-affirming brilliance but I just make whatever comes out at the time and sometimes it's up and sometimes it down and sometimes it sideways with a hint of s smile.
- Eliza Doolittle
Collection: People