David Goggins

Image of David Goggins
If you sit there and have that mentality of 'triple down on what you're good at,' you're never going to grow. You're always going to stay the same.
- David Goggins
Collection: Good
Image of David Goggins
Remembering what you've been through and how that has strengthened your mindset can lift you out of a negative brain loop and help you bypass those weak, one-second impulses to give in. Even if you're feeling low and beat down by life right now, I guarantee you can think of a time or two when you overcame odds and tasted success.
- David Goggins
Collection: Life
Image of David Goggins
When you're in hell, you forget how great you really are because you're suffering and you forget the great things you've done.
- David Goggins
Collection: Great
Image of David Goggins
Our whole life is set up in the path of least resistance. We don't want to suffer. We don't want to feel discomfort. So the whole time, we're living our lives in a very comfortable area. There's no growth in that.
- David Goggins
Collection: Time
Image of David Goggins
I'm a big believer in doing things that make you uncomfortable. So, we live in a world where we want to be as comfortable as we can. And we wonder why we have no growth. We wonder why - when the smallest thing in our life gets difficult - we wonder why we cower and we run away.
- David Goggins
Collection: Life
Image of David Goggins
My whole thing now is I know how to think properly to be successful in all aspects of my life. It's not about ultra running or being a SEAL or pull-up records: it's about if you want to be better you, have to change your perceived limitations and take the barriers down.
- David Goggins
Collection: Change
Image of David Goggins
I had a rough childhood coming up, and I just took all that negative energy and made it very positive for myself to drive me. I'm a very driven person. I have passion that almost scares people, just to be successful and make it no matter what.
- David Goggins
Collection: Positive
Image of David Goggins
The reason I became 297 pounds is because that was comfortable. What was very uncomfortable was running. What was very uncomfortable was being on a diet. What was very uncomfortable was trying to face things that I didn't want to face. And I also realized, when I was really big, I had no growth. Why? Because I was living comfortable.
- David Goggins
Collection: Diet
Image of David Goggins
Mental toughness is a lifestyle. It's something that you live every single day of your life. When I was growing up, I was a lazy kid. I was a lazy kid, and everybody goes, 'How did you get to where you're at today? How did you get to where you're running 200 miles at one time in 39 hours? Being so disciplined?'
- David Goggins
Collection: Time
Image of David Goggins
A warrior is not a person that carries a gun. The biggest war you ever go through is right between your own ears. It's in your mind. We're all going through a war in our mind, and we have to callus our mind to fight that war and to win that war.
- David Goggins
Collection: War
Image of David Goggins
Back in the day, what motivated me was overcoming myself. Now I believe in being a leader. I've done it all - I'm good. Now, it's about setting an example for others to follow. I can't just talk it - I have to live it.
- David Goggins
Collection: Good
Image of David Goggins
You have to be willing to go to war with yourself and create a whole new identity.
- David Goggins
Collection: War
Image of David Goggins
It's like a muscle - if you stop going to the gym or stop running, you get weak. The military teaches you these great values, but we don't keep up the discipline on our own, and we lose it. So wherever you go, keep that discipline up.
- David Goggins
Collection: Great
Image of David Goggins
The only way you gain mental toughness is to do things you're not happy doing. If you continue doing things that you're satisfied and make you happy, you're not getting stronger. You're staying where you're at. Either you're getting better, or you're getting worse. You're not staying the same.
- David Goggins
Image of David Goggins
I'm different than most people. When I cross the finish line of a big race, I see that people are ecstatic, but I'm thinking about what I'm going to do tomorrow. It's as if my journey is everlasting, and there is no finish line.
- David Goggins
Image of David Goggins
If you choose to do something, attack it. You can hate me, but there's one thing you can't say about me - that I didn't attack it.
- David Goggins
Image of David Goggins
Before you start a goal - let's take care of our insecurities because they are going to surface when you put yourself in the crucible and you're suffering.
- David Goggins
Image of David Goggins
Boot camp sucks - SEAL training sucks - but you know what? That's what makes you good.
- David Goggins
Image of David Goggins
I lived a sloppy life. So I took very small increments in my life. I started making my bed. I started cleaning my room. There were dishes in the sink. It started off with doing small house chores. I saw that the yard needed to be mowed. So instead of being told it needed to be mowed, I would mow it.
- David Goggins
Image of David Goggins
I swam underwater for 50 meters at a time and walked the length of the pool underwater, with a brick in each hand, all on a single breath.
- David Goggins
Image of David Goggins
When you tell a recruiter that you're almost 300 pounds and you want to be a SEAL, it doesn't go too well. I got hung up on a lot.
- David Goggins
Image of David Goggins
Self-talk, for me, has been the biggest thing in my life. A lot of us have a dialogue that is crap. It's a crappy dialogue. We live in a world right now that is very external. Everything is very on the surface. Superficial. Everything. And what we're telling ourselves is what we see on TV.
- David Goggins
Image of David Goggins
Read a record number of books in a given month. If you're focused on intellectual growth, train yourself to study harder and longer than ever before.
- David Goggins
Image of David Goggins
Everybody comes to a point in their life when they want to quit. But it's what you do at that moment that determines who you are.
- David Goggins
Collection: Want
Image of David Goggins
It hurts, but that’s all it does. The most difficult part of the training is training your mind. You build calluses on your feet to endure the road. You build calluses on your mind to endure the pain. There’s only one way to do that. You have to get out there and run.
- David Goggins
Collection: Running
Image of David Goggins
Failure is an option. It's what you do with the failure that makes you who you are. Our failures mold us. I have failed at several things in my life. What sets some of us apart, is that when we fail, we can't sleep at night. It haunts us until we have our time at redemption.
- David Goggins
Collection: Sleep
Image of David Goggins
I don't stop when I'm tired. I stop when I'm done
- David Goggins
Collection: Sports
Image of David Goggins
When you think that you are done you're only 40% in to what your body's capable of doing.that's just the limits that we put on ourselves.
- David Goggins
Collection: Thinking
Image of David Goggins
If you can see yourself doing something, you can do it. If you can’t see yourself doing it, usually you can’t achieve it.
- David Goggins
Collection: Achieve
Image of David Goggins
Don't Stop when you are Tired. Stop When You are Done.
- David Goggins
Collection: Motivational
Image of David Goggins
I'm different than most people...when I cross the finish line of a big race, I see that people are ecstatic, but I'm thinking about what I'm going to do tomorrow. It's as If my Journey is everlasting and there is no finish line
- David Goggins
Collection: Journey
Image of David Goggins
With the Special Ops Warrior Foundation's help, we put 266 kids through college last year. And that's what keeps me going. I'll be honest, I don't like running. I don't like biking. I don't like swimming. I do it to raise money. But, now that I'm in this sport, I want to see how far I can push myself. What makes me tick is that pain you feel when you do these ultramarathons. I love knowing that everyone's suffering because I know I can suffer just a little bit more. I can take a lot of pain.
- David Goggins
Collection: Sports
Image of David Goggins
I don’t stop when I’m tired. I stop when I’m done.
- David Goggins
Collection: Hard Work