David Carradine

Image of David Carradine
Quentin is very organic; there was no way that he was going to put someone else's hand in there and anyway, my hands are kind of famous. It seemed right.
- David Carradine
Collection: Famous
Image of David Carradine
If you cannot be a poet, be the poem.
- David Carradine
Collection: Poetry
Image of David Carradine
Quentin wanted to create this special world in which everybody walks around with a samurai sword, extras in the airport, a special little place in the airplane to stick your samurai sword.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
There's an alternative. There's always a third way, and it's not a combination of the other two ways. It's a different way.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I'm like a renegade and that rubs people wrong.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I went to college at San Francisco State and supported myself working the graveyard shift at a brewery and did a little theater. It was great. I'd do Shakespeare and stuff like that.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
Quentin Tarantino doesn't beat Hal Ashby, and he's one of my favorite directors. Quentin is incredible.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
Kung fu: You've got to spend your whole life at it before you're kung fu.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
Most actors spend a lot of time training themselves to be an actor. And I kind of didn't do that.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I've known Daryl Hannah for 20 years. She's kind of a friend of the family. Anyway, I've been hot for her ever since 'Blade Runner.'
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
You know, I've never actually really believed that death is inevitable. I just think it's a rumor.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
Why would you be afraid of death? It would be an inconvenience. I have a lot of undone things and it's bound to get in the way. But, no, it doesn't scare me at all.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
Well I would never say to anybody that Warren Beatty got fired, but uh, I think he and Quentin fell out of love, and I think Warren told Quentin to hire me for the film.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
Tarantino is the coolest damn guy; he's just so much fun to work with. He might be the best director I've ever worked with. He just seems to know how to do it and he knows how to make you feel good about it. He's having so much fun you start having fun. You can't help it.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
Quentin and I were constantly finding something new that we had in common and comic books were one of them. I think we were talking about comic books much earlier in our relationship, before I had the part.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
My big fight is not in the movie and I don't understand that decision but I know he's right about it, whatever it is. Quentin did not hire me because I'm a kung fu expert; he hired me because he liked to listen to me talk.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
Most actors spend a lot of time training themselves to be an actor. And I kind of didn't do that. I just started doin' it in front of an audience and had to deliver.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
It was pretty extensive - we worked out 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, for 3 months, which I think is more than anybody in the Olympics. I thought well I don't need this, the girls need it, but it was a gift.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
In the second installment, I pretty much dominate the show. Somehow or another, though, I manage to apparently dominate the first show pretty well with just my voice and my hands and a shot of my boots kicking cartridges out of the way.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I've worked with a lot of real heavy hitters, and Quentin is maybe heads and shoulders, at least a forehead, above just about anybody I've ever worked with.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I was involved in a web cartoon of Kung Fu with WB a few years back.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I remember when I did the pilot, and I though no network is going to want to do this. How could that happen? A half Chinese guy walking the old west that doesn't fire one gun and never gets on a horse?
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I like Bill a lot. As Bill is presented, I mean you don't ever see Bill blow her head off? You know? And I think what Quentin has done is he created a monster.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I don't need to convince anybody that I know kung fu, but maybe somebody needs to know that I really can act, without doing a Chinese accent or a funny walk.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
But, Tarantino has seen all of my movies. He's seen my good stuff, he's seen my bad stuff, he's seen the ones I directed, he's read my autobiography. There's an awful lot of things he knows about me, all of which I think had something to do with his casting.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
Because you know how you say I've got to really get down and really do some training and then of course, you never do or you do it for a couple of weeks and slough it back off again but I'm being forced to do something that I really want to do and I loved it.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
'Born to play? Hmmm. Probably Romeo... or Hamlet, I guess. Also, I'd be a great Alexander the Great.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I studied music formally. I was probably less formal about my study of acting than anything.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
There are wonderful films that become studio films, but they're conceived independently. That's where the action is. 'Being John Malkovich' is a great example of a picture you wouldn't think the studios would want, and it turns out to be a movie that touches everybody's heart.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I'm analytical as an actor, and one of the things Quentin did was free me from that.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
That's Quentin. He's an absolute master of his own fate. If he agrees with you, he'll change his mind instantly. If he thinks that he's right, there's no way you can get him to change his mind.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I went to 17 different schools when I was a kid. Every time I went to school, no matter what I talked like, it was always from the wrong place.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I did get to hang out with my dad for a little while. I went with him to summer stock. I watched him be a real king of the world. He'd ship out as a star in summer stock. He sometimes directed the shows. I learned a lot from him - not just about acting, but about everything, how to handle a woman.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
The first important role was a Broadway lead I did called 'The Royal Hunt Of The Sun' by Peter Shaffer, the guy who did 'Equus' and 'Amadeus.' Many of the important roles that I got later on were because the guy who was going to hire me was in that audience and had his mind blown. I tend to do that. I blow people's minds with my performances.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
There was an incident in Argentina when I was making a film called 'The Warrior and the Sorceress.' There were, like, 40, 50 sword fighters and martial artists on the set, and one of the sword fighters challenged me. I said, 'Look, you don't want to fight me. Nobody wants to fight me. You gotta be crazy to want to fight me.'
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I think people are a little surprised sometimes at the level on which I actually talk. I don't talk like Caine. And every once in a while, somebody is surprised because I smoke and I drink. But I don't feel that is a contradiction.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
My role in kung fu - in the art of kung fu, not the series - is not as a practitioner. My role is that of an evangelist, which is an entirely different thing.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I've always known whether I'm great. Or not.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I always knew that all it would take was for the right director to put me in a movie.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
The one thing about doing all those movies and all that television is I know what I'm doing. And I can do what Sean Connery can do. I can do what Clint can do. People even say I look a little like Clint. But that's just because I'm skinny and tall and old. With a receding hairline.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
With my father, there was one baseball game, one football game, one fishing trip. You got one of everything. And that was all you got. It was enough, though, and I adored him. He was a god to me.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I've never been in prison. I've been in jail a lot. But I've never actually been sentenced to anything.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
I was a truant. And if you're a truant in New York City, the truant officer gets after you, and then you get into the courts, and then things happen which they really shouldn't. But I ended up in a very sweet reform school. It's the place you go to if you've got a really kind judge.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
Most of the things that have happened in my life have been pretty arbitrary. I walk into a room, and someone hits me with a two-by-four, and that changes my life. I'm not sure what I've learned from anything.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
There's tons of members of the Carradine family. It's more like a clan than it is like a family, and it's rare that we can get a bunch of them together. We do once in a while.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
It's weird, because everywhere I go, people yell, 'Grasshopper!' or 'Bill!' but down there in Mexico or Colombia or anywhere in South America or most of Europe, people will yell, 'Serpent's Egg!' And I'll go, 'Wow, man, these people are really hip.'
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
'Kung Fu' was never cancelled; I just left. I decided I had enough of it, and I thought I should do a movie right away, because I think when you leave a television series, it's important that you establish the fact that you're a movie actor really quickly, or you might never get that chance.
- David Carradine
Image of David Carradine
If you trust yourself, any choice you make will be correct. If you do not trust yourself, anything you do will be wrong. - Kung Fu, The Legend Continues -
- David Carradine
Collection: Choices
Image of David Carradine
There are no good guys in a Quentin Tarantino movie. They're all bad guys. And you like us. That's Quentin's big talent.
- David Carradine
Collection: Guy
Image of David Carradine
I'm not regretful about dropping acid, but I could have stopped it a little sooner.
- David Carradine
Collection: Regret