Dave Portnoy

Image of Dave Portnoy
No Barstool writer has ever said or written one thing out of hate or anger. It's always to get a joke.
- Dave Portnoy
Collection: Anger
Image of Dave Portnoy
This is exactly why Barstool Sports has to exist. We're one of the few places - maybe the only place - on the Internet where we don't let agendas dictate what we do.
- Dave Portnoy
Collection: Sports
Image of Dave Portnoy
The fact that Manti Te'o thought for a long time that he was dating, like, a fake girl and then that she died and did the tribute and the girl never existed. I mean inherently that's funny.
- Dave Portnoy
Collection: Dating
Image of Dave Portnoy
The people at Barstool Sports are a bunch of average Joes, who like most guys love sports, gambling, golfing and chasing short skirts.
- Dave Portnoy
Collection: Sports
Image of Dave Portnoy
I don't know how anyone lives in Miami. Because no one goes to sleep.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
I want to make a boatload of money and i want to poof and maybe make it on the senior tour, live on islands, get a bigger Nantucket house.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
I really don't turn the other cheek. So when I feel like I'm being attacked, I don't back down.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
I always wanted to find something that I could wake up and not hate doing. Hating your job was probably my nightmare scenario.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
We have this fanatical fan base that wants to see us succeed, and so they get it. They get that to get the free content and all of the things we're doing - whether it be the blog, the podcasts, whatever - we need money. We need advertising. If you want us to go hire Michael Rapaport, well guess what, we need revenue to do that.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
We're a comedy site and have made fun of every single race, religion, creed and gender. We've made fun of it equally.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
Our readers get what we do, and I don't think about what it's going to look like to the outside world. I don't really care.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
You'd never believe how hard it is to find a wetsuit in Boston.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
The first time I used 'Viva La Stool,' I was just bragging about something. People grabbed it, and it went viral organically.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
It's like, if you sign a guy you know is a punk and a jerk, you can't complain like, 'Hey, the punk jerk is acting like a punk jerk!'
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
If you're ordering chain, you're a person with poor taste. Everyone lives near a pizza place that's better than a chain. They can't stand up to a local pizzeria.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
I love Boston, but it's a smaller city for the personalities and video and the other stuff we want to incorporate.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
I'd say we represent the silent majority.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
Some girls are just cut out to be housewives, drive SUVs and sing in the shower as opposed to being superstars.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
I think I'm a fairly smart person.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
Do I like Manhattan? No. Do I want to be in Manhattan? No.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
I make the decisions nobody else has the stomach to make.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
I call it as I see it.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
I'm bigger than the Beatles!
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
I figured I should have a website, because that's what everybody was doing.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
There's so much PC police. There's so much, 'You can't do this, you can't do that.' We're the exact opposite.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
I'd go toe-to-toe with anybody in the Boston media over our group, 18-35 year-old guys.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
We don't back down from controversy - we fan the fires. People think we go out of our way to create it, but we don't.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
There are almost no other websites that have the type of readership we do.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
When have I ever said I don't want to sell out? I've been the most honest, 'I'm going to sell out right in your face' when I get the chance.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
I'm never going to be on ESPN, probably. I've burned too many bridges. That's fine.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
I go on EEI shows. I go on with people I like.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
You judge a pizza place on their cheese slice.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
Unless you're getting a dollar slice, there's no real money difference between a chain and your local pizzeria.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
It was always our belief that if we brought out good stuff our fans will like it and we'll go.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
We really want Barstool Sports to be a brand that means something. It doesn't just have to be myself... you see the logo, that bar stool and the stars around it, and you know you're getting a certain type of vibe, a certain type of brand.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
If we sell a T-shirt, that probably means we thought it was a huge event that resonated with our crowd.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
The easiest thing to say is, 'I'm sorry.' We don't do that.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
We're sick of other people saying what other people should laugh at.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
We make it very clear, we don't want our fans to say over-the-line things. But if someone is saying, 'I can't wait for Dave Portnoy to go out of business,' I don't care if our fans say, 'You're the worst.'
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
Everything the NFL touches that maybe we should be involved in... we always get the message the NFL frowns upon working with Barstool Sports.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
Everything related to the NFL, we're banned from. Whether it be Media Day, whether it be even doing negotiations for TV shows, everybody's afraid of the NFL in their relation to us because they know they don't like us.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
Everybody is saying, 'ESPN is not cool, no one is paying attention to ESPN, they're all paying attention to the Barstools of the world.' Why? Because we're authentic.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
We make fun of everybody.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
We don't take ourselves very seriously and view working at Barstool Sports as a way to avoid becoming slaves to cubicle life.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
People know I'm a Jake Paul guy. I respect people who take over the Internet, and this guy has got maybe more haters than I do, which I also love.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
I hate hypocrisy.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
It's strange: There are feminists who like Barstool and then feminists who hate Barstool.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
All Patriot fans despise Goodell.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
We will not bow down to the winds of PC culture whichever way they may blow.
- Dave Portnoy
Image of Dave Portnoy
There is always a line that can't be crossed. Anything that is said or written from a place of hate will never be acceptable behavior at Barstool.
- Dave Portnoy