Dasha Zhukova

Image of Dasha Zhukova
Russian women like to be feminine. Even if it's minus-10 degrees and snowing, a Russian woman will still be in her stilettos.
- Dasha Zhukova
Collection: Women
Image of Dasha Zhukova
My time at Pop has been a transformative experience that I am extremely proud of. It has afforded me the chance to collaborate with some of the greatest creative minds in the world, and I'm thankful to Ashley Heath and Bauer Media for the opportunity.
- Dasha Zhukova
Collection: Thankful
Image of Dasha Zhukova
If you're a devoted collector of design, you seek out objects you can love to live with but also live in.
- Dasha Zhukova
Collection: Design
Image of Dasha Zhukova
'Garage Magazine' has a strong track record of promoting diversity and racial and gender equality in the worlds of art and fashion and will continue in our mission to stir positive debate on these and other issues.
- Dasha Zhukova
Collection: Equality
Image of Dasha Zhukova
There is a huge thirst for knowledge among the younger generation for contemporary art, but most of them learn about it by going on the Internet.
- Dasha Zhukova
Collection: Knowledge
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I believe in carbon offset initiatives, in eco-villages, in the sustainable regeneration of the tropical rainforest.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
When you're in a situation that is foreign to you, you just have to pull yourself together and adapt.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I have had an interest in art since childhood. I loved to draw as a child and still do.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
It's important to know how to operate within the system you are existing in.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I'm, like, really bad at remembering names.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
The more I read, the more I realise what I don't know.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I have always dreamed of bringing an exhibit of Mark Rothko to Moscow.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I don't know what drives me, but I wake up in the morning, and I want to participate in the creative cultural conversation.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
Anyone who doesn't know anything about art knows the name of at least one artist.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I don't see myself as a person who just does one thing. I understand that sometimes that might sound a bit unprofessional. But I disagree.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I definitely feel Russian. I feel Russian, but at the same time when I'm in the States I feel at home, too.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I have a few pieces that I got for my birthdays or that I bought for myself: I acquire things that speak to me and put them on my wall. When I see things I like, I just know.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
The Internet can give young people a fantastic platform to become financially independent and have global businesses without leaving Russia.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I'm very proud of Soviet aesthetics.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I never yell or scream. I mean, definitely not at work. I never yell at anyone I work with.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I am drawn to humorous art that is ironic.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I actually love physics, but art is where I thought I could make a difference for my country.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I'm young, Russian, I come from money, and I date a very well-known person.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
Most museums in Moscow, like Tretyakov, were established by philanthropists, whose passion for art allowed the development of culture on many levels.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I think one of my strengths is that I can always take advice, and I can delegate. I know a lot of people feel the need to do everything themselves, but I am not one of them.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I am definitely quick to adapt. I am not scared to come into a new environment.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
My involvement in fashion is not at the highest artistic level.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
There is a very strong theatre-going tradition in Moscow. It has stayed strong.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
The thing is, I grew up in L.A., so I had this unique opportunity to live in both communist Russia and see that life, and then move to America as a young girl and experience a completely different life.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I feel like anything I've ever done, I've been strongly advised not to do.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
England has a long history of supporting alternative medicine - maybe it's because they don't have such a strong pharmaceutical industry in England, and homeopathy has been taught and promoted there for hundreds of years.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
If a stranger is writing something completely fictitious, or insulting me on a blog or a tabloid, I don't take it personally.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I had a happy childhood: extremely outdoorsy and independent.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I want to work in art forever.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
Money grants you freedom, I guess.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I haven't spent years in fashion making friends and making enemies.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I have more ideas than I know what to do with. I guess I'm a bit of a fantasist and a daydreamer - all sorts of things come to me during the day.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I guess artists are living inspiration. There's something very pure about a person that fantasizes. I like hearing their stories, watching them work. Their take on the world interests me. It's not unified.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I'm not interested in business for business's sake.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I like messy. What fun is tidy?
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
Overall, I'm not upset at the press.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
Russia was culturally isolated for so long that some sort of transformation needs to happen and will happen.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I used to arm wrestle my roommate in college. Based on that, I'm in pretty good shape.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I'm quite disappointed that I'll never relive my teenage years.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I believe in the freedom of choice in both life and death.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I think it's fascinating that clothes can drastically transform someone's mood or the way they feel about their appearance.
- Dasha Zhukova
Image of Dasha Zhukova
Planning is my favorite - to have a vision and watch it materialize.
- Dasha Zhukova
Collection: Vision
Image of Dasha Zhukova
I guess people wouldn't say nasty things to my face. When you're kind of isolated, you don't really hear the gossip, or you're not really involved in it. You're here, and it's all going on over there.
- Dasha Zhukova
Collection: People
Image of Dasha Zhukova
People have the freedom to say what they want, and I get it - mean stuff sells better than nice stuff.
- Dasha Zhukova
Collection: Nice