Daniel S. Loeb

Image of Daniel S. Loeb
I've enjoyed collecting. I've enjoyed art ever since - I'll tell you when - I went to Columbia. I went to the Met, and I saw Poussin's 'Rape of the Sabine Women', and it's this incredible, epic, great, great painting.
- Daniel S. Loeb
Image of Daniel S. Loeb
I really just started buying art as a passion. I never considered it an investment, but it ended up being a good investment.
- Daniel S. Loeb
Image of Daniel S. Loeb
I love reading Warren Buffett's letters, and I love contrasting his words with his actions. He's a very wise guy.
- Daniel S. Loeb
Image of Daniel S. Loeb
I don't remember much about the specifics of the economics courses that I majored in - I apparently internalized the key concepts - but I still remember vividly the thrill of reading 'Don Quixote,' Epictetus, 'The Aeneid,' 'King Lear' and 'Candide,' and how contemporary the stories and ideas in these old and ancient texts struck me.
- Daniel S. Loeb
Image of Daniel S. Loeb
I fantasize that our politicians have been moved by the dialogues of Plato, and thus contemplate the ancient conflict of the sophists versus the lovers of truth.
- Daniel S. Loeb
Image of Daniel S. Loeb
I didn't go to a business school. I didn't really study it.
- Daniel S. Loeb
Image of Daniel S. Loeb
Perhaps I was always intensely curious, but my Columbia education gave me a framework and a perspective to investigate new things - things that could be put into a historical and philosophical lineage.
- Daniel S. Loeb
Image of Daniel S. Loeb
In order to be a really good investor, you need to be a little bit of a philosopher as well.
- Daniel S. Loeb
Collection: Order
Image of Daniel S. Loeb
The only thing I do know is that from chaos comes opportunity.
- Daniel S. Loeb
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Daniel S. Loeb
Timing is everything in this markets.
- Daniel S. Loeb
Collection: Investing