Colm Feore

Image of Colm Feore
I'm pragmatic. If this is going to make sense, get me a job, and in the end let me put my kids through school. I'll play killers. But my kids always ask me, 'Do you die in this one, too, Daddy?'
- Colm Feore
Image of Colm Feore
Charm is an intangible. Chutzpah, charm, charisma, that kind of thing, you can't buy it. You either have it or you don't.
- Colm Feore
Image of Colm Feore
I do dead Canadians. If he's dead and he's Canadian and he's famous, I'll be playing him at some point.
- Colm Feore
Image of Colm Feore
I've played all kinds of historical characters, but they are stuck in movies that aren't their movies.
- Colm Feore
Image of Colm Feore
I take some pains to learn the material beforehand. I have a bunch of tricks I use to try and hit the ground running. I write everything out. I take the text and I very methodically go through, and that tends to put it into my head a little bit more solidly than if I just glanced at it and hoped for the best.
- Colm Feore
Image of Colm Feore
On '24,' it says on the front page of your script: 'This script is for the production staff and cast. Please don't show it to anybody else.'
- Colm Feore
Image of Colm Feore
I've worked on all sorts of things, like the sci-fi stuff for Vin Diesel, where the script is numbered and is in unphotocopy-able colours and your name is stamped into every page. And it doesn't really help because it creates a false sense of specialness about the thing.
- Colm Feore
Image of Colm Feore
I am the King of Frost Giants. And if you've seen any of the Frost Giants, you know that I am, of course, the Napoleon of Frost Giants. We've got some massive, fabulous guys who dwarf me and come in at around eight-and-a-half feet, nine feet. But, no. Can't you tell by the commanding presence? I am the boss.
- Colm Feore
Collection: Kings
Image of Colm Feore
We don't want anybody to come off half-cocked and make a decision about what we're only in the middle of doing, right? So if there's shots of me out there, then somebody's going to say, "Oh, that's not the right way. That's not this and that." It has to be seen in context.
- Colm Feore
Collection: Decision
Image of Colm Feore
So, we get into the first piece. Then, layer, layer, layer, do all of this. Then we jump into the trousers. Then I'm zip-tied in to this bottom piece and glued into the feet. So you can't get out. There is a zipper...somewhere. But it'll cost you money to find out where. And to actually make it functional, it's pretty ridiculous. So, I plan ahead.
- Colm Feore
Collection: Feet
Image of Colm Feore
I looked at a lot of the comics and I tried to just get an idea from that. Not necessarily specifics of what my look would be or what the plan would be because I knew the script was evolving. I then started the discussion with Ken, who had been in discussion with you guys, intimately. And that they'd pared it down.
- Colm Feore
Collection: Ideas
Image of Colm Feore
Colm Feore. Newspaper column, Norwegian water. Column of steel, column of virtue, just for God's sake, Colm.
- Colm Feore
Collection: Water
Image of Colm Feore
Well, if you're not a man in glasses standing in front of me with a tape recorder going like this, I can't see anything. But if you are, then I see perfectly well.
- Colm Feore
Collection: Men