Colin Wilson

Image of Colin Wilson
I was aggressively nonpolitical. I believed that people who make a fuss about politics do so because their heads are too empty to think about more important things. So I felt nothing but impatient contempt for Osborne's Jimmy Porter and the rest of the heroes of social protest.
- Colin Wilson
Collection: Hero
Image of Colin Wilson
Could it be that sexual perversion and romanticism sprang from the same longing for distant horizons?
- Colin Wilson
Collection: Horizon
Image of Colin Wilson
It is important to grasp that boredom is one of the most common - and undesirable - consequences of 'unicameralism'. Boredom is a feeling of being 'dead inside'; that is to say, loss of contact with our instincts and feelings.
- Colin Wilson
Collection: Loss
Image of Colin Wilson
The "passion for incredulity" can produce as much self-deception as the uncritical will to believe.
- Colin Wilson
Collection: Believe
Image of Colin Wilson
Man is brilliant at solving problems; but solving them only makes him the victim of his own childishness and laziness. It is this recognition that has made almost every major philosopher in history a pessimist.
- Colin Wilson
Collection: Men
Image of Colin Wilson
The self-surmounter can never put up with the man who has ceased to be dissatisfied with himself.
- Colin Wilson
Collection: Men
Image of Colin Wilson
Faculty X is a sense of reality of other places and other times, and it is the possession of it—fragmentary and uncertain though it is—that distinguishes man from all other animals.
- Colin Wilson
Collection: Animal
Image of Colin Wilson
In the mid nineteenth century, the typical murderer was a drunken illiterate; a hundred years later the typical murderer regards himself as a thinking man.
- Colin Wilson
Collection: Men
Image of Colin Wilson
Now the basic impulse behind existentialism is optimistic, very much like the impulse behind all science. Existentialism is romanticism, and romanticism is the feeling that man is not the mere he has always taken himself for. Romanticism began as a tremendous surge of optimism about the stature of man. Its aim - like that of science - was to raise man above the muddled feelings and impulses of his everyday humanity, and to make him a god-like observer of human existence.
- Colin Wilson
Collection: Taken
Image of Colin Wilson
It seemed perfectly possible that, in spite of my certainty of my own genius, I might die of some illness, or perhaps even in a street accident, before I had ever glimpsed the meaning of life. My moods of happiness and self-confidence convinced me that I had a "destiny" to become a famous writer, and to be remembered as one of the most important thinkers of the century.
- Colin Wilson
Collection: Self Confidence