Colin Cowherd

Image of Colin Cowherd
Hockey is no longer a big four. It's football, basketball, baseball and soccer. Now, I'm not talking MLS. I'm talking COPA, World Cup, men's, women's, MLS, youth... and there's a lot of reasons for it.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
The Dominican Republic has not been known in my lifetime as having world-class academic abilities.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Baseball is like any sport. It's mostly instincts.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
People ask me, 'What's it like to leave ESPN?' and I say, 'I'm not leaving ESPN. I'm leaving ESPNU.' That's what I was on. That network doesn't even have a sales staff.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
The culture at ESPN, I found when I left, isn't the same as when I came. It wasn't as much fun.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
From a small market, nobody had heard of me. ESPN had guts, they had courage, they rolled the dice. A guy flew into Portland, we got a rare snowstorm, he was stuck there four days, John McConnell listened to me, and he recommended me.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
A sports writer who covers baseball could go up to Tony La Russa and have a real baseball argument, and Tony would listen and it would seem reasonable.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
There's not a single NFL writer in the country who could diagram a play for Bill Belichick.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Sometimes my tone stinks.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I can be harsh but I don't think I'm mean.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
One of the things that was really attractive to me about Fox is they have the NFL, and baseball playoffs.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
A lot of these coaches, they're almost like military leaders, and the media is the enemy. Football coaches are just wired tight.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
To me, radio is about making you uncomfortable. Television is about making you comfortable: Who do you like? Who do you want to be friends with? So I don't need to tower over people in television.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
It's hard to put into words how much fun it is for me, as a broadcaster, to build something with really smart, talented people.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Political radio is often angry.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
You have to know what you are and what you're not. And I'm not a politico.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Twitter has created a certain momentum that is not always fact-based. I worry about that because I still live in a world where you need to have two sources.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Even when I agree with the Twitterverse, I don't like the means by which they reach the conclusion. It's a really scary place. And I'm not comfortable with that.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I mean ESPN plucked me out of nowhere and I'm forever grateful for the opportunity. I don't love the way it ended. But I'm not a grudge-holder.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I hurt people with my words and I regret that.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Deep down, I want to be liked, but in the end, I'm willing to argue. Is it because I'm seeking attention? I don't have the answers to that.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
So we all want to be liked; I just don't always think I'm that likeable. I think my personality is really 50-50.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I'm not angry. I like to laugh.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Strong families equal strong leaders.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Let me tell you something, I'm a big believer, when it comes to quarterbacks and point guards: Who's your dad? Who's your dad?
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
The NFL is one of the first places where many star players finally see discipline. Finally have an authoritative male figure: Buck stops here, I make all the calls, you will not get an opinion.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Here's something that's interesting if you look at basic metrics or numbers in this country - 71% of African-American men: no dad at home. No disciplinarian. Fathers are often the louder voice, the disciplinarian. Many of those kids don't grow up with a dad.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Sean Taylor, great player has a history of really really bad judgment, really really bad judgment.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Point guard is like the quarterback. It's an IQ-judgment position. The great ones are not about themselves. They're about the others.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Leadership is IQ, it's not skills.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I don't like Derrick Rose, he'd rather score than distribute. That's not who I want as my point guard.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
We're in an on-demand world. You can do real-time commentary now with no barriers. I don't have to drive to a studio, don't have to put makeup on. I don't have to go to a studio and get miked up.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I can age more elegantly if I curate talent.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I want to create this really smart, thoughtful podcast network where I do for young people what somebody did for me.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
The demographics of this country are changing. And the people coming to this country are soccer fans, not hockey fans.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Soccer has surpassed, in this country, hockey.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
A soccer star is on the field for two hours. In hockey, your star player is on the ice for 20 minutes.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Talent? Overrated. Leadership? Underrated.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
If I am ever forced to cover guys playing video games, I will retire and move to a rural fishing village and sell bait.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
You know, John Wall and Vick are very similar. I'm not disputing their talent. I mean, Michael Vick and John Wall are fun to watch. But building my franchise around him, leadership position?
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I'm in the opinion business.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Do I think John Wall has grown up? Absolutely. Do I think he was immature when he broke into the league? Absolutely.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Do I think he's got character? Yeah. You don't play defense like that without deeply caring about teammates... John Wall plays real defense. He's got real character.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Who likes being wrong? I don't like being wrong.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I'm in talk radio. A story breaks, I need an opinion. I'm not ESPN News.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Tom Brady is the two best quarterbacks of all time.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Listen, when John Wall came out and did the Dougie, first home game, for 34 seconds, he was a moron. It's the dumbest thing I've ever seen. I will never back down.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Well, I came from a small little town on the beach - Grayland, a town of about 1,000 people. I was the quarterback and a basketball player at Ocosta High School. It was a great community to grow up in.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
My dad was the town optometrist and my mom worked at the school.
- Colin Cowherd