Colin Cowherd

Image of Colin Cowherd
If you look at women in sports, they generally have to be more qualified because it is kind of a man's world. Guys will give guys a lot more breaks than a woman. I'd argue that women make fewer mistakes and are held to a higher standard. I think the ultimate respect you can pay to a woman in my business is you're my equal.
- Colin Cowherd
Collection: Respect
Image of Colin Cowherd
This radio business I'm in is full of guys who read the sports page and rip crap off.
- Colin Cowherd
Collection: Sports
Image of Colin Cowherd
My parenting philosophy pretty much boils down to this: I love my kids; I tolerate yours. Mine just make common, age-appropriate mistakes - phases, let's call them - while your kids are completely undisciplined and probably need counseling.
- Colin Cowherd
Collection: Parenting
Image of Colin Cowherd
I had great high school coaches.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
If I had gone to a big network at age 28, I'd have been a big failure. I wasn't ready and needed to make a decade of mistakes.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Derek Jeter always felt like New York: the good-looking single guy for all those years. He felt like a Yankee.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Troy Aikman has always felt like a Dallas Cowboy to me.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Tom Brady is fun and happy. Boston is cranky and intense.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Tom Brady is aspirational. He married a supermodel. He's creating a global brand. He has houses in Costa Rica, Montana. Tom's always been about growth and evolving. That's not Boston.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Andy Reid really dominated the NFC with Donovan McNabb as his best quarterback, got to a Super Bowl. Then he goes to the AFC, wins with Alex Smith. He's won with five or six quarterbacks.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
When I poked Baker Mayfield in the ribs - police video, height - poked him in the ribs, kind of a reach. Oh, it bothered him. He fired back every time. Every time. Because Baker was not ready to go from best college team to lousy NFL team. That's a certain level maturity and self-esteem that few have.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Bob Rondeau was a seminal voice in my young broadcasting career. The two people that I really monitored were Vin Scully and Bob Rondeau. And they both had an amazing talent. They were word efficient.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I really latched on to announcers who were good storytellers.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Most announcers over talk. I'm in the opinion space so I talk all day, but play-by-play guys generally over talk.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Bob Rondeau - he'll never know this - but he was so instrumental. He is a legend to me and had a major impact in my life.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I have high hopes for my kids, and I'll defend them to the death.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
From Cape Cod to Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts is home to some of the country's most sought-after summer refuges.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Defense wins at every level.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
All-Star games don't resonate with me.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I don't worry about what I said, I worry about what I'm saying tomorrow.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Wild card teams usually have some flaws or they wouldn't be one.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I don't live in a would of looking back.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I try to be honest and work hard. That's the only two things I worry about.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Southern California and Las Vegas are my kind of places.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
August 1 is the beginning of football season to me.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Got to be honest, I don't think much of anybody that tatoos themselves several times.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Quarterback in the NFL is a public position.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I've always been very outspoken and very risk oriented.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I was Mike Schmidt without any of the power.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I don't mind long, extended trips to warm weather destinations.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
It's amazing what good coaching can do to a team.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Parlays are for suckers and college kids.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I don't see myself as subversive. I just don't necessarily buy what people tell me initially.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I think you have to constantly challenge your staff. I have to challenge myself; you get more interesting answers that way.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I don't think that doing things a certain way because they've always been done that way is smart. I don't think you grow that way.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I never go on the air and lie.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I try to broaden every discussion out, make it very relatable to fans.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
New York is a highly educated city. People who are educated generally go to college. People who go to college who are men love college football.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I've never been a big fan of Cam Newton's.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Big game? I'll take Cam Newton over Aaron Rodgers.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
The hardest working guy when I got into this business was Jim Rome... That guy grinds it every day. You don't know anybody that works like him.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Disney hovers over every decision at ESPN.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I can't control myself. I wish I could. I've gone to parties, I've gone to games, and I drive home and think, 'God, can't you just not argue for once? Can't you just take what people give you and be happy with their answer?'
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I think when you host a radio show, just like Jon Stewart hosts a show, I think sometimes I bring up stuff... that makes people cringe.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Home field advantage can be overrated in the NFL because veteran players aren't bothered by it. Home-field advantage is a bigger deal in college.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I am not a friend of eSports. It's the same with professional wrestling - it's for booger eaters.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
Joe Burrow's self-esteem - and this is really important - is tied to what Joe Burrow thinks of himself. It is about confidence, focus, judgement, maturity.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I wish everybody in the world liked me, but a lot of them don't. That's because my whatever - my weakness, my vulnerability, my ego, whatever it is.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
It's baseball. You don't think a general manager can manage? Like it's impossible? The game is too complex? I've never bought into that, 'Baseball's just too complex.' Really? A third of the sport is from the Dominican Republic.
- Colin Cowherd
Image of Colin Cowherd
I have never really had any ugly confrontations, other than Bobby Knight, and that was before I was doing sports talk radio. He is just a very difficult guy.
- Colin Cowherd