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I love Chanel. Everything about her was personal. All of those lions she made, she handmade them. Red and green, they were her favorite colors. She kept it personal and real, and she was a woman.
- CL
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We just love shopping. I don't look at the brand; I don't look at the most pricey outfit. Even if it's a dollar, I don't care.
- CL
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Culturally, I'm not 100 percent Korean. I'm very mixed and very open.
- CL
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2NE1 was special because we each had different characters and styles, for individual tastes.
- CL
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I don't want a 'good' image.
- CL
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I'm not the standard Asian girl.
- CL
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Back in Korea, I'm always in the studio with YG people. I'd be given a song, and I'd cut it.
- CL
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Some people want to tell me what's right for me, and I have to stick up for myself all of the time.
- CL
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I don't want to take too much responsibility, where I'm like, 'Oh, I'm representing Asia.'
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I don't like to box myself into anything, because I also sing and I love to dance; I do everything.
- CL
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I don't actually like calling myself a rapper. I'm more a performer.
- CL
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We're into discovering ourselves as 2NE1. Since all four of us are different, we inspire and push each other.
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I love Karl Lagerfield. Riccardo Tisci - I love his work.
- CL
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I think it's in my blood: both of my parents are very hard workers and were always working when I was growing up. I love working and what I do.
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Personally, I don't like defining myself. I don't want to be put in one category in any kind of way.
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Growing up, I listened to a lot of Queen and Lauryn Hill because of my dad. Those are songs that have messages.
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My dad didn't like staying in one place, so we moved around every year - to a new house, new town, new country.
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I know from my own experience that anything is possible, that there's nothing you can't do.
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I don't cry often.
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I actually wrote the lyrics for 'Goodbye' in 10 minutes.
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I'm not against being beautiful or sexy or anything, but I have this 'cool' image that I want to keep.
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I enjoy exploring and finding myself.
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I use Maybelline's eye studio gel eyeliner and simply glide it onto the eyelids to shape the makeup. Then, I use brown eyeshadow to add more detail to make my eyes look deeper.
- CL
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You have to be who you truly are, and love who you are, to be beautiful.
- CL
Collection: Beautiful
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Even if you don't understand the language, you can still love the music.
- CL
Collection: Language
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But the Dark cannot claim what Light does not surrender.
- CL
Collection: Dark
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Ordinary people seem to not like me. They tend to think that I’m a little weird.
- CL
Collection: Thinking
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I know all too well that people only see what they want to see and remember only what they want to remember.
- CL
Collection: People
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I think you have to be who you truly are and love who you are (to be beautiful). It's also important to be free and honest, enjoying life and having fun. In conclusion, ... I am who I am.
- CL
Collection: Beautiful
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I think it’d be a great honor to be able to influence someone’s joy.
- CL
Collection: Thinking