Christopher Bond

Image of Christopher Bond
Advances in technology will continue to reach far into every sector of our economy. Future job and economic growth in industry, defense, transportation, agriculture, health care, and life sciences is directly related to scientific advancement.
- Christopher Bond
Collection: Technology
Image of Christopher Bond
Change is tough, people don't like it, but it is necessary. Take two aspirins and call me in the morning.
- Christopher Bond
Collection: Morning
Image of Christopher Bond
Misdirected focus on paperwork, on procedures, and on bureaucracy frustrates teachers and fails to give children the education they need.
- Christopher Bond
Collection: Teacher
Image of Christopher Bond
I'm not here to say that the government is always right, but when the government tells you to do something, I'm sure you would all agree that I think you all recognize that is something you need to do.
- Christopher Bond
Collection: Thinking
Image of Christopher Bond
America has survived and grown stronger through September 11th and subsequent wars with Afghanistan and Iraq and those who seek to do us harm. We have faced - and met - tremendous challenges ramping up a public health and safety system to protect Americans from future threats.
- Christopher Bond
Collection: War
Image of Christopher Bond
History's lesson is to make the most of reform opportunities when they arise because they do not arise often and they do not last long.
- Christopher Bond
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Christopher Bond
More time on paperwork means less time spent with students or preparing lessons for students. It is as simple as that. The numerous reforms in the bill will go a long way to free our time of special educators.
- Christopher Bond
Collection: Mean
Image of Christopher Bond
Abroad, our most important policy is to support our troops and continue forward-thinking foreign policy in the war on terror - keeping our enemies on the run and hitting them before they hit us.
- Christopher Bond
Collection: Running
Image of Christopher Bond
Hold on to your wallets folks because with the passage of this trillion-dollar baby, the Democrats will be poised to spend as much as $3 trillion in your tax dollars. Taxpayers will be on the hook for spending that will stimulate the debt, stimulate the growth of government, but will do little to stimulate jobs or the economy.
- Christopher Bond
Collection: Baby