Chris Klein

Image of Chris Klein
Every opportunity that comes your way, you can't take lightly. You have to take it very, very seriously, because the opportunities are limited. If you want to keep working, you can't be such an elitist, to say no, that's not good enough, not big enough, not smart enough, whatever.
- Chris Klein
Image of Chris Klein
You know, I consistently change in my own life so the roles I'm suitable for also change, and that's a really nice thing about this profession.
- Chris Klein
Image of Chris Klein
When I started in the late nineties, it was all about young Hollywood. There were jobs for all of us if you were 18 to 21, were slightly good looking, or could be funny.
- Chris Klein
Image of Chris Klein
Well, there's nothing better than putting your feet up on a Sunday afternoon and grabbing a good book.
- Chris Klein
Image of Chris Klein
There's a certain thought process about actors that they are in Hollywood and they sit around pools and get suntans and just get offered jobs.
- Chris Klein
Image of Chris Klein
For me, I've always been one that reads a script and has been ready, wiling and able to go out and fight for parts.
- Chris Klein
Image of Chris Klein
There are a million roles I haven't played yet that I would love to play!
- Chris Klein
Image of Chris Klein
I've been a huge fan of the cable network FX for a very, very long time. I think their brand of comedy is incredible. For me, as an audience member, that's a go-to channel.
- Chris Klein
Image of Chris Klein
I love being an actor, and that's really the bottom line - in any medium, in any genre - and I want to do it.
- Chris Klein
Image of Chris Klein
'Election' made zero money at the box office, but it started my career.
- Chris Klein
Image of Chris Klein
Actually, I always dreamed about getting a gold medal in the 100-meter freestyle in Olympic swimming. I always thought that would be the epic award in sports to get.
- Chris Klein
Image of Chris Klein
Well, acting has been a dream of mine since I can remember; being in the movies and acting, having those experiences.
- Chris Klein
Image of Chris Klein
My acting style and my physicality lends itself to doing things like putting a scene together for a dancing competition.
- Chris Klein
Collection: Dancing
Image of Chris Klein
When a woman isn't feeling good about herself and you combine that with her period, eventually she'll ask you if you like her body. You have to say no.
- Chris Klein
Collection: Feel Good
Image of Chris Klein
Election' made zero money at the box office, but it started my career.
- Chris Klein
Collection: Zero
Image of Chris Klein
I think, in my life and in my experience, teens have stress, and everybody's stress is unique, and everybody's frame of reference is different
- Chris Klein
Collection: Stress
Image of Chris Klein
I think the universal themes of "American Pie" are what make it attractive to everybody. How to people relate to these characters? It's because these five male characters in this movie wouldn't ordinarily be in the same friend group and they each have their own part to play in the whole thing. There's a character for everybody in this movie that they can relate to... that they either were or knew someone that was. To cover the range like that is pretty unique to our franchise.
- Chris Klein
Collection: Character
Image of Chris Klein
Everything that goes into making a film, when it's the finished product, us as the actors look at the film and go: "Oh man, OK, on that day we were doing whatever the circumstances were on that day...." So much goes into it and it's all so incredibly calculated that the behind-the-scenes chemistry that exists between all of us is sometimes forgotten - you can't act that. We've all come together and held hands through each of the processes that I've been a part of.
- Chris Klein
Collection: Men
Image of Chris Klein
I truly love being an actor. I love it with all my heart and soul, and I hope that I get to do it for a very long time.
- Chris Klein
Collection: Heart