Caroline Lucas

Image of Caroline Lucas
If we genuinely believe in a bigger future for our country, we have to redistribute both wealth and power - so people can take back control for good, not just for one vote.
- Caroline Lucas
Image of Caroline Lucas
We should entrust our young people with a voice to express their views on what their futures should look like.
- Caroline Lucas
Image of Caroline Lucas
We must instil our future leaders with the expertise, knowledge and skills to prevent climate breakdown and restore nature to health.
- Caroline Lucas
Image of Caroline Lucas
Everything from the infrastructure we build to the products we use must now be aimed squarely at building a zero-carbon world.
- Caroline Lucas
Image of Caroline Lucas
Banks and investors have poured money into dirty energy and high-carbon for decades. While no single policy is a magic bullet for the climate crisis, there is also no way of solving it that doesn't involve a fundamental reimagining of the role of our financial system.
- Caroline Lucas
Image of Caroline Lucas
We know that Brexit would make our poorest communities poorer still. That it would make the powerless even less able to effect change.
- Caroline Lucas
Image of Caroline Lucas
Our economy is failing far too many - forcing parents to use foodbanks to feed their children, demonising migrants and condemning all of us to climate breakdown.
- Caroline Lucas
Image of Caroline Lucas
Labour needs to end its support for expensive nuclear power and vanity projects like HS2, and take a firm stance against the ecologically impossible expansion of airports.
- Caroline Lucas
Image of Caroline Lucas
It's going to take everyone to rebuild a fairer, more sustainable, more beautiful Britain.
- Caroline Lucas
Image of Caroline Lucas
The people who serve your fast food lunch or your after-work drinks deserve dignity - and if big companies don't start paying them enough for a decent standard of living, they have the power to close these businesses. But no one goes on strike lightly.
- Caroline Lucas
Image of Caroline Lucas
As more and more people demand fair pay, the Government and big corporations are going to have to take notice.
- Caroline Lucas
Image of Caroline Lucas
We must have the right to name our fears and laugh at those who seek to scare us - or risk giving in to terrorists.
- Caroline Lucas
Image of Caroline Lucas
When the democratic deficit is so enormous, people are left with very little option but to take peaceful, non-violent direct action.
- Caroline Lucas
Collection: Direct Action
Image of Caroline Lucas
I've always been a bit ambitious, but I do think the Green Party is the real opposition.
- Caroline Lucas
Collection: Real
Image of Caroline Lucas
Would the media insist on having a Holocaust-denier to balance any report about the Second Word War?
- Caroline Lucas
Collection: War