Bill Hagerty

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We became energy independent under President Trump. It is strong for our economy, strong for our national security.
- Bill Hagerty
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Congress must proactively serve as a check on President Joe Biden's headstrong drive to reset relations with Iran's terror-sponsoring regime.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The model of the Abraham Accords between Israel and the Arab world serves as a powerful reminder that diplomacy is not an end itself, but a means to an end - and one that must be backed by political, economic, and military power to be effective.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Former President Donald Trump freed U.S. military commanders from unsound Obama-era constraints and enabled our troops to militarily defeat the ISIS caliphate.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
It is critical that Congress proactively serve as a check on the Biden Administration's irresponsible and dangerous appeasement efforts, especially as Iran's terror-sponsoring regime continues to back aggression against Americans abroad.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The United States cannot fall victim again to Tehran's blackmail, bribery, and extortion by giving into its demands for sanctions relief.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
I believe that we really do need unity here in America.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
China is a hegemon.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
President Trump is the one that will bring unity to our party.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Israel is a fellow democracy, a vibrant and dynamic economic partner, and our most important ally in the Middle East.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
I was fortunate to benefit from Secretary Shultz's advice and counsel when I served as U.S. Ambassador to Japan.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The plain text of the Constitution is clear. It only permits impeachment and conviction of 'The President' and requires that the Chief Justice preside when the President is tried.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The Senate is not a court for trying private citizens.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The Democrats have a plan, their plan is to humiliate and embarrass the Republican voters that supported President Trump.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
You know, I'm from Tennessee, a flyover state.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
We have many citizens in Tennessee who felt forgotten and left out because of the elite perspective of those on the coast.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
China is moving aggressively every day moving against us militarily, and diplomatically, and certainly economically in a very predatory manner. They don't play by the same rules as we do. We have to be present and pushing back.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The hardworking people of Tennessee believe strongly in maintaining a robust military, taking care of our veterans and investing in our infrastructure and national parks.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
As a business person, I will focus intensely on rooting out waste, fraud, and abuse in Washington.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The 45th president no longer holds office. There is no sanction available under the constitution, in our view, for him to be removed from office that he no longer holds.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The Trump Administration kept its promise to move the U.S. Embassy to Jerusalem, the eternal and indivisible capital of the Jewish State of Israel, and it should remain there.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
As former U.S. Ambassador to Japan, I know how important it is to recognize the core concerns of our allies, and it was a travesty that our government ignored U.S. law and declined to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital for so many decades.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
As the former U.S. Ambassador to Japan, I understand the importance of having a competent, empowered, and level-headed Secretary of State.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
While Antony Blinken and I will not agree on everything, he is qualified to represent the United States and our interests abroad.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
It is deeply concerning to learn that Linda Thomas-Greenfield repeatedly praised autocratic China's aggressive and troubling expansion into Africa during a 2019 speech at the Chinese government-directed Confucius Institute in Georgia.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
America needs a diplomat at the United Nations who fully comprehends the diplomatic, economic, technological, military, and moral dimensions of China's challenge.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Our government should be working to enhance national security and protect American workers, and its leaders should be persons whose judgment and ethical history are beyond reproach.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
As the former Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development, I understand that transportation infrastructure is vital to economic growth, particularly in states like Tennessee.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Tennessee has a strong history of conservative stewardship of taxpayer dollars.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Having Jim Henry, someone who has spent his career serving our state, as my state director will bring tremendous experience to our state team and will help ensure that Tennesseans know my offices are available to help in their communities.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Ensuring that those who live in the Upper Cumberland region have a U.S. Senate office on a permanent basis was a top priority of mine as I took office.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
President Biden's decision to rejoin the failed Paris Climate Accord props up our adversaries at the expense of American workers.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Our global adversaries benefit when the United States burdens itself with policies that our competitors ignore.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Our nation's peaceful transfer of power is at the very bedrock of our republic, but also a clear example to the rest of the world.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
America is the greatest nation in history, and I join all Tennesseans in supporting our country's continued strength and success.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
To protect the national security interests, economic interests, and moral interests of the United States and our allies in the Indo-Pacific, I urge the Biden Administration to hold China accountable for its wide range of malign and predatory behavior.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Because Beijing respects only strength, I urge Secretary of State Blinken and National Security Advisor Sullivan to continue and expand the strong and effective China strategy and policies implemented during the Trump Administration until we and our allies are able to verify that China's malign activities have ended.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Keeping our 5G network clean and clear is something that we've invested a tremendous amount of time in as a nation.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
No one knows better than Leader McConnell how to master the rules of the parliamentary procedure rules here in the Senate.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The Chinese Communist Party are oppressing their own people in incredibly negative ways.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The biggest concern I have about Iran is that we're going to see the Biden administration take steps to appease them that's only going to accelerate their malign behavior in the entire Middle East region.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
We need to take into account our allies in the Middle East including Israel, Saudi Arabia, and their concerns before we leap to the side of Europe and do things just that they want just because they want to be back in business with Iran.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
In the midst of a public health crisis, HHS does not need a leader who has prioritized progressive policies, including government-run health care, partial-birth abortion, and decriminalizing illegal immigration.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
I love Tennessee. I have a heart for Tennessee.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Michael Regan is being placed at the EPA not to pursue a responsible, common sense agenda that protects our clean air and water and jobs, but instead to carry the water for an extremist agenda.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The course of the 21st century will be largely defined by how the United States and our allies meet the monumental diplomatic, economic, military, and technological challenges posed by China under the Chinese Communist Party.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Having served as the former U.S. Ambassador to Japan, I feel well-prepared to assume the ranking membership of the subcommittee that oversees the management of the State Department and USAID, and to ensure our diplomacy efforts always advance U.S. national security interests and values.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The United States must continue efforts to lead the world in holding accountable the Chinese Communist Party for all of its predatory and threatening behavior.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
As a member of the Appropriations Committee, I will fight for the interests of Tennesseans and all Americans while working to eliminate wasteful, duplicative, and unnecessary spending.
- Bill Hagerty