Bill Hagerty

Image of Bill Hagerty
Our priorities must be to continue to secure our border, strengthen our legal immigration system, and protect jobs for hardworking Americans.
- Bill Hagerty
Collection: Legal
Image of Bill Hagerty
The United States needs an EPA Administrator who understands that job growth and environmental protection are not mutually exclusive.
- Bill Hagerty
Collection: Environmental
Image of Bill Hagerty
In 2015, 2016 before President Trump, there was a theme of hopelessness that good manufacturing jobs aren't coming back. Obama said you can't just wave a magic wand and bring these jobs back. Well, under President Trump and Amb. Lighthizer leadership on trade: Abracadabra!
- Bill Hagerty
Collection: Leadership
Image of Bill Hagerty
Americans must have faith that presidential election rules are established through the transparent, democratic process required by the U.S. Constitution to guarantee public accountability and preserve federalism.
- Bill Hagerty
Collection: Faith
Image of Bill Hagerty
For so many Americans, it seems outlandish that we would have to explain that fascism, socialism, and communism do not work. We have seen it fail across the globe, and when it is implemented, people suffer. We cannot allow it to grow in America, the greatest country the world has ever known.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The Constitution rightly commits the authority of state elections to state legislatures, not Congress, but Congress must protect the Electoral College and should not subsidize an unconstitutional process in which state election laws are trampled on, like we saw in some states in 2020.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
George Shultz is one of the most exceptional individuals and public servants our country has known.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Unsurprisingly, Iran used the nuclear deal's massive financial windfall to fund proxy wars, terrorism, missiles, cyber attacks, and the barbarous Assad regime. Worse, the Obama administration responded slowly as ISIS conquered vast territory, Syria fell into chaos, and Russia reentered the Middle East for the first time since 1973.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The voters of Tennessee sent me to Washington with a clear mandate that includes securing our border, restoring the integrity of our immigration system so that it serves American interests, and standing against unethical political favors and corruption.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
I lived 90 miles South of Nashville when I was broadcasting on a radio station in Huntsville, Alabama, early in my career, and I used to go up to Nashville all the time. I loved Music Row and I loved the city.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Facebook's decision to uphold its suspension of former President Donald Trump's account underscores that Big Tech corporations are attempting to control what the American people are allowed to say and hear.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Dominant, ubiquitous Big Tech platforms are increasingly choosing which speakers and messages are approved for public discussion, using opaque, inconsistent, and politically motivated moderation practices that change by the day.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
As the former U.S. Ambassador to Japan, I dealt on a daily basis with China.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Telephone companies do not shut off your phone line based on what political views you express during calls. The same logic should apply today to Big Tech.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Americans - not the government - must be in charge of deciding what the truth is.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Public viewpoints and opinions evolve over time and knowledge expands if given the space to do so. That's a good thing.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Government censorship of speech with which it disagrees not only violates the First Amendment, but is antithetical to the American system, which posits that Americans are capable of determining for themselves what to believe.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Our nation was founded on the idea that protecting citizens' speech from the government would protect the people's right to govern themselves by preventing the government from controlling information and ideas.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
When I was serving as U.S. ambassador to Japan, I worked very hard to get Japan to stop importing oil from Iran, the world's leading sponsor of terrorism. It was a challenge for Japan - a nation that imports most of its energy - but ultimately the Japanese agreed.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Destroying history, good or bad, is straight from the socialist playbook.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
As the U.S. ambassador to Japan, I saw firsthand how oppressive regimes in North Korea, Russia, and China attempted to erase history; it's part of their playbook.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
We need to re-elect President Donald Trump, who has promised that, under his leadership, America will never be a socialist country.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
As long as the Biden administration fails to see and speak to the difference between our allies and terrorists, our adversaries will continue to push boundaries and spark more and more violent division.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Republicans want to put Americans, not the federal government, in control of their lives and families.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Democrats would pull the ladder from aspiring Americans and create a permanent status of government-run mediocrity.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
We must ensure that every American's vote is protected and that every American can be confident in the results of our elections.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Let me be clear: My purpose is not to put Congress in charge of state elections. That's the opposite of what I want.The Constitution rightly commits this authority to the state legislatures.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
We must safeguard future elections and the sanctity of the Electoral College, so that states like Tennessee always have an important voice in deciding the presidency.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
I am pro-vaccine, but I am anti-government mandates on workers because I support the rights of American workers.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
In this country, we believe in personal choice and individual liberty.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
We should not damage our own economy by forcing citizens to choose between their jobs and their personal freedom.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
When I was serving as ambassador to Japan, I spent more than half my time on national security and defense-related issues.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
We have good sushi in Nashville, I wouldn't want to slight any of the great restaurants there. But in Tokyo, there are more Michelin-starred restaurants than anywhere else.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
There's a great appetite for American leadership in the world.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
My father worked road construction, and I worked my way through college doing road construction. I was the first male in my family to have a college degree.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The criminal elements here in America are thriving under the Biden Administration.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
America is hungry for strong leadership.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Every decision I will make as a U.S. senator will be based on two essential questions: Is this in the best interest of Tennessee, and is this in the best interest of the nation?
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Local jurisdictions that refuse to cooperate with federal law enforcement jeopardize the safety of American communities and put our officers at greater risk of danger.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The Biden Administration has made it clear that they do not intend to adhere to our immigration laws, so the Senate must work to support law enforcement and enhance our national security.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Families across Tennessee have to live within a budget, the State of Tennessee balances its budget each year, and Tennesseans rightly expect Washington to do the same.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
As Senator, I will always put America First and never support an 'America Last' foreign policy.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The Trump Administration awakened the world to Communist China's predatory diplomatic, economic, technological, military, and moral challenge.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
As the former Commissioner of the Tennessee Department of Economic and Community Development, I have a deep appreciation for how vital the tourism and hospitality industries are to our state.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
As a member of the Senate Committee on Appropriations, I will work hard to ensure the interests of Oak Ridge and Y-12 continue to be represented to ensure Tennessee remains a leader in keeping America safe.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
The United States needs a representative at the United Nations who fully comprehends the diplomatic, economic, technological, military, and moral dimensions of the most serious global challenge we face - the Communist regime in China as well as one who is clear-eyed about other threats to our Republic and allies.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Having served as Secretary of Agriculture for eight years under a previous administration as well as Governor of Iowa, there is no doubt that Tom Vilsack is qualified and understands the needs of our farmers, ranchers, and producers.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
While there will be policy disagreements, Secretary Vilsack has broad support across the agriculture community, including the Tennessee Farm Bureau, and has committed to working with the U.S. Trade Representative to help create more partnerships in foreign markets, which will serve the interests of farmers across my state for generations to come.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
Tennessee taxpayer dollars should not be sent to subsidize unconstitutional election practices in other states.
- Bill Hagerty
Image of Bill Hagerty
As our children fall further behind, we need an Education Secretary who is on the side of students and parents, not teachers' unions.
- Bill Hagerty