Big Show

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I start small. I'm kind to people. I say please, I say thank you, and I always try to be encouraging and positive.
- Big Show
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I think that's one of the reasons why I've been able to have a great career for 20 years - because I'm able to adapt.
- Big Show
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Kane is one of the best big men of all-time.
- Big Show
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It's real easy to talk about stepping in the ring, but once you do actually step in the ring, it takes a lot of courage and mental fortitude to do what we do.
- Big Show
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I was a fan of 'The Jetsons' growing up.
- Big Show
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I've had a blessed, blessed, fantastic career. I have no regrets whatsoever in my career.
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Luther Reigns is a powerhouse.
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The only way to get better is to wrestle better people and work with better guys; that's the only way to get better in our business.
- Big Show
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So there are ups and downs, but the best is just the looks on people's faces when they meet me for the first time, because I am a real-life, walking, talking giant. It's not every day you see someone like me walking down the street.
- Big Show
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I started out thinking I was going to play in the NBA; now I travel the world as a WWE Superstar. Life changes.
- Big Show
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Wichita's a fun place. It's a great place to go to school. It's a big university, but at the same time, it's not too big.
- Big Show
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At 12, I was, like, 6-2. At 13, I was, like, 6-5 or 6-6. I had always stuck out as a bit of a freak, so athletics gave me a chance to make friends and, I guess, find my 'cool' vibe, if there's such a thing when you're in high school.
- Big Show
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Let's face it. My dad was a mechanic, and my mom was a cop: my college options in seventh grade didn't look that great. And the chance I got to go to college and experience college life is something that's pretty precious to me.
- Big Show
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For so many years of my career, I was The Big Show. So in the back of my mind - whether it was 'fat' or aesthetically not pleasing or whatever crap people want to sling around - I enjoyed being The Big Show. I enjoyed being 450 pounds.
- Big Show
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I'm a big 'Call of Duty' fan, and I used to play a lot online while I was in the bus, but I hate to be the guy who is lagging everybody out.
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The Internet connection from the road can be spotty, so usually when I'm on the tour bus, I'm playing 'God of War.'
- Big Show
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I'm really impressed with Sheamus. The thing about Sheamus is he's very, very physical. He's a brawler. He's strong, he's hungry, and if he's smart, he'll learn to avoid my right fist.
- Big Show
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I was a big kid and a big athlete, but let's be honest: I don't know diddly about football.
- Big Show
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I never thought I'd be good enough. I really didn't. There's probably some fans out there who say I'm still not good enough, and that's OK.
- Big Show
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You always have to embrace your size.
- Big Show
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Nobody beats Superman. Everybody else needs a costume - Superman needs a costume to be normal.
- Big Show
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I've never been a guy to sit back and look at all my trophies and look at all my awards; that's not me.
- Big Show
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People always talk about my heel/face turns. One of the jokes in America is I've had more turns than NASCAR.
- Big Show
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I think a natural evolution for me would be to try to transfer over into the film and TV world and start playing different characters. Hopefully, that way, I can keep entertaining my fans that are fans of me, in different avenues and different spotlights. It's a natural evolution.
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I think, quite frankly, I have been on TV too much, but part of it is necessity, and part of it's ability.
- Big Show
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I am able to carry storylines. When you're good at what you do, you're going to work. That's a good thing. But from the standpoint of being an attraction, sometimes too much isn't good. So it's a difficult fine line.
- Big Show
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That's why John Cena was No. 1 for so many years. Because every time John got in the ring with somebody, he made them better than they were.
- Big Show
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I don't think anyone really knows me.
- Big Show
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The way I look at it, I'm more of a man because I'm in touch with my emotions. I think people that deny their emotions are pretty weak individuals, if you want my honest opinion.
- Big Show
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Defining moments are the moments that either define you, or you define the moment.
- Big Show
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I want to make myself more marketable. Well, in order to do that, I need to lose some weight.
- Big Show
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I have a self-deprecating sense of humor, so I knock myself.
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The Undertaker is the John Wayne of our business. I watched him come out and deliver some of the best matches night after night.
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The Internet is filled with so-called experts who couldn't lace up a pair of boots.
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There is nothing that anyone can stop you from doing if you really want.
- Big Show
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You don't want to have a fast career for two years. You want to have an amazing career for 20 years.
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Not everybody is going to be John Cena. Not everybody is going to be The Rock. You need to be what you can be and contribute like you can.
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Arn Anderson - I loved 'The Enforcer' Arn. He cut the best promos. He always looked cool because he had that Polo with the rope chain, the rose-colored glasses, and that mean beard.
- Big Show
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I was trained by Terry Taylor and Triple H. Triple H always hated when I say that.
- Big Show
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WWE is home; it's a family. I'll always be a part of this as long as I can contribute in some positive way. But I know there's a time when the sun sets on everything.
- Big Show
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I'm a little worried because I've heard that Shaq has got, like, really fat. If he's going to go into WrestleMania bigger than me, I'm going to lose my moniker as 'The World's Largest Athlete.' I hope he is well. I hope he is healthy.
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People love storylines. They love them because at some point, the talent will get people emotionally invested.
- Big Show
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The best match I've ever been in match-wise, I wrestled The Undertaker in France in a coliseum that was built in 300 A.D. by the Romans. It was the most amazing match I've ever been in.
- Big Show
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I love representing WWE, like, with Make-A-Wish, Be a STAR, Special Olympics.
- Big Show
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I think I'll always have a home in WWE.
- Big Show
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I've had a great career and had a lot of fun.
- Big Show
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One of the first media tours I did was with The Rock - no one knew who I was, as I had just come from WCW; they thought I was The Rock's bodyguard.
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A lot of U.K. wrestlers are very good at chain wrestling, telling a story through holds, while American wrestling is a little more flashy, with lots of high-spots.
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Diversity makes us better and allows us to grow, which is what I want for WWE.
- Big Show