Big Show

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WWE is a team. Out of the billions of people on this planet, the 75-80 men and women on the roster have the opportunity to call themselves WWE superstars. That's a very small percentage of people. They are in a position to be thankful.
- Big Show
Collection: Thankful
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I think, for me, I really looked at nutrition, talked to some people who knew a lot about nutrition, looked at different meal plans... calorie intake and what I was trying to do. I started slowly. I didn't start as a 'diet.' I started as a lifestyle change.
- Big Show
Collection: Diet
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I'm an emotional person. Anger and frustration comes out in many ways... I'm not afraid to hug my friends that I love, and I'm not afraid to express my emotions when I'm upset.
- Big Show
Collection: Anger
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I have a PS2 and Xbox and a GameCube: that way, in case anything comes out that looks cool, I have the system to play it on. I got everything, bro, I ain't no rookie.
- Big Show
Collection: Cool
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Being able to give someone a hug from the heart, it's healing. It's healing for yourself and healing for others, and we need a lot of that.
- Big Show
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I'm kind of a Jack of all trades, master of none.
- Big Show
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When I walked down the ramp and stood in the ring, I made other big guys look small.
- Big Show
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I've always been a really hard critic of everything I do.
- Big Show
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I owe my start in professional wrestling to the red-headed kid from 'The Partridge Family.' I was discovered by Hulk Hogan, Jimmy Hart, and Ric Flair in Chicago when I was introduced to those three gentlemen by Danny Bonaduce.
- Big Show
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I think it's a good trade to have to be versatile, to be adaptable, and be dependable, and that's one of the things that has enabled me to have the long career that I've had. It's definitely not because I'm good looking!
- Big Show
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You've got to have a mean streak to be a successful, big man.
- Big Show
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There is nothing more powerful in the world than the human spirit and the human will.
- Big Show
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The Attitude Era was so great because you had the best collection of superstars of any one time period. You had The Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker, Mick Foley.
- Big Show
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I found a great trainer in Miami with Dodd Romero, who's worked with a lot of celebrities and athletes. We built a good program for me for training and for me to work on my nutrition and things like that.
- Big Show
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The toughest problem for us as giants is finding someone that we can work with and wrestle.
- Big Show
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When I came out in '95, even though it was part of the storyline, I was known as the next evolution of Andre, the next giant. I was that young, athletic, trash-talking monster. That was my introduction to the industry, and I was able to build on that.
- Big Show
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I have a lot of respect for Shaq. He's one of the greatest NBA centers of all time.
- Big Show
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I used to do an impersonation of Hulk Hogan and Randy Savage in a romantic relationship.
- Big Show
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I liked being the monster that was bigger than everybody around me.
- Big Show
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There are a lot of projects I want to do with producing and acting outside of wrestling.
- Big Show
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I can look at every one of my faults, see they're there, and go out and try to improve on it.
- Big Show
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I think competition is the best thing for everyone. Competition is what makes us evolve, from when we were itty bitty little tadpoles in prehistoric times to what we've turned into now. Competition makes us evolve and makes us push ourselves better.
- Big Show
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Professionally, John Cena has my respect more than anybody I've ever been around in the ring and out of the ring.
- Big Show
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I'd love to wrestle Baron Corbin and Finn Balor.
- Big Show
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No man can knock me out. I've been hitting my head with steel chairs in the WWE. I've never been knocked out in my life. And nobody can knock me out.
- Big Show
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WrestleMania is one of those events where you want to put the most different, most extravagant, most exotic show you can out there.
- Big Show
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It's funny, I used to ask guys who were in shape all the time, like Triple H, 'What do you do?' It was hard to get information out of them, and I understand why now. When you take the time and do the research, it's more about what suits you, not what suits everybody.
- Big Show
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I do a lot of gaming.
- Big Show
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Miami is always my favorite town to work because it's a short drive home.
- Big Show
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Kane's gloves get pretty rank. He grabs you for a chokeslam, and you just want to faint.
- Big Show
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Brock Lesnar is a guy who doesn't do a lot of live events, doesn't do a lot of house shows, but every time he steps in the ring, it has a big-fight feel.
- Big Show
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There's a lot of trainers in my career, between Terry Taylor and Arn Anderson, who've always told me to keep my damn feet on the ring mat, and there's just that little kid in me - I may be 45, but there's that little kid in me that, if I get a chance to do some flying, I'm gonna do it.
- Big Show
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I've wrestled some of the strongest, most athletic guys this business has ever seen. Brock Lesnar, John Cena, Mark Henry, Kane. These guys are phenomenal, phenomenal athletes and powerhouses.
- Big Show
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Bam Bam Bigelow was an amazing athlete for his size.
- Big Show
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I like to think, personally, that Shaq got scared. He saw the six-pack and realized if he faced me at WrestleMania, he was going to be Fat Shaq.
- Big Show
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I wouldn't want to get Shaq's mom mad, I'll tell you that much. If she told me to do something, I would do it in a heartbeat. I wouldn't want her mad at me. That woman is serious.
- Big Show
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I'm definitely saying right now that if I had to face Shaq's mom at WrestleMania, I will not show up. I'll be scared. If Shaq shows up, no problem. Shaq's mom shows up, eh, I don't know. I think I might get the flu.
- Big Show
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You have to look in the mirror and really have an honest conversation with yourself and find the discipline to not eat things that don't agree with you.
- Big Show
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I'm definitely looking to do more animation stuff.
- Big Show
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I had a conversation with John Cena, and I told him, 'If only I could be a giant with abs,' and he said, 'Maybe you could be a giant with abs.' That kind of got me thinking that maybe John was onto something, because when it comes to obviously being successful and marketable, John is one of the smartest people I've been around.
- Big Show
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Not by any means do I think that I'm The Rock or Mark Wahlberg. I understand that I'm not like them, being a leading guy, but I'm a great comedy sidekick, and, who knows, I can be in the X-Men or something.
- Big Show
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Of course I will always be an ambassador for the WWE, so definitely anytime they need me for something, I'm only a phone call away.
- Big Show
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Being a WWE superstar is about giving, and I think there's a few guys who get that.
- Big Show
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I'm not under any pressure other than to go out and have fun.
- Big Show
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I got to meet Hulk Hogan. He took a liking to me because of my size. He saw that I was a good athlete and could move. He told me at the time, he says, 'You got a big dollar sign in your forehead, kid,' and I said, 'Well, please show it to me, because I'm broke.'
- Big Show
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Standing toe to toe with another fighter, I could probably do well, but a smart fighter is not going to stand toe to toe with me, and they're going to move to a weakness.
- Big Show
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The only time I had an ego is I when wanted to have a reverse Undertaker record at WrestleMania, and they messed it up!
- Big Show
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I've always prided myself on doing what really was best for business.
- Big Show
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I have fun every day I go to work.
- Big Show
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I've never been one of those guys who wants to put up titles and championships and run around and brag.
- Big Show