Beth Ostrosky Stern

Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
We need to bring awareness to how great of a pet cats are.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Collection: Pet
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
Owners need to know, you can't play ball in this heat with your pet.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Collection: Pet
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
Spoiled is when humans put their pet's comfort before their own.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Collection: Pet
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
Having a pet only brings more love into a home and it's the greatest thing I've ever experienced.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Collection: Pet
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I thought that I was a crazy pet owner, but now I realize I'm not so bad.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Collection: Pet
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
My mom, my dad, my two brothers - we're all animal lovers. I think we love animals more than most people.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Collection: Mom
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I was able to attend a doggie wedding where the bride wore a custom made gown of taffeta and satin - the quality of the dress was nicer than a lot of the human weddings I've been to.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Collection: Wedding
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
At home, he's a 100-percent softie; that's who he is. I just blew his cover. When Howard has a really stressful day at work or he feels overwhelmed, it's funny, I point to the foster room. After 30 seconds of being there with these baby kittens or these special needs cats, it just changes your whole mood.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I've always been an animal lover and have no human children, so my heart has been with helping animals.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
Kittens are so messy and sometimes require several feedings a day.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
The ultimate goal of fostering is to get kittens and cats adopted.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
Through my Instagram, I'm always posting pictures of kitten fosters and if it inspires one person to go to his or her local shelter and adopt, it's worth it.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
When I spend time at North Shore Animal League America, I always feel so sad for the cats, especially the kittens. Once they're at North Shore, they're safe and I know they're going to find homes, but it's that time in between that they're in cages and waiting to find homes that breaks my heart and I feel like their spirits are gone.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I don't have children, so I can focus on my mission to save helpless animals.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
Howard is the greatest.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I feel like cats need help.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
My husband may be the King of All Media, but I'm the queen of the house.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I've found my purpose in life, definitely.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I was always a dog person.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I am a Pittsburgh girl at heart.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I am Pittsburgh proud, I root for the Steelers and I still have my Terrible Towel!
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
By running the N.Y.C. Marathon in 2008, I became a runner and I think that's what works the best for me and keeps my body the way I like it to be.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I'll do some light weights once or twice a week, but I probably run 3 miles five days a week.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I am on a sugar-free diet. I used to be a sugar addict where I would eat gummy bears and candy when I lived in Europe.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I'll pretty much eat anything that doesn't have sugar in it. And I'll eat carbs, believe me - I eat tons of pasta! In the morning I eat these low-carb, sugar-free breakfast bars, and for lunch I usually do a chopped salad, and I like natural sugars like fruit.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
Our family always rescued animals from local shelters or from the street or from someone who didn't want their animal. We always had a dog in our house. We usually had two cats. We had guinea pigs and little chicks and chickens.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I remember the senior class play I was in. I was also in the musical, although I can't sing at all, but I wanted to be a part of it. Then I was modeling in Pittsburgh, so being in front of the camera was something I enjoyed and benefited from. I made money growing up by modeling locally.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
When I moved to New York I started to do a lot of TV commercials. It just kind of naturally evolved from still photography to commercials.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I was in a movie called 'Flirting With Disaster' with Ben Stiller. I realized that I am really not a good actor and not something I wanted to pursue.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I love my Howard. He's a great guy.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I'm a cat person, I'm a dog person, I work in wildlife rescue.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
It's very clean in our house.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
The first book was called 'Oh My Dog,' and it's kind of a whole huge resource book on when you go adopt a dog to the dog's final days.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
My parents' firstborn was a rescued collie mix.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
It's fascinating to see how far people go to spoil their pets... It's beautiful and heartwarming. Some of it is really silly, but I think it's fantastic.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
Every time I pass a litter box I clean it.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I love the cat-lady jokes.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
When you adopt an animal at a shelter you are saving two lives.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I love spreading the word and encouraging people to adopt from their local shelters. There are so many wonderful animals waiting for loving homes.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
Cats thrive when they can walk around and sleep in a patch of sunlight.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
Howard and I have found that our Bulldog Bianca, and adopted cats Walter, Apple and Leon Bear, enrich our lives so much.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
Pets have made us better.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
My husband and I live for our pets, or I can say that I do.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
Everything about 'Kitten Bowl' has been so tremendous.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I'm going to be 100 years old, hopefully still hosting the 'Kitten Bowl.'
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I work and I volunteer at North Shore Animal League, so I'm at a shelter environment every single week. And I see these senior pets sitting there looking, craning their necks looking outside of their cages waiting for their person to come back. So I always say check out the adult animals that are there first.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
My fantasy would be to adopt a bulldog from bulldog rescue and a big old mutt from North Shore Animal Shelter.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
Kittens are the best therapy.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
When cats scratch the furniture, it's only because they're trying to sharpen their claws, which means they get so long that they want to grind them down. So if you trim their claws routinely, it helps tremendously.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern
Image of Beth Ostrosky Stern
I never wanted to get married. I never thought that was in my cards. I always thought I was just going to be an independent woman my entire life. Hopefully having a partner but never getting married.
- Beth Ostrosky Stern