Benjamin Bratt

Image of Benjamin Bratt
I've always felt that acting is acting at the end of the day, so whether you're doing comedy or heavy drama or anything else in between, you always have to bring a semblance of honesty to it. It's all make believe.
- Benjamin Bratt
Collection: Honesty
Image of Benjamin Bratt
No matter what your native tongue is, no matter what part of the world you're from, if your native tongue is distorted with an accent, somehow that's always funny.
- Benjamin Bratt
Collection: World
Image of Benjamin Bratt
As an audience member, I like watching Rupert as an actor when he's most playful. I think Rupert is really adept at comedy; I think that's where his strength lies.
- Benjamin Bratt
Collection: Lying
Image of Benjamin Bratt
I believe there's a huge distinction between un macho and a real man. I don't think you have to be one to be another.
- Benjamin Bratt
Collection: Real
Image of Benjamin Bratt
Just be loving. You also have to recognize that you need to take the focus off yourself and put it on your children to give them a proper start in life.
- Benjamin Bratt
Collection: Children
Image of Benjamin Bratt
There's no gray area in law enforcement. Evil exists in the world and it must be dealt with. And those on the side of good can feel righteous in their approach to eliminating evil. There's no ambiguity there.
- Benjamin Bratt
Collection: Law