Ben Miller

Image of Ben Miller
Initially, the best thing about being in L.A. was the girls - they loved me. It was like being a pop star.
- Ben Miller
Image of Ben Miller
I go back to L.A. as often as I can, and even if I'm there on business, I always add on a few extra days for pleasure.
- Ben Miller
Image of Ben Miller
L.A.'s hippies are actually quite scary - more like Hell's Angels than the Haight-Ashbury hippies of San Francisco.
- Ben Miller
Image of Ben Miller
Much as I respect Russell Brand's point of view, I'm in the opposite camp to him about voting. I think it's enormously important to engage with the electoral process.
- Ben Miller
Image of Ben Miller
Everything in politics is so stage-managed.
- Ben Miller
Image of Ben Miller
I adored 'Drop the Dead Donkey.' That show defined Channel 4 at the time; it was so inventive and off the leash.
- Ben Miller
Image of Ben Miller
I'm obsessed with coffee.
- Ben Miller
Image of Ben Miller
Probably one of the reasons I became a comedian is that you get a chance to control when people laugh at you.
- Ben Miller
Image of Ben Miller
I work out in the Caribbean for half the year, playing a detective who's really into science. Anybody who knows me will tell you that's a dream come true. But it's tough for my family. We only get to see each other every two and a half to three weeks.
- Ben Miller
Image of Ben Miller
Those who have never worked nude outdoors just can't imagine how much better a breeze feels on their skin than an item of sweaty clothing.
- Ben Miller
Collection: Skins
Image of Ben Miller
Steroids are] not healthy, ... There's a real health issue with steroid abuse. At any level, but particularly a young age level. There are many adverse health effects so I think it's a concern we have to take as a college-level group.
- Ben Miller
Collection: Real
Image of Ben Miller
There are practical things which contribute to a joke's funniness. People will find a joke funnier if they are sitting closer together, if it's cold, if they've paid and if they are told it's funny beforehand.
- Ben Miller
Collection: People
Image of Ben Miller
My theory about comedians is that their greatest fear is other people laughing at them. So comedy is an attempt to control and manipulate the thing they find most frightening.
- Ben Miller
Collection: People
Image of Ben Miller
Whatever happens in life can happen on the stage, but as a comedian you should always be clear what your target is. It's fine to be gratuitously tasteless if that's what you are intending to do. It's that old line: I don't defend what a comedian might say but I defend to the death his right to say it.
- Ben Miller
Collection: Comedian
Image of Ben Miller
It is hard to keep a straight face during comedy scenes. It's considered really bad form to laugh at someone else because you can ruin their best take. But sometimes it's very hard not to.
- Ben Miller
Collection: Laughing