Azzedine Alaia

Image of Azzedine Alaia
I'm happier about my friends than I am about my work. I still have a long way to go with work. My friends, that's the one thing I'm sure about.
- Azzedine Alaia
Image of Azzedine Alaia
In modelling, it's very hard to keep in touch with the people you knew when you started.
- Azzedine Alaia
Image of Azzedine Alaia
In an ordinary suit and tie, I'd look like a little macho. I'd be ridiculous.
- Azzedine Alaia
Image of Azzedine Alaia
As for success, I don't care for it. It is a fragile thing.
- Azzedine Alaia
Image of Azzedine Alaia
You know Sarkozy offered me the Legion d'honneur medal? I refused. People said I refused because I don't like Sarkozy, but that's ridiculous. I refused because I don't like decorations - except on women.
- Azzedine Alaia
Image of Azzedine Alaia
I am always in doubt; I am never sure of myself.
- Azzedine Alaia
Image of Azzedine Alaia
I put myself on the same level as everyone else around me - from the directrice to the workman, everyone. Except my pets - they are the Kings; you must treat them like royalty.
- Azzedine Alaia
Image of Azzedine Alaia
I have been offered the highest paid contracts in the world. I refused them all. It's not my thing. I don't want to cheat people.
- Azzedine Alaia
Image of Azzedine Alaia
There are certain people I am allergic to. I even intervene when I don't like a customer; I rush in and check all the names. If I don't like them, I don't take them.
- Azzedine Alaia
Image of Azzedine Alaia
Fashion will last forever. It will exist always. It will exist in its own way in each era. I live in the moment. It's interesting to know the old methods. But you have to live in the present moment.
- Azzedine Alaia
Collection: Fashion
Image of Azzedine Alaia
When I see beautiful clothes, I want to keep them, preserve them... Clothes, like architecture and art, reflect an era.
- Azzedine Alaia
Collection: Beauty
Image of Azzedine Alaia
I make clothes, women make fashion.
- Azzedine Alaia
Collection: Fashion
Image of Azzedine Alaia
Perfection is never achieved, so you need to go on working.
- Azzedine Alaia
Collection: Perfection
Image of Azzedine Alaia
I am never sure that anythings good enough. Something that is good today will not be good tomorrow.
- Azzedine Alaia
Collection: Today
Image of Azzedine Alaia
There is a sensuality about fabric. I think all materials should be inviting when they touch the skin. When I watch children stroking their mothers clothes, I feel that I have succeeded.
- Azzedine Alaia
Collection: Mother
Image of Azzedine Alaia
I think women should be seductive, not triste. Theres enough sadness in life now without making women look sad, too.
- Azzedine Alaia
Collection: Sadness
Image of Azzedine Alaia
I have been offered the highest paid contracts in the world. I refused them all. It's not my thing. I don't want to cheat people. And there are certain people I am allergic to. I even intervene when I don't like a customer; I rush in and check all the names. If I don't like them, I don't take them.
- Azzedine Alaia
Collection: Names
Image of Azzedine Alaia
I love films-they are like paintings.
- Azzedine Alaia
Collection: Painting
Image of Azzedine Alaia
Bill Cunningham he knows fashion better than anybody.
- Azzedine Alaia
Collection: Fashion