Antony Blinken

Image of Antony Blinken
Even the most disciplined commander-in-chief misspeaks from time to time.
- Antony Blinken
Image of Antony Blinken
Especially when it comes to national security, there is a premium on an administration speaking clearly, consistently and precisely, starting with the president.
- Antony Blinken
Image of Antony Blinken
It is not O.K. for one sovereignty to dictate to another which countries or organizations it may associate with.
- Antony Blinken
Image of Antony Blinken
It's one thing for a foreign partner to doubt a president's judgment; it's entirely more debilitating when that partner doubts the president's word.
- Antony Blinken
Image of Antony Blinken
Every country has a founding mythology. For Americans, it starts with our first president's youthful encounter with a cherry tree and refusal to tell a lie. Mr. Trump would do well to find inspiration in that story, which goes to the heart of what makes America different - and our foreign policy effective - around the world.
- Antony Blinken
Image of Antony Blinken
Mr. Trump knows that banning travel to the United States from a half dozen Muslim-majority countries would do nothing to enhance our security - and everything to undermine it.
- Antony Blinken
Image of Antony Blinken
By alienating Muslim communities and our closest allies, Mr. Trump would destroy the partnerships we need to effectively fight terror.
- Antony Blinken
Image of Antony Blinken
Mr. Trump's travel ban has never really been about security. Rather, it's the tip of the spear in a much broader battle: to drastically curtail immigration to the United States that is changing the complexion of our country.
- Antony Blinken
Image of Antony Blinken
When President Clinton opened NATO's doors in 1994, some predicted a crisis with Russia. That did not occur, mainly because the Kremlin understood that NATO enlargement did not threaten Russia's interests.
- Antony Blinken