Annie Lennox

Image of Annie Lennox
I can't understand why the front pages of newspapers can cover bird flu and swine flu and everybody is up in arms about that and we still haven't really woken up to the fact that so many women in sub-Saharan Africa - 60 percent of people in - infected with HIV are women.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
HIV/AIDS has no boundaries.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I want people to start thinking about what it means to be HIV-positive and to ask questions about that.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
People ask me so many questions.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I've had my share of dark days of the soul. I try not to focus on it too much so it doesn't get to me.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I would love to meet a dodo.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I'm not particularly attention-seeking.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I love to make music and stay grounded.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
One wouldn't want to have the same dilemmas at 50 as one had at 15. And indeed I don't. I have a very different take on life.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I wouldn't say that I've mellowed. I'm less mellow, perhaps.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I have different hats; I'm a mother, I'm a woman, I'm a human being, I'm an artist and hopefully I'm an advocate. All of those plates are things I spin all the time.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I only want to make music because I have a passion for it.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
Money is a good thing and it's obviously useful, but to work only for money or fame would never interest me.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
Feminism is a word that I identify with. The term has become synonymous with vitriolic man-hating but it needs to come back to a place where both men and women can embrace it. It is particularly important for women in developing countries.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
Women's issues have always been a part of my life.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I think people in Great Britain are a bit jaded sometimes.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
When I look at the majority of my own songs they really came from my own sense of personal confusion or need to express some pain or beauty - they were coming from a universal and personal place.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I've never experienced chronic poverty, but I know what it's like to live on £3 a week.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I'm from a working-class background, and I've experienced that worry of not having a job next week because the unions are going on strike.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
Life is not quantifiable in terms of age, but I suppose in my fifties I am more grounded and more at ease in my own skin than when I was younger. I have a confidence that I didn't have before from the experiences I've had.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
In a sense, the music business and I haven't always been the best of bedfellows. Artists often have to fight their corner. Your music goes through these filters of record labels and media, and you're hoping you'll find someone who'll help you get your work into the world.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
When you get to be nearly 60, you do take stock. You don't know what's around the corner.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I am a communicator; that seems to be my natural place. And I'll always be passionate about the world, because it's so bonkers.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I was brought up in a tenement house in a working district. We didn't even have a bathroom! We had a gaslight in the hallway and a black-and-white TV.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I don't take myself as seriously as some people think, and I'd hate anyone to think I was preaching. That's the last thing I want.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I enjoy multi-tasking, so I want to do a lot of different things. I want to keep all the plates spinning.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
Music is a great vehicle for communications, and I have a certain platform. I have an opportunity and I have to take it.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
You wouldn't find a Joni Mitchell on 'X Factor;' that's not the place. 'X Factor' is a specific thing for people that want to go through that process - it's a factory, you know, and it's owned and stitched-up by puppet masters.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
If you want to open a supermarket chain and put your face all around the globe, selling your baby and your dog, if it makes you happy, who am I to disagree, as the song goes. But it's not for me. I've always tried to keep my integrity and keep my autonomy.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I'd rather support the issues I truly believe in than give my vote to parties that court votes at the time of the election. I like to think that my vote strengthens the green foundation stone.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I'm not really keen on comebacks. Eurythmics was an incredible thing. When I look back on that work, I feel very satisfied with it.
- Annie Lennox
Image of Annie Lennox
I live in a world of possibility and opportunity. You look for the light. There's darkness everywhere but you look for that spot of light and you work your way towards it, and you do what it takes to get there.
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Opportunity
Image of Annie Lennox
There was a time when I looked to other people for recognition, because I didn't have enough confidence to trust my own judgment. Now I'm not looking for reassurance, because I realize how fickle people are. My own strength is the best I can have.
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Annie Lennox
In a way, it's all down to perception, isn't it? And everyone has their own take on everything.
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Perception
Image of Annie Lennox
I think that you can only be true to yourself. Nobody can live up to other people's expectations. You will always let them down. There will always be something they won't like about you.
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Thinking
Image of Annie Lennox
This is the book I never read ~ These are the words I never said ~ This is the path I'll never tread ~ These are the dreams I'll dream instead
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Dream
Image of Annie Lennox
Each individual is as individual as their fingerprints, and I think that's extraordinary.
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Thinking
Image of Annie Lennox
When I was younger I wish I'd known that what often seemed to be the 'end of the world' often turned out to be a positive and transformative experience!
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Wish
Image of Annie Lennox
To be human is to have a whole spectrum of these experiences that arise within us.
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Arise
Image of Annie Lennox
I get very frustrated when I hear women saying, "Oh, feminism is passé," because I think feminism means empowerment. Men can be feminists, too! Many men are feminists. We need feminism. It's not against men; it's about the empowerment of women. It's the respect of women - giving women equal rights, the same opportunities.
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Strong Women
Image of Annie Lennox
Green is a label for a certain attitude to life, a certain kind of respect that one might have for the very source of things that we take for granted.
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Respect
Image of Annie Lennox
I played with the image, because I think image is temporary. It's a projection. It's illusory.
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Thinking
Image of Annie Lennox
You become really ugly when you become very superficial and self-obsessed.
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Self
Image of Annie Lennox
The momentum of time is always going forward. You cannot repeat what has been done before. You can't go back.
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Momentum
Image of Annie Lennox
We think that this is just our world and we don't know what other people are thinking. Music actually is a phenomenal connector in that respect. It's a special language that defines certain boundaries and connects people in a particular way, a very emotional way, I have found.
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Emotional
Image of Annie Lennox
We're all born, and if you're going to live to be elderly, you'll have gone through a life journey different than anyone else's. It's unique to you, but you'll have some common themes.
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Unique
Image of Annie Lennox
Everything is illusory. You cannot label something and feel that that is the beginning, middle, and end of it.
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Labels
Image of Annie Lennox
I had a number of different labels. A lot of people assumed I was gay because I was wearing a man's suit, and one had to learn that it's OK, people will do that, and you don't always have to explain it one hundred percent, because they're never going to accept what your own interpretation is. It's all illusory.
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Gay
Image of Annie Lennox
My first understanding of HIV and AIDS was like everybody else from my generation. In the mid-'80s, we heard about this, and it was terrifying, because we knew nothing about how to respond to it appropriately, and we didn't really understand about how the virus is passed. There was a lot of misconception about that.
- Annie Lennox
Collection: Understanding