
Image of Anne-Marie
For me, I try not to set any goals or try and see what's gonna happen, because I don't wanna be let down or disappointed that something didn't happen the way I thought it was gonna happen.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I feel like the albums I grew up listening to - for example, Eminem, Lauryn Hill, Christina Aguilera - they all spoke about real stuff that was happening in their life and everyone else's life.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I feel, as an artist, it's important for me to write, and that's a big part of what my journey is - being able to write my stories and talk about stuff.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I just feel not many people hear that you should feel good inside and feel happy within your soul, instead of needing to look a certain way, so I always try and talk to people about that.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I think what's surprised me about the music industry is that you never know what's going to happen. I've had to teach myself that, because I love to know everything. I'm quite a control freak when it comes to stuff like that.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I always try and put out posts on social media about feeling good inside, and there's so much pressure for people to look a certain way and have a certain hairstyle or a certain lipstick.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
Alanis Morissette - I think she's one of my biggest inspirations.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
It's hard to put someone in the friend zone.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
When I heard 'Rockabye,' I was just blown away. It had been a long time since I had heard a song that had a message like that in it - about being a single parent and caring for your child.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
When I'm happy and in a good mood, I just search for other things that maybe connect to me on another level. I talk to my friends and see how they're feeling - see what's going on in their lives.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
It's always inspiring when people all come together and be strong as a group. This is why I feel so strongly to put the message to people that we need to stand together in tough times.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I always try and make people feel that they are strong enough to say something - anything, to anyone - even if it's a stranger or they're just writing a tweet if they're in danger.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
When I see people sad, I'm sad.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
My aim is to just make people feel good and happy.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
When I write songs, I'm just writing stories, and being in musical theatre taught me how to act them out through singing.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
All the kids at school would bully me and always wanted me to fight them. I never did, but if I wanted to, I totally could.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I think, all my life, I've grown up and had high expectations, but that becomes so stressful.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
When you're coming out new, it's harder as a girl to gain fans because most of them are girls, and they can be like, 'Do we like her?' If I were a boy, it'd be much easier.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
As for my haircare rituals, I don't wash it every day, and I also let my hair dry naturally. My hair is bleached, so I'm mindful of not putting too much heat on it.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I love braids and just generally playing around with different hairstyles, especially for festivals and photoshoots.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I've tried yoga a few times and absolutely love it. I need to do it more. It makes me feel really good and relaxed.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I always try and make the strongest ginger tea with manuka honey to keep my voice in shape.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I went to a performing arts school. I went to an audition for a musical, 'Les Miserables,' in the West End, and I got in, and my parents were like, 'Oh, you can sing?' So I kind of started singing properly when I was, like, seven.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I was doing musical theatre 'til I was, like, 17, and then I started realising I could use my voice in a more, like, current way.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I was always quite outspoken as a teenager and quite cheeky in school and stuff.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I love to get inspiration from everywhere.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
For me, speaking my mind is a big part of my life, and I encourage other people to do that as well.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I do feel pressure to look good. But that's just not going to happen, because I have a double chin, and I can't pose. It's such a struggle.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I feel at home wherever I am, to be honest.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I think Rudimental was a massive part of my life and such a great place and people and learning curve to be a part of.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
It feels so good to be amongst some of the biggest legends in music - it feels quite surreal.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I've always been good at talking about my feelings; that helps with writing songs.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I feel like if I've written a song about something I haven't experienced, I wouldn't be able to perform it properly, and people would be able to see that. People can see right through that.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I don't think I could write about something I've never experienced or felt; all my songs are about things I've been through.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
'Alarm' was about a boy that cheated on me, and when I found out, I wondered if I should give him another chance. I used to give a lot of chances to people hoping they would become better people, but this one didn't.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I used to get so many nasty comments when I cut my hair short, and it upset me.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I used to take life so seriously; I got so stressed.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I've had to learn not to read all the bad comments, or if you do, try and not take it into your soul, body, brain, and heart.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
'Alarm' and 'Ciao Adios' are about the same person, yeah.
- Anne-Marie