
Image of Anne-Marie
Enter Shikari are a mash-up of everything. I used to really love dubstep when they first came out. They had those amazing basslines, so I loved going to the live shows.
- Anne-Marie
Collection: Amazing
Image of Anne-Marie
I honestly always really try to get people to share their feelings. I always say to everyone that communication is key.
- Anne-Marie
Collection: Communication
Image of Anne-Marie
Who needs a man? I don't.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
People never believe it when they find out I'm a karate world champion. They don't see me as the type because I'm small and blonde.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I'm speechless! I am so happy to have won MTV Brand New!
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
It feels amazing to be on the MTV Brand New list. I was shocked when I got told - a good shocked. I'm proper happy about it.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I think I got nominated in the MTV Brand New Top 10 because I'm 3x world time karate champion, and I'd probably just beat everyone up if they didn't put me in it. They were all scared!
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
Every time I do photo shoots, my bottom lip and, like, my top lip are quivering because I just don't know how to look. Then the flash kind of makes me go boss-eyed sometimes.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I love doing my own thing, and I won't let anything get in my way.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
If I didn't do music, I would do something to help people out.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I think it's just constantly on my mind: wanting to help people, not just with music but with my words. I feel like I want to do that for people.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
Luckily, now I think that I attract people that are really nice, like my fans, who are really lovely people. They are really encouraging, and they help other people out as well, which, it's really great.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
My music is constantly changing because I am. I'm writing it and changing as I'm writing.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
When it comes to how I portray myself online, I'm trying to be as real as I can and show people every side of what I do and not just put up selfies online of me in full done-up make up and stuff.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I think social media has been really great for me.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I try and be just completely me on stage. I try and put that across, and people seem to get that personality that I have, so I do try not to become two different people and two different faces.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
The BRIT awards is a really great occasion, especially for us Brits, because it shows the talent and support coming from our country.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I know firsthand how long it takes to learn how to love yourself.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I've written a lot of songs from watching women speak about women empowerment.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
It's very important for females to feel empowered. It took me a long time to find that inside me.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I love musical theatre. It's a passion of mine.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I'm nervous before all shows.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
Whenever I start something, I will always do everything I can to be the best at it.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I'm so proud of my time in karate and what I achieved. It's part of me, so I don't want to leave it behind.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I love seeing people collaborate to make great music!
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I feel like I ask my fans to love themselves a lot, and and I do want people to love themselves. That comes from personal experience.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I feel like no matter what I write about, I try to end up being the stronger person in the situation. Even in heartbreak, I feel like I'm a much stronger person because of that. I don't want to just write a sad song and still feel sad after that. I want to feel stronger and better.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
If singing weren't happening, then yeah, I definitely would still be working hard at karate. I already have some teaching diplomas in it so would've continued to do that and maybe eventually had opened my own club! Maybe one day I still can.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I'd love to work with Kendrick, Frank Ocean, The Internet, or Alanis Morisette!
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I love that my music is connecting with people, but I don't think there'll be a point where I feel like, 'Oh yeah, I'm famous now.'
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
Oh, God. Mate, I've written about 800 songs, and that's no exaggeration!
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
More people know who I am, but I don't feel any different within myself - I think that's the main thing.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
When you get knocked down, you got to get backup. Otherwise, you are going to lose.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I don't want to have to look good all the time - that's not realistic.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
It's so important that we all speak up on mental health.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I would be a very different person without karate.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I've got 'trust' tattooed on me, and I have a tattoo on my finger that's for my parents.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I want my tattoos to be a story of my life.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I think realising that you're individual and unique is really amazing.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
When I was growing up, I was surrounded by people that were listening to a lot of pop music.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
You have to make time for fans, and you really need to appreciate them. You have to remember that if they weren't buying, playing, or streaming your music, you wouldn't be in the charts, and people wouldn't be hearing your music.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I've become very aware of body issues and body confidence.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I have a worry of people not liking me. I get scared walking into a room first, so I have to have people walk in before me so then people are distracted. It's hard.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I've always been the kid to want to do anything and everything.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
When I was four, five, my granddad took me over to the park to play basketball. There was no way I was getting a ball into the net, but he said we stayed there until I got it in. I always remember that. He used to say to me, 'When you think you're going to do something, you won't ever stop.' I think that's the person I've been all my life.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I've never, ever just been attracted to men. I've never just been attracted to women.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I've never felt the need to tell anyone that I'm bisexual. I don't feel like I am. I just feel like I'm attracted to who I like. I honestly feel like everyone is like that.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I keep saying to everyone that one day I'll write a love song.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
The thing I love about Marshmello is that he caters to individual songs as a producer. He has his vibe, but he also really puts something on the song that the song needs instead of having his thing and everything sounding like him.
- Anne-Marie
Image of Anne-Marie
I actually have been really influenced by dance music.
- Anne-Marie