Andrew Breitbart

Image of Andrew Breitbart
The real hate crime these days is the Orwellian intimidation wielded by the Left against those that don't think the way they do. It's worse than waterboarding.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
The anti-big-government movement is pure. Its participants represent something close to what used to be considered normative in this country.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
For free-speech principles to be reinforced and free-market ideas to win the day, more people are going to have to stand up and be heard.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I don't think Albert Einstein could have devised an equation to guide the leader of the free world during the wildly tumultuous post-9/11 realities without a modicum of help from the opposition party and the vast majority of the print and electronic media.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
In GOP land, apologies and resignations are never enough.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
Much of America rooted for Mr. Obama simply because he is black.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I recognized... very, very early on that ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN and Fox News were dependent on The Associated Press and Reuters. So my daily intake of information is from watching the newswires.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
From its skillful editing to its out-of-control budget and its relentless marketing, Mr. Obama's team played a different game at a different level than Sen. John McCain and his traditionalist staff.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I love fighting back. I love finding allies, and - famously - I enjoy making enemies.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I think that a good portion of the 'Institutional Left' hates the building blocks of America.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I'm fighting back against years and years and years of the cultural and the political left telling people to sit down and shut up.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I'm sick of seeing my face on television.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
Political correctness - the rigging of politics using different rules for different groups, and buttressed by the media - ensures that Democrats always have the upper hand.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
My entire business model is to go on offense.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
'Exculpatory' is in the eye of the beholder.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I deal with gay and black conservatives who don't want to be called Uncle Toms of their politically correct Marxist multi-cultural unit structure. And they come to me saying, 'What can I do?' And I say, 'Lay low.'
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I think that 99 percent of the time, I'm jocular, lighthearted.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I am the political psychiatrist to the stars.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
Celebrity is everything in this country.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I am not as partisan as people think I am.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
Just because I am paying attention to politics and culture doesn't mean that I should be talking about the health-care bill, talking about the minutiae.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
There's nothing in this country that is a worse accusation - in America, if you accuse somebody of racism, that person has to disprove that.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I have dreams that I will reach balance in my life, and, at forty-one, I have none.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
They want to portray me as crazy, unhinged, unbalanced. OK, good, fine.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I've met many journalists who impress me with their ability to play it straight. I think they're the exception to the rule.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I want people to have a free and open voice.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I will say this: Boy, did I get lucky to work with Matt Drudge and Arianna Huffington.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I want to make things equal.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
The center-right alternative media has been playing a passable prevent defense, constantly saying 'That's not right' for consistently biased reporting.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
Let me tell you this: if Marco Rubio - even though he's only been in the Senate for a very short period of time, that man has a huge, huge opportunity in this country, and I think he could be the president.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I don't believe in altering the Constitution.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I'm not up for changing the Tenth Amendment or the Fourteenth Amendment, the First Amendment or the Second Amendment.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I would never call people that are born in this country who are from Mexico 'terror babies.'
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I love Whole Foods. I love the Austin-based boutique supermarket chain so much I find ways to go there almost every day.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
Whole Foods is a wonderland molded to accommodate the psyche of the socially-responsible, guilt-ridden liberal - the crunchy Kucinich capitalist.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
The downside to the Whole Foods experience is that its success is driven by one of our era's more grotesque phenomena: the upwardly-mobile urban dweller, the one who wants to indulge class-conscious epicurean yearnings and save the world, too.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
There isn't a day when I don't look in the mirror and think, 'How in the hell did I become a conservative Republican?' It's still a weird reckoning, because it shouldn't have happened.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I get stopped by people on the Upper West Side of Manhattan - actors, directors, people that I revere - who are closet conservatives who feel the same way but can't speak out. And they think I am fighting for them so they can come out of the closet eventually and express themselves without worrying about losing their jobs.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I'm a 'Saturday Night Live' guy. I'm a comedy guy. As long as they're giving it to everyone, I don't care about how low they go, most of the time.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I remember thinking when I was in college that a lot of these known Chomsky-like, verbose, high-lefty thinkers made absolutely no sense, but I thought that was my problem.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
When I started to work in Hollywood at a fairly low level delivering scripts around town, listening to AM talk radio, I at first listened to it as a novelty.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
It's almost embarrassing to go back into my liberal background because it was about as shallow a belief system as humanly possible.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
It was go-along to get-along social. It was living in Los Angeles, being young and single, and flowing with the trendy liberal crowd.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I love reporting stories that the Complex refuses to report.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I've lost friends, perhaps dozens. But I've gained hundreds, thousands - who knows? - of allies.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I have no bigger goal than to eradicate racism, to grant Americans who have a different color of skin the right to disagree against the Left's style of orthodoxy.
- Andrew Breitbart
Image of Andrew Breitbart
I'm a former lefty, I understand how vicious these people are, I understand that they feel they have the right to control the sandbox, and I am trying to orchestrate media that isn't just out there to push the right-of-center Libertarian narrative, I'm out there to destroy the false order, the false control that the left has in controlling the mainstream media in America.
- Andrew Breitbart
Collection: Media
Image of Andrew Breitbart
It's fun to be liked, but when standing up for what you believe in, it's also very fun not to be liked.
- Andrew Breitbart
Collection: Fun
Image of Andrew Breitbart
The viciousness, the lack of rules, is so absolute within the leftist framework that the ends justify the means, that my media is very much organized to try and go toe-to-toe with those people to say we know what your motivations are, we know how vicious you are, but we are not afraid of you.
- Andrew Breitbart
Collection: Motivation