Amos Lee

Image of Amos Lee
I wasn't a very good teacher.
- Amos Lee
Collection: Teacher
Image of Amos Lee
I think most of the time when people have big disagreements and big misunderstandings, when time lessens that blow it creates a deeper understanding for both people.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
You need a strong sense of 'otherness' to be able to create in your life.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
I'm not into cold weather, I like warm weather.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
I love when people are coming up and they're working hard and you can see that they're really focused on the process to their music. I really dig that. As a musician, it's nice to see people who really care about the process.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
Country artists have advantages all over the place. The radio support is incredible. The fanbase is rabid, all over.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
Songwriting isn't always something that's directly proportionate to the experience.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
Understanding where your food comes from, trying to bolster local farmers and local economies and having a better connection to the food around you and the people around you, only good can come of that. I love to be involved with things like that.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
Every time I write a song I feel really lucky and kind of surprised. Not surprised that I wrote it, but just surprised that things exist that you don't know about.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
Genre, to me, is not all that important, and it never has been.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
I don't know anything about music theory at all. Zero. But I don't really need to.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
There's nothing but spirit in music. That's all it is. Yeah, there's a lot of intellectual elements to it, but no matter how you approach it, it's all spirit.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
You never really get a chance to sit down with the people you love, unless you really make an effort to do it. It doesn't just happen naturally anymore.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
I'm not a mass-appeal artist.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
I live a pretty anonymous life.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
The cool thing about being a songwriter, or a writer, I guess, in general, you can take on a lot of different things, experience a lot of different things, just by writing about them.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
Across the board, from my mother to my father to my aunts and uncles, everybody has always given me a lot of love.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
I love what I do, so I don't mind working.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
I don't really know what 'folk music' means anymore.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
I can relate to soul, R&B... whatever people want to call me is fine. I just hope it makes them feel something.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
I do not go on my Wikipedia page. There's just too much weird information on there for me to pick apart.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
There's not a whole lot of media interest in me other than just the records that I make.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
The closest place that I feel like I come to having religious moments is always musical.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
I don't know anyone who is a writer who isn't influenced by the relationships in their life.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
I like down-to-earth people.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
I don't really hang out with a lot of celebrities.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
I don't really know that there's any real rules for songwriting.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
I love vinyl, man.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
As I've moved along - not only my life, but my career and things like that - you look at yourself and start going, 'Oh, man, are you still doing what you set out to do? Are the ideals you had still the same?' Sometimes you measure up and sometimes you don't.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
I'm not afraid to be bluntly honest in my songs, even if it means I'm discovering things about myself that I'd rather not.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
I'm always flattered and honored when people cover my music or sing my songs, no matter where it is.
- Amos Lee
Image of Amos Lee
Nothing is more powerful than beauty in a wicked world.
- Amos Lee
Collection: Powerful
Image of Amos Lee
I'm in love with a girl who's in love with the world.
- Amos Lee
Collection: Girl
Image of Amos Lee
We all need a place that we can go, And feel over the rainbow
- Amos Lee
Collection: Rainbow
Image of Amos Lee
Theres nothing but spirit in music. Thats all it is. Yeah, theres a lot of intellectual elements to it, but no matter how you approach it, its all spirit.
- Amos Lee
Collection: Intellectual
Image of Amos Lee
If you're a novelist, you have sort of themes that run throughout novels. You start a novel and you finish a novel. With record-making in the singer-songwriter world or whatever it is that I do, it's a little different because there is no specific arc that is necessarily, like it's not a concept record.
- Amos Lee
Collection: Running
Image of Amos Lee
My favorite time in music is probably 1970-75. Still Bill by Bill Withers, Harvest by Neil Young, John Prine's first album, James Taylor's One Man Dog-I hope I can bring the same sort of spirit I hear on those records.
- Amos Lee
Collection: Dog
Image of Amos Lee
I grew up working at a record store and listening to vinyl. Even if it's side A and B, there's always this continuity that really turned me on about music.
- Amos Lee
Collection: Listening
Image of Amos Lee
People love music, they're always going to love music, it's our job to consistently push ourselves as artists to keep delivering stuff for people to stay engaged with.
- Amos Lee
Collection: Jobs
Image of Amos Lee
As an experience, as a listener, for me, I miss the record store. I miss going in and knowing the guy at the counter and being like, "Hey," knowing that he was going to hate the record I put on the counter, and still buying it. That takes some guts.
- Amos Lee
Collection: Hate