Alia Bhatt

Image of Alia Bhatt
The photographers are always around. Wherever I go, they start clicking incessantly. I am always like, 'At least give me a heads-up, as, many times, I look so disheveled. What will people think?'
- Alia Bhatt
Image of Alia Bhatt
You just have to ensure that you make good films because audiences today have become picky and smart, and rightfully so.
- Alia Bhatt
Image of Alia Bhatt
It's important that the director and actor have good chemistry, and not just the actors.
- Alia Bhatt
Image of Alia Bhatt
I come from a protected environment of a Juhu house, and I wasn't exposed to life as shown in 'Highway'. It's not that I'm a snob, but I was cocooned from the reality of life. The film made me aware of life and myself.
- Alia Bhatt
Image of Alia Bhatt
As actors, we are always playing other characters. It's so exhausting and time consuming to figure them out, so when you get the time to be yourself, you should take it.
- Alia Bhatt
Image of Alia Bhatt
Even though I try not to overthink and dress the way I want to, I admit that there's way too much pressure on female actors to look good. I'm well aware that I don't have the perfect body type. I'm constantly struggling with myself to achieve the perfect body.
- Alia Bhatt
Image of Alia Bhatt
I get a lot of advice from my dad about how I should be as a human being, but as an actor, I think he'll give me advice once I'm doing a film for him.
- Alia Bhatt
Image of Alia Bhatt
I think each character is different for me, but I am a director's actor. So if I get the right vision and right guidance from my director, I think sky is the limit for me.
- Alia Bhatt
Image of Alia Bhatt
There should be an app or service that comes and packs your bag for you so you don't have to do it. A real-life Siri.
- Alia Bhatt
Image of Alia Bhatt
Everyone's films have done well of late. So when your film doesn't do well, you ask yourself, 'Oh, did I make a wrong choice?' And I strongly feel that it's your choices that make a good career. The track record has to be good.
- Alia Bhatt
Image of Alia Bhatt
I may get married later or may never get married. But I want babies, so I'll have to get married. I want fat, cute babies. Every girl has to think about it at some point. For me, marriage is about family, and that's why I find it necessary. Till then, it's normal to have a partner and do your own thing.
- Alia Bhatt
Image of Alia Bhatt
When life partner happens, I hope he is not a youth icon then because I doubt even I would be youthful then. Whether life partner is hot or not, that doesn't matter. He has to be a nice man. He should be funny, responsible, and he should be sweet, and he should love me a lot.
- Alia Bhatt
Image of Alia Bhatt
I need to be bad. I don't want to burn out. I also don't want to be a person who is always performance-oriented. I also want to have some fun.
- Alia Bhatt
Image of Alia Bhatt
I think the success that I have is due to hard work and destiny. It is important to stay grounded and not take things for granted.
- Alia Bhatt
Image of Alia Bhatt
I grew up thinking that it's okay to be sad, angry, and express your emotions. I have also banged doors and fought, as I have seen my mom do that when she would fight with my dad. Everything that I've learnt is from them, so I've never struggled to express myself.
- Alia Bhatt
Image of Alia Bhatt
Kissing's a very organic and mechanical process. It's like a slap. You slap your co-star once and it's done.
- Alia Bhatt
Collection: Stars
Image of Alia Bhatt
Shahid Kapoor is my childhood crush
- Alia Bhatt
Collection: Crush
Image of Alia Bhatt
I have watched all SRK Films . I am like a crazy fan. I have watched DDLJ and KKHH so many times
- Alia Bhatt
Collection: Crazy
Image of Alia Bhatt
What makes my father different is the fact that he calls himself mad.
- Alia Bhatt
Collection: Father