Alberto Del Rio

Image of Alberto Del Rio
I'm one of those wrestlers that leaves everything to the audience and to the fans. I never plan anything, and you will never see Alberto Patron planning in the back what he is going to do in the match.
- Alberto Del Rio
Image of Alberto Del Rio
WWE is a PG and a family product. Everybody can watch and enjoy WWE, whereas in the past, the parents were worried about what their kids were watching because of the blood, foul language, etc.
- Alberto Del Rio
Image of Alberto Del Rio
WWE is a global brand, and it's a global company. So, we want to have superstars from all over the world.
- Alberto Del Rio
Image of Alberto Del Rio
I have been blessed when it comes to winning the titles, as I have won it all, and I am always in the scheme of things.
- Alberto Del Rio
Image of Alberto Del Rio
I know all the guys in NXT have a lot of talent, and that's the reason why they are there. But in this sport, you can see guys with a lot of talent in the minor leagues, when they move into the major leagues, they become irrelevant.
- Alberto Del Rio
Image of Alberto Del Rio
It's easy for a multi-billion company like WWE - it's for a company like that to hire anyone. So I'm glad Bobby Lashley is back in action with that company, 'cause he's a fantastic guy.
- Alberto Del Rio
Image of Alberto Del Rio
We have the right to go and try new things and, if those things don't work, go back to what we were doing at first.
- Alberto Del Rio
Image of Alberto Del Rio
I can tell you this, and I'm 100 percent sure: 90 percent of the people working for WWE have never been in a real fight in their lives.
- Alberto Del Rio
Image of Alberto Del Rio
I was never let go from that company - it was my decision to leave WWE. I had enough.
- Alberto Del Rio
Image of Alberto Del Rio
I'm not tired of wrestling; I love wrestling. Del Rio fans - I love my Del Rio fans.
- Alberto Del Rio
Image of Alberto Del Rio
My work with Combate Americas, in particular, has been incredible because the company keeps growing at an incredible rate.
- Alberto Del Rio
Image of Alberto Del Rio
I always feel that it is quality of time not quantity of time.
- Alberto Del Rio
Collection: Quality
Image of Alberto Del Rio
I appreciate my true fans for enjoying me in what I do every day, whether interviews or playing heel. They are smart and nice people.
- Alberto Del Rio
Collection: Nice
Image of Alberto Del Rio
I do not care that the people is for or against me. The important thing is that I am appreciated by a response of boos or cheers. This is the important thing. it is important that people see me as a superstar talent that they want to see. I enjoy being heel.
- Alberto Del Rio
Collection: Cheer
Image of Alberto Del Rio
I am Alberto Del Rio, but you already knew that.
- Alberto Del Rio
Collection: Wrestling
Image of Alberto Del Rio
For me it's the same thing if the fans boo or not, because my role is the villain. I'm happy when you clap me though.
- Alberto Del Rio
Collection: Fans