Al Michaels

Image of Al Michaels
It's funny, but when there are dominant teams, there are a number of people who rail about the fact that they're always seeing the Dallas Cowboys or the San Francisco 49ers or the Green Bay either in the playoffs or in the Super Bowl.
- Al Michaels
Collection: Funny
Image of Al Michaels
When dealing in the technology, it becomes a question of whether you overuse something. I think that's worse than having something technologically available to you and not using it.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
But we're not supposed to talk anything besides football.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
Any time a running back reaches the age of 31 or 32, he has to lose a step. No one is a freak of nature. No one is going to be able to take the pounding a running back has to take over a 10- or 12-year career and not lose a step.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
You either go through your life working for someone and getting a paycheck - and it can be a damn good paycheck, and I am not complaining as someone who has always been a salaried employee - or you can go out and become an entrepreneur.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
The Miami Dolphins have to be taken seriously. Here's a team that seems to be jelling.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
Nobody wants to see teams out of contention showcased in December and January. I'm sure this is something that will be discussed again this off-season.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
I still believe Emmitt has enough left in the tank to be a productive back over the next couple of seasons.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
If there are dominant teams, people enjoy discussing whether that's good or bad for the game, and if there aren't any dominant teams, then people enjoy discussing that.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
Living here in southern California, I'll miss hearing Rocky Top for an entire week at the end of December. I was actually looking forward to it. Tennessee has a better fight song than Nebraska.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
Condoleezza Rice, the national security adviser, is right there... she's in town because her father was at Johnson Smith College... and she was delivering a speech there.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
I think the Cowboys are one of only two teams in all of sports that engender love and hate to that extreme. The other is the Yankees. You love the Yankees or you hate the Yankees.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
I've always felt that I'm in a spontaneous business and if you script something, if you plan something, it will sound that way.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
When it comes down to it, I'm thinking about football all the time. When I'm on the golf course, I'm thinking about it. It's never out of your brain.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
If I see something dubious, say on a blog or a Web site, and I don't see it anywhere else, I'll just go right to the source and check it out.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
I will never repeat something verbatim on the air unless I know it's accurate. And when you go to the source, sometimes there's a better story beyond the original story. That happens all the time.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
Monday Night Football started in 1970, and when it started, it was something extremely special because sports had not been aired in prime time. So, it was a novelty, and a lot of people thought it wouldn't work, and, of course, it worked spectacularly well.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
I did the 1972 Sapporo Games, and I was also the Reds announcer and was folded into the NBC coverage for the 1972 World Series. I also did the 1979 World Series for ABC.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
People know me from a hockey game, from an earthquake, from the O.J case.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
The game is No. 1. You are an adjunct to the game. In a studio, there is no game. You are the star. That's why you are there. For the game, you can't go away from the game and beat your chest. People are there to watch the game. You are there to supplement, not to override or overwhelm.
- Al Michaels
Image of Al Michaels
I've always felt that the game itself is pretty much a melody and I am there to provide the lyrics. You want the lyrics to match the melody, because if you are composing a song or recording a song, it's cacophonous if they don't match.
- Al Michaels
Collection: Song
Image of Al Michaels
Do you believe in miracles?
- Al Michaels
Collection: Sports
Image of Al Michaels
Those three words, Monday Night Football, resonate like no other.
- Al Michaels
Collection: Football
Image of Al Michaels
Well, folks. That's the greatest open in the history of television -- bar none!
- Al Michaels
Collection: Television
Image of Al Michaels
There are some things in life where it's better to receive than to give, and massage is one of them.
- Al Michaels
Collection: Inspirational
Image of Al Michaels
We live in this world of tweeting, and social media, and anti-social media, and all the rest, so no matter what you say, there is going to be what people say is a firestorm. I don't know what a firestorm is.
- Al Michaels
Collection: Media
Image of Al Michaels
I always believe in miracles.
- Al Michaels
Collection: Believe
Image of Al Michaels
As a kid growing up, I was so in sync as a fan that that served me well through the years. I can feel the game. And I try to match where the game is with my inflection, with my - the tonal quality, with getting excited.
- Al Michaels
Collection: Growing Up
Image of Al Michaels
Tiger Woods is like a piece of fine art that belongs in the Louvre, and so, too, is Scott Medlock's painting of Tiger Woods and Sergio Garcia...a true masterpiece!
- Al Michaels
Collection: Art
Image of Al Michaels
People didn't know the difference between a blue line and a clothes line.
- Al Michaels
Collection: Hockey
Image of Al Michaels
It's the bane of both the news and sports businesses, both electronic and print - 'You heard it here first!' Who cares? That's nothing but a vanity play. If it's not right, it's garbage.
- Al Michaels
Collection: Sports
Image of Al Michaels
It was the Buffalo Bills at the Minnesota Vikings on NBC. It went to about five markets.
- Al Michaels
Collection: Nbc
Image of Al Michaels
There are a number of teams that would become vastly improved with Drew Bledsoe.
- Al Michaels
Collection: Team