Al B. Sure!

Image of Al B. Sure
I've known Mr. Trump since he hosted I think it was my 21st birthday party on his yacht years ago. He's an amazing guy.
- Al B. Sure
Collection: Birthday
Image of Al B. Sure
Rev. Jackson has been a staple of positivity and just selflessness over the years. I truly appreciate his presence, his friendship, his fatherhood, his advice.
- Al B. Sure
Collection: Friendship
Image of Al B. Sure
When I first tried singing, I tried falsetto. Later on, I worked on the falsetto with a voice teacher. It's an R&B; way to sing. Girls like that high, soft sound. They think it's very romantic.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
Music can be an incredible vehicle for helping people, and I'm into peace and love.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
I was intubated, I was on a ventilator with a tracheotomy, I mean, there were so many things going on.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
If I can influence or help or inspire someone else, I did my job.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
I now value everyday functionality like walking, talking and breathing on your own with no assistance from a medical professional or machines. Take none of those things for granted.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
Being accountable to myself to achieve consistent health and wellness moving forward is on me.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
What I seek to accomplish and conquer in the future will be monumental, God willing.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
It has been ordained that I thrive within this second gift of life.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
I had multiple surgeries covering everything from repairing a hematoma/hernia to an organ transplant. I was also placed on dialysis, accumulated excessive fluid in my lungs, fungal pneumonia, became septic, had lymph nodes removed, multiple blood transfusions, was intubated and placed on a ventilator due to my oxygen dropping down to 20%.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
The responsibility, the will to stay alive, be a better human being, father, brother, son, activist, and man is on me!
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
Every time I post something, I forget it's me. I'm a grandfather so my concern is not being popular and trying to get numbers and likes. That's not what I do.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
I don't answer to nobody.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
I'm an OG.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
Thank you Michael Jackson for teaching us about 'Swagger' before the term was even made popular. I would personally like to say, thank you for being the reason why music felt organic and for truly being the first man to 'walk on the moon' on earth!'
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
I'm not Usher or Justin Timberlake.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
I can't live in the past.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
You have to take from each artist what works for you, and then create your own sound. You put different combinations in the mix and it becomes something unique in the end.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
The hardest part about being a celebrity is having to heal on a public stage.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
I'm a human being so of course hearing about any family member being disappointed with you is devastating, but what can you do?
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
To me there's a fine line between genius and crazy and sometimes you don't know which way it will steer you.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
Sometimes, after a concert, you can be chased by people. You have to run.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
I know a lot of famous people read the stories written about them and then they go crazy with the money. I believe you've got to continue working hard to keep all that money.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
I know how to produce, and I like doing it. I know I can't sing forever.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
The only stars people should look up to are ones in the sky.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
Although I don't believe in censorship, I believe an artist is very responsible for his actions. Especially if he's a young artist whom young kids listen to, there's almost a sense of his being like the Bible. The kids listen to what he says and live by it. That's why I don't believe in negativity.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
Me, arrogant? No way.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
If someone speaks to me I may just nod or say, 'Hi.' I don't say, 'Hi, what's happening? How's the family?' I'm not outgoing.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
Some people may assume I think I'm too good to talk to them. That's not it. I'm just a shy kid trying to get by.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
You don't know what it's like the first time girls start screaming and yelling over you because they see you as a star. It does something to you. It's good and it's bad. You like it, but it puts your head in a place that's weird.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
My audience is mainly women in their teens, 20s and 30s. They get out of hand sometimes.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
I've had my clothes ripped off a few times. I have to have bodyguards. That's strange for me.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure
I was a rapper. Like every black kid I was attracted to rapping. I wanted to be like L.L. Cool J and those guys. If you're young and can't sing, the first thing you think about is rapping. But I wasn't a big-time rapper. I did it in high school, at parties. I was rapping about politics, romance or anything that came to mind.
- Al B. Sure
Image of Al B. Sure!
I'm trying to bring the romance back to music. Old school... Music is meant to be a part of your blood stream, and if it doesn't affect your bloodstream, then you may as well put it back in the shoebox underneath the bed.
- Al B. Sure!
Collection: School
Image of Al B. Sure!
When I look in the mirror, I see a gentleman getting a little older and a little wiser.
- Al B. Sure!
Collection: Gentleman
Image of Al B. Sure!
I want to be remembered as a man who was positive, who made a difference, and who walked in God's light.
- Al B. Sure!
Collection: Men
Image of Al B. Sure!
Prayer and encouraging words change things. We're all human. We all go through stuff. The hardest part about being a celebrity is having to heal on a public stage. That's the worst. Imagine going through a scandal, or a divorce, or a death in the family, and running into fans on the street. Because of where my heart is, my instinct is to put my sadness aside, and give them a smile or a hug, no matter how bad I'm feeling. And the appreciation of fans can refuel your spiritual tank in those situations. But until you're famous, people don't realize how difficult that is.
- Al B. Sure!
Collection: Running
Image of Al B. Sure!
You have too take from each artist what works for you, and then create your own sound. You put different combinations in the mix and it becomes something unique in the end.
- Al B. Sure!
Collection: Artist
Image of Al B. Sure!
I don't discuss my family with the press; I discuss my family with my family. If you notice, when you hear something sensational in the press about me, I don't respond to it publicly, because a lot of things are put out there simply for the attention. Things that are meaningful, you don't need to talk about.
- Al B. Sure!
Collection: Meaningful
Image of Al B. Sure!
I'm a human being just like you are. And I hurt and love just like everybody else, and people tend to forget that. I think I'm one of the friendliest celebrities around, because I'll stop to talk to anybody who recognizes me. I don't have a negative bone in my body. That's why I could care less about any gossip. It doesn't interest me. I'd rather sit down and write a song.
- Al B. Sure!
Collection: Song