Aiden Wilson Tozer

Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
There are two classes of Christians: the proud who imagine they are humble and the humble who are afraid they are proud. There should be another class: the self-forgetful who leave the whole thing in the hands of Christ and refuse to waste any time trying to make themselves good. They will reach the goal far ahead of the rest.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
The only cross in all of history that was turned into an altar was the cross on which Jesus Christ died. It was a Roman cross. They nailed Him on it, and God, in His majesty and mystery, turned it into an altar. The Lamb who was dying in the mystery and wonder of God was turned into the Priest who offered Himself. No one else was a worthy offering.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
We must break the evil habit of ignoring the spiritual. We must shift our interest from the seen to the unseen.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
The idea that the Man Christ Jesus has absolute and final authority over the whole church and over all of its members in every detail of their lives is simply not now accepted as true by the rank and file of evangelical Christians
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
If JESUS cannot control you, HE cannot save you. And if HE cannot control ALL of you HE cannot control any of you.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Jesus
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
You can blame circumstances, but backsliding always begins in the heart.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Heart
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
God knows instantly and effortlessly all matter and all matters, all mind and every mind, all spirit and all spirits, all being and every being, all creaturehood and all creatures, every plurality and all pluralities, all law and every law, all relations, all causes, all thoughts, all mysteries, all enigmas, all feeling, all desires, every unuttered secret, all thrones and dominions, all personalities, all things visible and invisible in heaven and in earth, motion, space, time, life, death, good, evil, heaven, and hell.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Law
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
As Christians, we are not to be people without feelings.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
No man should desire to be happy who is not at the same time holy. He should spend his efforts in seeking to know and do the will of God, leaving to Christ the matter of how happy he should be.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Happiness
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
We taste Thee, O Thou Living Bread, And long to feast upon Thee still: We drink of Thee, the Fountainhead And thirst our souls from Thee to fill.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Long
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
God's redemptive revelation in Scripture is necessary to saving faith and peace with God. Faith in a risen Savior is necessary if the vague stirrings toward immortality are to bring us to restful and satisfying communion with God.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Peace With God
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
He fills heaven and earth as the ocean fills the bucket that is submerged in it, and as the ocean surrounds the bucket so does God in the universe He fills. "The heaven of heavens cannot contain Thee." God is not contained: He contains.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Ocean
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
We must meet the uncertainties of this world with the certainty of the world to come.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
God and I; here is the beginning and the end of personal religion.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Ends
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
What do we value most? What would we most hate to lose? What do our thoughts turn to most frequently when we are free to think of what we will? And finally, what affords us the greatest pleasure?
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Hate
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Selfishness is never so exquisitely selfish as when it is on its knees. ... Self turns what would otherwise be a pure and powerful prayer into a weak and ineffective one.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Prayer
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
The widest thing in the universe is not space, it is the potential capacity of the human heart
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Healing
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Our self-trust is such a subtle thing that it still comes around whispering to us even after we are sure it is gone.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Self
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Heaven is beautiful because it is the expression of that which is the perfection of beauty.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
We Christians must simplify our lives or lose untold treasures on earth and in eternity.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Some morning, get up and allow the power of God to come on you, and allow Him to bless you.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Morning
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
If God takes away from us the old, wrinkled, beat-up dollar bill we have clutched so desperately, it is only because He wants to exchange it for the whole Federal mint, the entire treasury! He is saying to us, 'I have in store for you all the resources of heaven. Help yourself.'
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Heaven
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
All the problems of heaven and earth, though they were to confront us together and at once, would be nothing compared with that overwhelming problem of God: That He is; what He is like; and what we as moral beings must do about Him.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Heaven
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Men are not revived because they sing; they sing because they are revived.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: God
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
The history of mankind will probably show that no people has ever risen above its religion, and man's spiritual history will positively demonstrate that no religion has ever been greater than its idea of God.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Spiritual
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
If the Lord's people were only half as eager to be filled with the Spirit as they are to prove that they cannot be filled, the church would be crowded out.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: People
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
It takes simplicity and humility to worship God acceptably.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Humility
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
It is a high Christian privilege to pray for one another within each local church body and then for other believers throughout the world. As a Christian minister, I have no right to preach to people I have not prayed for. That is my strong conviction.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
If we take away any of the attributes of God, we do not weaken God but we weaken our concept of God.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Attributes
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
I cannot recall, in any of my reading, a single instance of a prophet who applied for the job.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Jobs
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Faith is the gaze of a soul upon a saving God.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Soul
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
God wants the whole person and He will not rest till He gets us in entirety. No part of the man will do" (101) - "The Pursuit of God
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Faith
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Powerless religion may put a man through many surface changes and leave him exactly what he was before.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Men
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
I believe that entertainment and amusements are the work of the Enemy to keep dying men from knowing they're dying; and to keep enemies of God from remembering that they're enemies.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Believe
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Tens of thousands, perhaps millions, have come into some kind of religious experience by accepting Christ, and they have not been saved.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Religious
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
We love the old saints, missionaries, martyrs, and reformers. Our Luthers, Bunyans, Wesleys and Asburys, etc... We will write their biographies, reverence their memories, frame their epitaphs, and build their monuments. We will do anything except imitate them. We cherish the last drop of their blood, but watch carefully over the first drop of our own.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Memories
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Any spirit that permits compromise with the world is a false spirit. Any religious movement that imitates the world in any of its manifestations is false to the cross of Christ and on the side of the devil.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Religious
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
The moment we make up our minds that we are going on with this determination to exalt God overall, we step out of the worldís parade... We acquire a new viewpoint; a new and different psychology will be formed within us; a new power will begin to surprise us by its upsurgings and its outgoings.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Determination
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
The Lordship of Jesus Christ is not quite forgotten among Christians, but it has been relegated to the hymnal where all responsibility toward it may be comfortably discharged in a glow of religious emotion. Or if it is taught as a theory in the classroom it is rarely applied to practical living. The idea that the Man Christ Jesus has absolute final authority over the whole church and over its members in every detail of their lives is simply not now accepted as true by the rank and file of evangelical Christians.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
As base a thing as money often is, yet it can be transmuted into everlasting treasure. It can be converted into food for the hungry and clothing for the poor. It can keep a missionary actively winning lost men to the light of the gospel and thus transmute itself into heavenly values. Any temporal possession can be turned into everlasting wealth. Whatever is given to Christ is immediately touched with immortality.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Men
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
We may as well face it: the whole level of spirituality among us is low. We have measured ourselves by ourselves until the incentive to seek higher plateaus in the things of the Spirit is all but gone (We) have imitated the world, sought popular favor, manufactured delights to substitute for the joy of the Lord and produced a cheap and synthetic power to substitute for the power of the Holy Ghost.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Joy
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Everything God does has purpose and intention behind that design. It is a master design, and every little thing has its proper place and function.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Design
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
With the goodness of God to desire our highest welfare, the wisdom of God to plan it, and the power of God to achieve it, what do we lack? Surely we are the most favored of all creatures.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Desire
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
The Bible is the written word of God, and because it is written it is confined and limited by the necessities of ink and paper and leather. The Voice of God, however, is alive and free as the sovereign God is free. 'The words that I speak unto you, they are spirit, and they are life.' The life is in the speaking words. God's word in the Bible can have power only because it corresponds to God's Word in the universe. It is the present Voice which makes the written word powerful. Otherwise it would lie locked in slumber within the covers of a book.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Bible
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
As mercy is God's goodness confronting human misery and guilt, so grace is his goodness directed toward human debt and demerit.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Grace
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Wherever the Word comes without power its essential content is missed.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Essentials
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
Faith is not in itself a meritorious act; the merit is in the One to Whom it is directed.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Merit
Image of Aiden Wilson Tozer
The complacency of Christians is the scandal of Christianity.
- Aiden Wilson Tozer
Collection: Christian