Adam Lambert

Image of Adam Lambert
There was a lot of me trying to be a 'fixer.' I was that kind of guy. I'd meet someone who had 'so much potential' that needed 'help.' I think that was kind of my curse for a long time.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
Conforming is not cool.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
The kids that are different and out there and expressive and are bold with those choices, those are the people that grow up to be people we all want to hang out with, that become celebrities or become really successful in what they do because they believe in who they are.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I've sung other people's music all my life.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I get why certain actors want to stay in the closet.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I nitpick details.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
After my tour I had time to stay at home, be with my boyfriend and hang out with friends and that brought me down to earth and helped me write music from a more relaxed place.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I think, for the majority of my twenties, I was always so concerned with what I didn't have, or what I still wanted.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
Nowadays in pop, there's not a lot of men that are singing big and loud and high - it's not as common as it once was.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I'm trying to convey to my audience that you really can't judge a book by its cover, and there's more to the universe than you can see with your eyes.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
You know, if it weren't for these fans, I wouldn't have gotten as far as I did.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I never wore full-on eyeliner in high school, but I wanted to.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I was afraid to express myself for a while.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I had self-esteem issues into my early 20s.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I didn't feel attractive in high school.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I had a lot of fun with my costume designer.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
My first album was completed in three months.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I've always been fond of the glam-rocker title.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
For me, one of the important things about keeping vocally healthy is warming up and making sure I'm aware where my voice is at, drinking lots of water and getting plenty of sleep, and just taking care of myself with exercise and eating healthy.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I love myself and I am a good person.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I try not to get trapped in any one musical or visual style at all.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I breeze through Twitter - I look at the mentions, the pictures, the videos.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
Yeah, I think speculation keeps things really interesting.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I think the difficult thing is the transition between TV competition series and going into the actual music industry. There still seems to be a slight disconnect there.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
Coming up with something new and original is so exciting.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I think sometimes we're meant to do something but things aren't lined up correctly.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I'm very inspired by past music.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I'm inspired by history, different periods.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
When you dance and move around it creates a different reaction from the audience - they love it.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I would love to do a live show with dancers and fashion and scenic elements - definitely bring my love of the theater to a concert-style performance.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I want to upset people, I want to make people think, I want to keep people interested.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I was a big fan of Middle Eastern elements of music and experimental electronic and tribal sounds.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I think it's up to the parents to discern what their child is watching on television.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I'm so happy to be in a committed relationship.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
When I was in high school I was 250 pounds.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
The way I look at it is everybody should have the right to get married, if they so choose.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
Right now, I'm not really thinking about marriage.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
In middle school, I really didn't have music, but in high school, I remember taking a lot of choir and drama.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
My dad is a Deadhead, my mom's a Jewish-American princess from Jersey.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I listen to crazy, robust rock music where they sing their faces off, and soul music, which can be similar.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I started rejecting the proper way to sing and I started singing.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
Pop is a little bit theatrical. That's the whole vibe. That's the point - is that it's great music, great melodies, great hooks. But, on top of it, it's a presentation. There's a showmanship about it. And that's why I wanted to be a pop star.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I definitely have my opinions that I'm very vocal about and I'm not afraid to put them out there.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
I just talk a lot, that's the problem.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
Fame is a very strange animal.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
My wish is for gay to become less of a label, and more of just one of many great colors in the collective box of humanity.
- Adam Lambert
Image of Adam Lambert
Be who you want to be - be free in your own skin, be liberated and feel beautiful, and do what you want to do without judgement
- Adam Lambert
Collection: Beautiful
Image of Adam Lambert
If something doesn't look right, throw some glitter on it.
- Adam Lambert
Collection: Looks
Image of Adam Lambert
Love overcomes hate. Love has no color. Love has no orientation. All is love.
- Adam Lambert
Collection: Hate